My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 22, 2023

Awwwww Monday from my Nephews


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus 

Dearest Auntie HiC

Could you hear Mom squealing with delight? The Ruby-throated hummingbirds have finally arrived to Priest Gulch, CO!

We were each assigned to a different feeder to watch in anticipation of their arrival. 

R: “Wake up, Kat, they’re HERE!!!”

K: “What, what??? I wasn’t sleeping, just a quick catnap!”

We hope you enjoy this amazing video!!

What a sight to behold❣️

We’re starting out trip home after Memorial Day. 
I think we’re all a bit homesick.

 ❤️Kat, Pup, & Rocky

Dearest Nephews OMCs/OMDs
Auntie HiC was squealing when she saw the video
I have never in all my gazillion years seen that many 
humming birds at one time.  Auntie is in AWE
Enjoy your last week in beautiful Colorado!!


  1. Hari Om
    Oh my word, ❣️ what a delight to have such bird teevee outside your window!!! Lucky Pup and co... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Awesome indeed. Unmissable in fact!

  3. oooh wow... we are gla we are awake and saw the event via video :O)

  4. The hummers are so beautiful and so close to you! What a treat!

  5. The humming birds are amazing. They appreciate the feeders outside the window.

  6. Humming birds are super cool. How nice to be able to see so many.

  7. It's amazing to capture the hummingbirds! I've never seen so many at one feeder, either. Safe travels home!

  8. We're with you on that video: so many! What a treat, what a delight to see ...

  9. the video is amazing, the most I have ever seen in one shot. the most amazing is the KAT bed that Rocky is laying on. MOL MOL... I would be homesick too, even though you are riding in your second home, no place like home, click your red shoes together and you will be there.

  10. Hugs to Angel Madi ~ and what an awesome video of the 'hummers' ` sweet photos of the doggie and kitties so attentive ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. We too are amazed to see so many hummingbirds at each feeder. If there are two around ours they always fight and never let each other feed at the same time.

  12. I watched the very same thing this morning while walking. Lots of hummingbirds having breakfast. Love that video too. It made my heart happy.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug to Auntie C. ♥

  13. What a gorgeous sight to see! We don't get Ruby-throats this far south and these were wonderful to see!!
    Colorado is sooooo pretty, we couldn't blame you for missing it!
    Rosy, Sunny and Beth

  14. Hummers are really fun to watch. Mom wishes we could get them here.

  15. Hummingbirds are so much fun! You three had front row seating to watch them. Very special.

  16. Angel Madi: Mr. C A T a/k/s Tiger and Mister KItty says meowwww! Love the photos and humming birds too! Our middle & her husband were visiting his mom in Evergreen, CO. They saw a humming bird and it was just hanging around enjoying the sunshine and the feeder. Love seeing them We have a noise woodpecker and two mourning doves in our yard plus a very naughty squirrel. He tries to bully the birds but they tend to ignore him! He is a peeping Squirrel always looking in my bedroom window. haha

  17. You three are such sweeties. XO

  18. Amazing hummers......! Travel is tons of fun but still - there's really no place like home! Hugs, Teddy

  19. That is an amazing video and I hope your journey home is a safe one!

  20. How awesome. I have seen only one hummingbird, and it was a normal one with nothing unique

  21. Oh, that was just so sweet to see!!! Mom is still waiting to spot ONE hummer at our feeder. Maybe she needs one like that one. We also have to say we love the header.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. Wow! That's a lot of hummers! Amazing!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi