My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 19, 2023

Nature in Priest Gulch, CO as seen by Rocky

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


What in the Sam Hill did I just see? 🙀

Mom said you have a wild hoverboard story, too!

❤️ Rocky

MOL MOL MOL ROCKY that is a much better use of a hoverboard than what I saw(*that sighting)
Looks like the German Shepherd is keeping up nicely too.
Lovingly your Auntie HiC

*Thursday May 11, we were merging onto a four lane road, when we saw a blooming idiot on a hover board crossing that same street.  He had a living, breathing baby,  who looked to be about 8 months old in a baby harness strapped to his chest.   

I probably should have told you all when I posted this  photo from Monday
that magically put Pup in it via PiZAP.  He was actually in his car.


  1. Hari Om
    Zoomeries of a very different kind!!! Well spotted Rocky. But yeah, not something to carry a baby on.. YAM xx

  2. oh to meet friends is the best thing ever... sometimes people do the weirdest things... and they really ask how could THIS happen ?... oh my!

  3. It's unfortunate that the person with the baby actually has passed on his "stupid" gene. I hope the child has a better parent in the mother or other caregiver(s). Sometimes you have to wonder how humans have managed to exist to this point....

  4. oh wow, so now pizap has added the remove background. someone asked me how i did it and i said PM, but this might be the way to go, not sure if pizap cost as much as PM... now i can't remember who asked. to me the hoverboard baby on board could be child abuse. who would do that? i don't care for the dog running with it either. run with the dog and get some excerise, it is dangersous for the dog.

  5. I'm sure I would end up in the ER if I tried to ride a hover board.

  6. That looks like a great way to exercise a dog and not get any exercise yourself. BOL! We are horrified too at the thought of someone carrying a baby while on one of those hoverboards.

  7. HoverBoard is not something I would be willing to try but the Shepherd seems to be enjoying it. Not sure about taking a baby onboard!

  8. I can't even imagine trying a hoverboard...but the man walking his dog did a great job!
    Not sure what the person carrying the baby was even thinking!
    PeeEss, we'll be camping about 2 hours south of Telluride tomorrow night!

  9. That's horrible about the defenseless baby in such danger!

  10. Yipes! I would certainly break my hip if I even set foot on a hoverboard! I used to be able to roller skate, way back in the Ice Age when mammoths roamed the Earth! Even then I don't think I'd carry a baby around while doing it.

  11. That was a sight you don't expect to see in nature, Rocky!

  12. Good job spotting that Rocky! I don't get the Hoverboard thing, it never hovers at all, it rolls so it should be called a rollerboard!

  13. Hugs to Angel Madi ~ and such a sweet doggie and great job spotting ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi