My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Serene Sunday

Two more sightings on an EMW
I am not a 'pick'em driver (another name for a truck)
I wish you all could have seen this truck in person. 
It was gorgeous
North Carolina State University Girl though we have a recent grad in the 'hood



  1. Hari OM
    Now I am keen to know what about the truck attracted you most! And graduation should always be celebrated. YAM xx

  2. it is a beauty, I am thinking the paint job grabbed you. We are both truck lovers, but we like the sporty ones, the trucks without 4 doors, which is about all that is out there now. my son has two trucks, his tiny little wife hopt up in the big truck and looks so cute doing it. they have his and her black Dodge Rams, and this one looks like it is a Ram

  3. Oh boy, now you did it, Miss Cecilia. This made my dad go off on a pickup thing, says people who own trucks whose cabs are bigger than the pickup's bed don't really need a pickup. I tell you, it doesn't take much. I'm slowly learning to follow mom and roll my eyes, shake my head, and pretend I have something to do. Or we just ignore him.

  4. Gosh, that is a huge truck. In a nice colour too. Congratulations to the new graduate, whomsoever she may be.

  5. I see blogger comments is playing up and not showing using google id. Sighs! Gosh, that is a huge truck. In a nice colour too. Congratulations to the new graduate, whomsoever she may be.

  6. That does look like a clean and shiny truck. Congrats to the local NC State grad.

  7. Our neighborhood recognizes the graduates in that manner too. It's wonderful!

  8. We enjoy seeing those graduation signs in our neighborhood too!

  9. Definitely have a thing for trucks after hauling horses for serveral years. We would have a truck now but SSNS just packs every in the back of our SUV. That is a classy truck. Congrats to the Grad!

  10. That is a nice color for a truck. XO

  11. That is a pretty pick'em up truck! We had two grandsons graduate this month! One from collage and one from High school

  12. Those graduate yard signs are one of the good things to come out of the pandemic.

  13. I call them pick'em up trucks too. I wonder if its ground effects got you Pretty cool looking.

  14. Course around here...VOLS all the way.. University of Tennessee.

  15. I love me some pick up trucks. Congrats to the grad.

  16. Hey Cecilia, what's EMW? And I thought that blue RAM was an SUV (shoulda known better!). Thanks for setting things straight on that, LOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi