My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, July 24, 2023

Awww Monday with my Nephew Kat the Brave

 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC

 I was relaxing on the sofa, preparing for my 1:00 nap, when I  saw 🐻 casually walking on the deck!

Of course I immediately alerted Mom, as 🐻 was heading straight to the bird feeders.

(Pictures were taken from inside.)

Mom knows a fed 🐻 is a dead 🐻, so she shooed him off before he got into trouble. (Bird feeders are brought inside every night.)

I was so upset by the horrific experience, I had a difficult time falling asleep. Somehow, I managed❣️

This was not same 🐻 as last week. This one appeared younger & much thinner. 😞
Enjoy the video:

❤️ Kat

PS Rocky was hiding under the bed, and still hasn’t emerged, 2 hours later). 
 Rocky finally came out. 😻 We hate that the bears are hot & hungry. 😞

Auntie HiC cannot 🙈or 🙊!  If she had been there, she and Rocky would have been under the bed in the far, far dark corner.  He does look like a young bear maybe his mom told him it was time to put on his big bear pants and find his own food.
Your mom sure did have a very calm voice. 
I think a nap is a good idea…when you wake up it will seem like a dream
Hugs from two scaredy-cats Auntie HiC  and Rocky

Love to all


  1. Wow, Kat, you are so brave (and Gail and I love the fact that you actually prepare for your one o'clock nap).

  2. oh wow your mom is a super hero... she really shooed that big bear away? wow... bravo... we would love to have a bear... or a beer... ;O)

  3. my first thought before the video was poor hot and hungry bear and how thin he looked. breaks my heart that they are being run out of there habitat by humans. I would have apoligized to him/her also.

  4. That poor bear. We think your mom is very brave to open the door and talk to him.

  5. You and your mom were very brave. I would be scared to see a bear walking around my garden!

  6. Yikes! You definitely were very brave, and of course your mom too! I'd have been freaking out. I certainly agree with MadSnapper, that human encroachment has put so many non-human species in peril, and it IS heart-breaking.

  7. Nope, not living where bears are on the deck

  8. Hari Om
    Oh, you and mum were both on the alert and dealt with Bear just right... it is sad that they have to deal with living on the edge like this. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. It was so good of you to alert your mom to the bear, Kat. We don't have bears around here but if we did we would be barking our fool heads off if one came close to the houes.

  10. Bear ~ oh my ~ You and Mom were brave ~ Wow!

    Hugs to Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. A bear on your porch???!!!!! Yipes! (Hope he didn't leave a mess.)

  12. Yikes on that bear, but your mom knew how to handle him. You're so cute. Awake or asleep.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug to your Auntie. ♥

  13. I don't know what to think about that. Kinda speechless. And we worry about the armadillo that is digging up our mulch beds. Kat, your Mom was so polite. I think he has been told to move along before. I'm thinking about what your Mom said about a fed bear is a dead bear. So, don't feed them or encourage them and maybe coexisting is possible? Very interesting post today. Good work, Kat... alerting your Mom that the bear was on the deck.

  14. Poor bears, we hate that they are hot and hungry too...but we agree, humans should not feed them!
    You did a great job as watch kat, Kat!
    Rosy, Sunny and Mama

  15. MY mom has seen a few around here but never on the deck! Jeepers CREEPERS! I'da been under the bed too.

  16. My goodness, I sure hope we never see any of those out on our deck!

  17. That is a brave bear. Glad you were still able to sleep. XO

  18. WOWZERS! That bear did look skinny and definitely hungry. I think when they want to eat birdfood that's a sign there's nothing else more exciting available! Our bird feeder is not on our deck - it's at the edge of our backyard woods and FORTUNATELY in 27 years we've only seen bears eating from the feeders twice. Angel Sammy spotted the first one and I saw the second one!!! Stopped at the feeders for an "appetizer" then continued through the yard looking somewhere else for their main course.

    Hugs, Teddy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi