My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 22, 2023

Nature Friday and feline Friday

Breaking news 

All my blog addresses disappeared as of 8pm last night.

I will slowly be building up my list again...starting with all who comment today.

I can add your blog address.  Thank you.


  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Two guests roving photo journalist for nature Friday...first SHE  from Oz friend and former co-worker

She sent me this text

Check out our groundhog 💕. He was munching on my Echinacea plant and Al was watching him from storm door.  He sensed (or has excellent hearing!) Al at the door and that’s why he looks like a statue. He is to the left of the garden flag.
He hurried away as fast as his short little legs could carry him.

September 22, 2016 flashback with Madi
she was pawticipating in posting  about the letters of the alphabet

O for Older

At 14.5 years, I am an Older kitty, so I'm told
Senior kitty sounds much bolder.
Being older only means I'm wiser and quieter.
I nap and I dream, my life as I know it has not really changed. Each day I have is golden.
If I were a horse, I would be kicking up my heels out in  the pasture. 
If I were a parrot, I'd just be in my prime.
If I were a tortoise, it would be coming out time.
Right now this moment, I am living my life just being
happy to be


  1. Oh dear, this is a nuisance about the lost blog addresses.
    We always love to hear from HER in Australia, and seeing what's happening with the upside down seasons.
    Thanks for the happy memories of Madi too. I am waiting for Nobby to become wiser and quieter. I think it's going to be a long wait...
    Cheers! Gail.

  2. oh nooo... what a nightmare... wehate such things we are mostly helpless like a nekked goose in the wind if such bugs happen... sigh.... we love to see the diva... we always have the leap photo in our mind... for ever and ever

  3. Hari OM
    Oh surely not... such a nuisance - but one way to ensure your pre-weekend will be busy! Meanwhile, coo-ee to HER and the pack Down Under... and chuck-chuck to the groundhog! YAM xx

    1. Oh... and a great big hi and hello to Angel Madi!!! xxxxx00000xxxxxx

  4. I emailed my blog address to you. I don't think we have groundhogs here in Mississippi.

  5. That is annoying! At one time you could change Blogger's reading list to html code but it doesn't appear that you can do that now. I looked and all it gives you is the blog name not url. That was a sweet flashback poem from Angel Madi.

  6. Yikes! How did Blogger manage to lose your addresses? Gees....

    I love Angel Madi's poem, and the groundhog too!

  7. P.S. I use the free version of Feedly to follow blogs, seems easier. Though if they lose my list, I'll be up a creek! :-D

  8. oh noooooo on the addresses. did they disapear from reader list in dashboard? ground hog is adorable. i would love to see one. beautiful rose from down under and Hi Angel Madi...

  9. So what does it mean if a groundhog sees his shadow in September??? Computers are great, until they aren't. Hopefully you will find your list somewhere.

  10. Awww, Angel Madi, that is such a wise way to look at O for Older. I could learn a thing or two from you♥ Senior does sound more bold, more wise.
    Janice's groundhog is pretty cute standing there!
    C, my phone contacts which are synced to my laptop did that to me a couple of months ago! Not fun!
    Good Morning! Looking much brighter this morning and cooler. We got over two inches of rain early evening yesterday and last night... happy dance!

  11. Happy little groundhog (even tho it's not Februuuu-Ary) ... what a bummer re addresses/blog links. A lot are on my sidebar, if
    you can, maybe you can copy-paste? You're welcome to do so; or if you need emails, let me know. It's been about a year now,
    but I actually "printed out" mine ... no longer putting any trust in computers/clouds, anything! Sigh.

  12. We've noticed that Blogger has been doing lots of crazy things lately! Love your flashback poem, Madi♥ We see groundhogs often trying to steal apples from the deer.

  13. It's nice to see that rose from Downunder. We think Mr. Woody Chuck is cute, but our dad wouldn't want one eating our plants either. What a nice flash back of Miss Madi. We're getting up there in age too.

  14. I'm thankful I could comment here. Some blogs won't let me and I don't know why.

  15. Sheesh...never a dull moment!

    Thanks so much to Dui, Roxy and Naoise(and HER) for my beautiful rosy bud!!
    Rosy(Sunny and Mama too)

  16. This is THE Katie and her mommy. We both enjoyed all the pictures and sending smoochies to the disappearing addresses. We'll all be back.

  17. Beautiful 1st rose of summer and that is quite the ground hog photo ~ Madi is always a delight to see ~ Hugs and love to you both ~ Xos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Madi, your face is so precious when I saw it close up. XXXOOO

  19. That's awful about losing your blog list, you can catch some you might miss from the Live Links at The Cat Blogosphere. Those are great photos and such a sweet flashback.

  20. Sorry you lost your blog list. I love seeing Angel Madi. XO

  21. Blogger has been doing some really strange things again. We've had a few problems with the "Our Rainbow Friends" site too. Hugs! ♥♥♥♥♥

  22. Angel Madi was quite the poet......she "nailed it" in this one! Hope you get all your addresses back - that is a BIG DEAL!

    Hugs, Pam

  23. The first rose of summer is very special.

    Seeing a groundhog is cool. Seeing it munching on your garden might not always be considered so cool

    Angel Madi got it just right. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi