My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Happy Tuesday with Kat and Rocky!!


  • feeling or showing pleasure or contentment:

Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC
Look closely at these pictures. 
How many cat beds do you see? 🙀

There are cat beds EVERYWHERE!
How many beds do 2 cats need??? 😹

Seems like we both want the same bed at the same time! 

Rocky: Get OUT, Kat! It’s my turn! 
Kat: Stop jumping on me, Rocky!
Rocky: Get out & I’ll stop jumping on you! 
Kat: I’m out of here!!!

❤️ Kat & Rocky  

OMCs Rocky and Kat you cracked Auntie HiC and Uncle B up with the music from "The Good, Bad and Ugly" western.  We love westerns here. What a fun post.


  1. I keep telling Gail, one can't have too many beds.

  2. wow that looks com-bed-ly fine to us...

  3. the video is hilarious, I to love the music, westerns have been my thing as far back as I can remember. i do think cats are like children, what ever one has the other wants, from toys to beds... also i am sure the Big Bed with Pillow is also their bed. it always makes me feel joy watching Rocky and kat and their shennigans

  4. Terrific soundtrack for two terrific cats. I can see how well they get along together normally, but then when you make something special like a bed occupied it must get a little tricky

  5. Aww poor Kat, he didn't really want to leave!

  6. We have dog beds all over the place, but we have each pretty much claimed the ones we like and the others almost always respect that. Our cats liked different beds too, except for Bert, who always wanted to be in our dog beds.

  7. Hari Om
    All the beds in the house and you choose the one I want! YAM xx

  8. guyz…due knot lissun two yur pawrentz , therz knot enuff bedz, and all sew
    we due knot see any ree clinerz chairz for ewe 😼🙀

  9. hahaha, just like kids. Wants what the other has

  10. A bed selection is a wonderful thing!

  11. That sure is a lot of beds for just two cats. Since we get to lay on the big bed we don't really need many dog beds in our house and only really have one.

  12. We have lots of beds here too. I'm guessing it's a good thing. Loved the video and loved the music. That made it even better.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Hugs to Auntie C. ♥

  13. Oh Kat and Rocky ~ you are too funny ~ great photos and videos ~ music too ~ Wow! ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ XXs

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Kat and Rocky you enjoy the special and favorite bed—while you can!
    Mariette + Kitties

  15. Variety is the spice of life! All the beds crack me up!!! Of course they want the same bed...because CAT!

  16. Cozy beds everywhere but yes, the one you want always seems to be occupied!

  17. My don't you think that was a wee bit unfair Rocky?

  18. TeeHeeHee...they remind me of Rosy and Sunny....tons of beds and toys, but they always want the same one BOL
    Beth and the girls

  19. Yep, this bed ain't big enough for the both of you. That was funny!

  20. What funny kitties! The sister princess doggies here always want whatever the other one has too!

  21. That's toys around here. If I want Chia to play with me, all I have to do is grab and run with one of her stuffies! XOX Xena


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi