My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 22, 2024

Nature, Feline and Fill ins Friday

    Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Nature today decated to TREES

Magnolia seen on from the car.
Forest Pansy Red bud is in our front yard
Cherry Cherry is our neighbor's

Below is our Eastern Red Bud.  WE did not plant it.
Just is huge
Taken from the 2nd floor.  From the yard I can only get a few branches

What is the difference between forest pansy and Eastern Redbud?  After the blooms are gone both have heart shaped leaves.  Forest pansy's are red the turn green, Eastern Red buds leave are green
Cercis canadensis' Forest Pansy' is a cultivar of a Cercis canadensis eastern redbud with numerous other cultivars. If you are looking for trees with other elements than the famous purple leaves of the forest pansy, there are quite a few offerings to pick from that are variegated, hardier, show different color blooms.

Feline Flashback 
March 2016

Recently my peeps went to First Watch for

Breakfast out (I was not invited)

Thank you to Ellen  came up with first two and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs  came up with last two Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  

1. I refuse to spend more than  150.00 a week on Groceries for two. I must say Groceries are a luxury and a necessity now.  We eat well, I like to cook and Bryan always compliments me on my meals before he leaves the table. It is fun to cook when it is enjoyed so much.
2. I am not ashamed to admit I am addicted to Chocolate.
3. I’ve been obsessed with Extra toasty Cheez-its and Rainbow Sherbet lately and Cheez-its are good with Orange Juice too.
4. When someone tells me NO for no reason, I always ask WHY


  1. Cherry blossom and magnolia. A perfect spring combination
    Your answer to question 1 reminds me of my father, who never once failed to compliment my mother on her cooking before he left the table. In his case, it was partly because he knew that my mother was not a confident or natural cook. Aso, he was a kind and unfailingly polite man.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    What a fun and varied post! Love all the blossoms... am starting to find a few trees in bloom here now - but still another couple of weeks before they're fully flowered. YAM xx

  3. The trees in bloom are so pretty but one of my favorites is the Eastern Redbud and I love the tree poem! The price of groceries these days is out of control!

  4. The trees are magnificent. My neighbors huge white Magnolia was in full bloom 3 days ago, but it's now is brown as a paper sack. We've had more nights of freezing. And I know what you're saying about buying groceries once a week for two people. It's incredible to get out of the grocery and still have a bank account. Angel Madi, how is it possible that you didn't get some bacon?

  5. when someone tells me anything at all, I always ask why, when, how, where. Always! ha ha
    Only God can make a tree, goes perfectly with my post today, all of these trees are amazing and the view from your window is spectacular. I watched the cherry blossoms in DC on TV last night and talk about amazing. wow

  6. The trees look lovely. My Magnolia has been flowering for longer than usual. The wind blows the petals off, but this year it has been hanging on to them, and they are only just starting to drop now.

  7. We have never heard of a Forest Pansy or an Eastern Red Bud. What pretty trees they are this time of year!

  8. Dearest Cecilia,
    Oh, when all the trees unfold their 'hands' it looks magical especially with the young green colors.
    Redbuds are magic trees.
    That poem is so well phrased!
    Wish I still could eat my chocolate—dark that is. But due to my CKD it is no longer on my list.
    Mariette + Kitties

  9. Thanks for sharing your beautiful trees with us. We're getting 4-5" of snow by tonight through tomorrow so anything that was thinking of producing flower buds will be keeping them shut tight. We love your flash back and your fill-ins, too.

  10. Well that photo is beautiful! I enjoyed your answers and boy, I sure do miss chocolate.

  11. I lost my entire comment a moment ago out of silliness. So here I am again. I was telling Madi that the only thing she missed was indigestion. That was the last thing she would want to eat. Pancakes. Also, I had told you that THAT was a Magnolia tree. The only thing in the world that deserves to be called a Magnolia Tree. Those other little pipsqueak things folks are pleased to call Magnolias...why...that Magnolia tree you showed here is one that would knock the tree socks off those silly trees that call themselves a magnolia!! Poof Poof Piffle!
    1. I refuse to spend more than I have to for even food and clothing. Now the cat..that's a whole 'nother thing.
    2. I am not ashamed to admit that I am a total pushover for cats. AND that I read as though my life depended on it.
    3. I am obsessed with cinnamon graham crackers, lately and I am starting to realize I have to cut back.
    4. When someone tells me they enjoy my sense of humor, I am honored.

  12. The trees are beautiful, whatever kind they are.

    Madi, you're not missing much with the pancakes, cats cannot taste sweet, after all, the point of them is the sweet syrup on top. As for the bacon, that's up to your mama.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  13. Lovely spring tree photos and of course Madi photos are a plus ~ thanks,

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I love that poem and somehow feel an affinity with trees...

  15. What beautiful trees...especially the pink blooming ones!!!
    Sunny & Rosy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi