My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 29, 2024

Nature, Feline and Final Friday Feature

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Koi Pond at Logan's outdoor area.

Madison D. Cat Flashback March 29, 2012

One may request permission to enter my upper chamber

 after they say the magic words which are
Your highness may I have an audience with you?

Please click here for rulz and to visit YAM's blog

When Marlu was about 12 (way before GPS), I worked for the NC Home Builder's Association.   She and I had to drive to Myrtle Beach for a conference. Bryan had a business trip too but was meeting us at MB mid week. He wrote explicit instructions for Marlu (my navigator) to follow and read to me as we drove to MB. Marlu was used to her Dad doing all the driving. So she was a bit skeptical of my skills.  She took her job, as my navigator seriously, she asked her Daddy how would she know if I was driving the wrong way. He said if you see Spanish moss that is the correct direction; however, if you see Mountains tell Mommy to slow down and turn around.   Happy to report my navigator got us to Myrtle Beach

If you are interested, here is a photo of a tree covered in Spanish Moss.

It grows in coastal areas of the south east.

Spanish moss is a native, perennial epiphytic herb. It is not. Spanish, nor a moss, but a flowering plant. The slender, wiry, long, branching stems


  1. Excellent FFF. So you were teaching Marlu what is known in some quarters as 'natural navigation' skills.
    This FFF reminds me of a touching story a friend once told me. Her father died, tragically suddenly, when she, Kate, was five and her brother Dominic, seven. A few months later her mother decided to drive from their Manchester home to see their Grandmother in London. A complicated 200 mile drive, pre motorway and pre-GPS. Kate and Dom were also sceptical of their mother's driving and navigation skills. So much so that when they arrived without any mishaps the children formally thanked their mother for getting them there safely.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Good morning your Majesty Maddie. It’s so good to see you again. We know all about the Spanish moss since I’ve left for the majority of my life and Spanish Wells country. That’s a beautiful tree and I love the story of the navigator.

  3. The pond is pretty. That was a good way to learn navigational skills. I still prefer to use a map rather than GPS and have never got us lost yet. Lovely to see Angel Madi again.

  4. Logans is always beautiful - but not nearly as beautiful as Angel Madi in a sunpuddle!!!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  5. Hari Om
    What an excellent combination post today!!! I'm all for checking the horizon when navigating 😁 YAM xx

  6. Logan's looks to be a place that I wish I could visit. Look at that sweet angel laying in the sunshine. No one can resist that girl. I did not know what Spanish moss was and I have never seen it so thanks for explaining.

  7. That tree with the moss looks like something to save for a creepy Halloween photo??? Coy ponds are relaxing if you can sit by them and chill for a while.

  8. That is a beautiful tree. I am a tree hugger and I have always been drawn to the Live Oaks with the Spanish moss here in Florida. The Spanish moss is on other trees but the Live Oaks wear it well! So nice to see Angel Madi in a sun puddle this morning. Love the story about you and Marlu heading to MB. Cracked up at Bryan's description of how Marlu would know if Mommy was lost and to tell her to slow down and turn around... very sweet and funny too.

  9. The koi pond looks very peaceful. We love the Madi flash back and the driving story reminds our mom of travelling by map back in the old days before GPS.

  10. madi ewe bee lookin most gorgeouz and eye gotta say that lunch
    brake lookz…..eye meen…de koi ….look grate two ‼️🐟😺

  11. Awesome koi pond and landscape ~ great photos for Nature ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
    carol l mckenna

  12. Our Van Wilgen's has inside and outside koi ponds depending on the season. They are just beautiful! I LOVE Spanish moss! You are such a sweetie, Madi♥

  13. I have the awfullest time finally getting to the make a comment part of the blog. It has nothing to do with'sd whatever powers the blog to send it to others. Also with several others. But you are all worth it. XXXOOO (miss the Spanish moss now that I am out of Florida.)

  14. What a lovely koi pond...that Logan's has a little bit of everything, don't they??

    Love your driving story!

  15. Dearest Cecilia,
    Angel Madi's pictures say it all and yes—kitties can grant us their audience!!!
    Good story about you and Marlu making it safe to Myrtle Beach.
    How in the world did we ever get by without a GPS?!
    Happy Easter to you!
    Mariette + Kitties who all three turn 17 tomorrow

  16. That's a cool pond! LOL! Yes, the mountains would have been a big hint.

  17. Nice pond. I love seeing Angel Madi. That is a cute story. XO

  18. The koi pond is quite pretty.

    Of course, you have to ask the Queen's permission to pass.

    The Spanish moss is very thick here, some of the trees look like they can barely leaf out.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  19. I think that's so funny about your daughter not trusting your driving. I remember the first road trip I took up I75 after my younger son got his drivers license. Partway there I put him in the drivers seat so I could take a nap. About an hour later I woke up and we were on some back road, not even on the interstate anymore. Yes, this was before GPS. I resumed driving and found my way back to the highway.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi