My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 1, 2024

Nature, Feline FlashBack, Friday Fill ins

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

On Thursday February 22, 2024 our favortie landscaping guys (all young and with very strong backs).  Arrived to work their magic in our yard they did lots of things;  however, this was the most anticipated.

 Photo on the left is before they dug up weeds that had roots all the way to Austrailia.  Over the years, we have been very unsuccessful, here in our part of NC we are blessed with red clay that is as hard a concrete. The young men were very SUCCESSFUL.  They  planted 5  Evergold Carex, carefully cut holes in the weed cloth fitting it over each plant.  The covered the weed cloth with beautiful Delaware Rocks. Our mailbox area has been transformed form an eye sore to eye candy.

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' grows best in shade to part shade, but it is durable and adaptable, and will grow in sun in cool climates. Evergold Sedge can tolerate drought once established. Likes well-drained soil.  It is low growing and will fill in nicely around the mailbox.

 March 1, 2011

"OUR' Chair

Last Saturday morning we were having a leisurely breakfast
and reading the newspaper.
Madi was being very loving, lots of head bumps,
nose taps to my hand and purrs.  As it turns out,
she was COVETING 'our' chair.
I left for just a few minutes. When I returned,
this is what I found.......(I'm looking down on her)
 She had taken over 'our' chair.....and she looked
 So cute I left her there.

1.My favorite place to read is any time I am finally sitting down.
2.My favorite genre to read is, Our State Magazine, 
fictions of all kinds, comedy, anything about Cats and animals.
3.Homer's Odyssey, Dewey the Library Cat, Marley and Me and Amazing Grace
about a Great Dane are books I could read over and over again
and so many more.
4. I read Evergreen by Belva Plain in the early 1980's.  It reminded
me how much I enjoyed reading and sharing books with my daughter.
Once again I started taking weekly trips to the library. 

Thank you Ann, for this great badge.


  1. Dearest Cecilia,
    Oh, they capture our 'warm' seats like a trophy hunt!
    Love Angel Madi's face... very sweet indeed.
    Your mailbox area looks indeed picture perfect like this.
    Those landscaping guys have also helped us out several times—strong young backs is key!

  2. Hari OM
    The landscape work was worth every cent! Awwwwww Madi........ YAM xx

  3. that looks beautiful... and we love it! and we love to see the sleeping diva...

  4. It's going to look beautiful this spring and summer as the plants around your mailbox fill out! What great books! I haven't read Evergreen in forever. I must do that again! You are cute as a button, Madi♥

  5. Gail likes the sound of your landscaping guys.
    Would they perhaps like a trip to Scotland?

  6. Always good to hear when someone hires the right people for the right job. That'll look beautiful this summer. Not yours beautiful as your sweet angel looks in that chair and of course you could not make her get out. That would have been cruel.

  7. June enjoys DEWEY ... though it makes the Mommy a bit teary-eyed, and she's always amused (Dewey was her maiden name...) ... yay for no weeds, surely the man in blue shorts will be happy!

  8. I went out and checked to see what the new plants will look like, and they are everywhere here. just did not know their names. it will be beautiful and they grow really fast. waiting to see which stripe and colors yours will be.
    Always happy to see sweet madi, and i remember this one. hugs to Madi in heaven
    My favorite place to read is propped on 3 pillows, have reclining in bed. 2 hours every day at 1 pm
    as a child I read and reread every book I owned. as adult only a few did I read more than once. I had 3 paperbacks for years, i read them maybe 4 times for each book. i would wait a year and read again. since i can't read the print any more I donated them to the library a few years ago. I have been reading since i could hold a book..

  9. You are doing Fill-Ins again, C!... I am tickled :)
    I agree with books about cats and animals. I love Dewey.
    Your newly done landscaping is very nice. I would like to get away from mulch and do rock in the front of the house. I haven't seen very pretty rock around here. I googled Delaware Rock and it is very pretty!

  10. Your landscaping looks lovely, and will be beautiful when the plants are well established and flowering. Well done to Madi getting her coveted chair.

  11. Love the new look on the mailbox. It will be absolutely beautiful later on in the year.

  12. Your mailbox looks great. We need some young men to come here and help clean up our yard for spring, too. That's such a sweet flash back of Madi and we loved reading your fill-ins.

  13. I wish we had good landscapers here. That was a sweet flashback series and terrific fill-in answers too.

  14. Your property looks great! Fun list of books ~ Madi looks so content ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ from me and Ziggy ^_^

    Wishing you good heatlh, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBAug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. What a great post today C! They did a great job with your weedy mailbox!

  16. I love seeing Angel Madi, she was such a cutie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. #4 is very sweet. And I have read and would reread most of those too. XO

  17. Love the new landscaping around the mailbox! So nice and neat......AND of course the flashback of sweet Madi touches our hearts - we will ALWAYS AND FOREVER miss her!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  18. So sweet to see the pictures of Madi. Sometimes Xena will take "my" spot on the couch, and I don't have the heart to move her, so I sit next to her. Most of the time she will then get up and go to "her" kennel (Chia will argue about whose kennel it is, since it is her doggie bed in it).

  19. Your mailbox area redo is lovely.

    Anywhere you can sit is a good place to read, I agree.

    I'm glad you left Madi there, I know she appreciated it. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi