My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 26, 2024

Final Friday Feature, Nature and Feline Friday

First of all I'd like to wish our hostess YAM-Aunty a very happy birthday...

 and to visit YAM's blog

On March 1, 2024 I posted about our new and improved landscaping around our mail box

Beloiw is what happened sometime after 2pm on a Tuesday March 12th
someone played havoc with our mailbox
No clue who they didnot stop.  We have a cul de sac text group we all suspect the city trash truck. Tuesday is trash day  they turn the corner like their tails  on fire.  Big and noisy all 
Didn’t knock the post over (it is in cement)or run up on the curb
To say we were MAD would be an understatement but since this is a famiy show I'll JUST SAY M A D X 1,000,000
We used a bungee cord and tape to secure it.  

 It was an ordeal to get the wooden brace off below.  We really did use every tool in Bryan's tool box to get that brace off.  We are pretty sure the wooden brace was STEEL disguised in wood.
 It was secured  into post from inside with screws and nails.

Thankfully the post was not damaged. It was set in cement ten years ago. No way we could have gotten it out of the ground.
Bryan ordered  a new mail box and steel brace for the post. They arrived the end of March.
 He repainted post We spent most of the first weekend in April taking it apart the old brack and getting new brace secured. 
There is still some touch up painting to do. 


After the post was up and painted....dag blasted birds (I think the Trout Talking Tabbies will like this) decided to use the gold dome as their loo seat.  Their poooop ran all down the side.  They now know I am the smartest bird on the block.
We live on the corner and have a nice breeze.  I bought a whirlygig.  Attached it low enough that it whirls in their face and it is shiny birds don't like shiny. No a trace of poooop since I installed my mailbox whirlygig.

I hope this is the end of the mailbox saga

    Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Our Harry Girard Azalea put on quite a show this spring.

April 26, 2017 

No tricks, no editing....for once mom's fingers were quick..
I'm not walking on  dresser as it appears...I'm in mid jump


  1. Wow, that mailbox is jinxed or something, LOL!!
    Our post is in cement that the snowplow can't knock it withstood this past winter very well, who knows about the future.

    Love that whirligig idea!! A new type of bird deterrent! Hah! A great flashback, and a gorgeous azalea!

  2. Hari OM
    Yikes, what a saga for the post box! Hope that's it done, right enough. Meanwhile that glorious colour is enough to brighten any dark mood! YAM xx

  3. Oh my goodness, Cecilia- your mailbox mayhem is angering! Dad would have a cow if someone did that to us (in a previous location). And the poop deterrent is a riot, but we're glad it seems to be working. Happy Weekend to you and Bryan.

  4. Too bad you didn't have Angel Madi out front to do something about the birdies making a mess on your post. I suspect she would have taken care of them just fine. What a shame about the mailbox, and that no one takes responsibility for what they do when they break something or worse. The Azalea is incredible.

  5. Your Azalea is gorgeous. Sorry about the mailbox. Around here, the snow plows get a lot of them every winter. Grammas mailbox, which is together with one neighbor was totally knocked over and will have to have a new post, footings and all. Funny thing is that this winter we had barely any snow, but the winters with so much snow never had an issue. It may have been a new driver as several people have their mailboxes in big garbage cans full of sand right now. It is more of a hassle than anything.

  6. That poor mailbox has been through it. And it's a very attractive mailbox. I had no doubt you would banish the birds with your whirlygig after your great efforts to keep that post upright! Great thinking... bye bye birdies and their poop! The whirlygig is a fun addition! Madi in fine form! Your Azalea is a show stopper... beautiful!

  7. thiz iz eggz act lee what de hole oh trout towne meenz when we say
    just how ROOD ……..burd iz…. leevin wazte dee pozitz like that… heerz
    hopin de whirry gig werkz and de mail purrson doez knot take it thinkin
    itz a birthday gift 🙀🙀‼️🐟😺💙💚

  8. Mayhem is the right word! What a pain in the patoot. (I wonder if the garbage truck driver has caused damage elsewhere too.)

    The bird poop was just adding insult to injury, but your solution was great, very creative!

    As for angel Madi, that was a terrific mid-leap capture!

  9. We have our paws crossed that you no longer have to deal with any mailbox issues. That sure is a beautiful azalea and we love the Madi flash back.

  10. Wild clapping for the repair job! That azalea is stunning!kisses to sweet angel Madi you sure showed those birds who’s in charge

  11. Oh my goodness...what a mail box ordeal!! We also hope you have reached the end of that saga. What a vibrant azalea...and wonderful Angel Madi memory!
    Beth and the Girls

  12. Your new mailbox looks beautiful and I hope whoever did the damage to the other one leaves your new one alone! Your azalea is beyond gorgeous! What a stunning color!

  13. You both did a fantastic job on the new mailbox. I remember telling you about your Charlotte "neighbor" building one from the ground up with bricks for pete sake. had a genius thought about the whirly gig! What a super idea. And I'd have been madder than a hornet too about the cretin who ruined the mail box AND the stupid birds posing all over! You gotten done! You and Bryon.

  14. Happy Birthday to your hubby and may he not have to repair the mail box again ~ sigh ~ better things to do

    The younger ones are always in a rush and twice they and their trucks have ripped the handle off my mailbox ~ different world we live in ~ eh?

    Beautiful floral bush shot and love the kitty photo ~ thanks,

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


  15. That is awful that someone damaged your box and left without admitting to it. Beautiful azalea. XO

  16. That was quite the saga with the mail box. I hope it's woes are over now. That was a good idea with the whirly gig to keep the birds off it.

  17. Dearest Cecilia,
    Your husband loves to do things the correct and forever way like my Pieter always has done. Inside concrete—that is sturdy and forever. Oh, we have maybe the 5th mailbox... annoying and can't people use their eyes + brain anymore?!
    Angel Madi was quite an athlete!
    Mariette + Kitties

  18. Beautiful azalea!!! so vibrant. We love your mailbox post. It is quite classy. And how smart to put that pinwheel on top. Our mailbox is across the street from our house, it is a community one with about 8 houses sharing a section.

    We didn't know it was Aunty Yam's birthday - off to wish her a happy day.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. Cute flashback! That's awful about the mailbox. Ours was batted down by kids with a ball bat once, the police caught them, they did that to lots of mailboxes. Then it happened again, our neighbor hit it, told us and paid for the repair.

  20. What a shame. But you make it look better than it did orginally. I hope the miscreants are punished.m

  21. I bet it's true that the trash truck "accidentally" broke off your mailbox - what a pain in the tushie to repair it though and the whirligig on top would definitely discourage "post sitting" !! Good luck...hopefully no more issues with the mailbox because as we all know "THE MAIL MUST GO THROUGH!!"..........We have azaleas across the front of our house and this Spring has been a bumper crop of azalea flowers - we think it's because it's a long and mostly very cool Spring so the flowers are lasting!

    Huggies, Teddy

  22. A trash truck once took out a friend's entire mailbox. The city doesn't care and won't replace it. Sad. I do hope yours is repaired for good and all, and birdproofed.

    The nature photo is beautiful and that photo was a great catch. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  23. That really was a mailbox madness. How clever of you to put up that whirlygig thingie! The hubby backed into our big brick column encasing our mailbox a couple of years ago when we still had our truck. It's been leaning to the side (will it some day topple?) ever since. I call it the leaning mail box of Pizza (the pups always hope for pizza to be delivered there)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi