My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nature, Feline and Fill in Friday

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

No clue the ID of this bug.

Madi flashback 2014
NO BUGS, Just Birds

Saturday mom passed through the FOYER several times
each time she found me looking up...Looking up is contagious.  In a matter of seconds mom looked up too.  Once she determined there were no BUGS she squeals like a little girl when she sees bugs up there, she took 87 pictures of me looking up.  BUT we are only showing you three

I stared at the door for about 5 minutes.
 never moving or blinking.  Finally Mom 
decided to see if there was something outside
 She found all kinds of twigs and grass and debris on the

 Lo and behold Mrs. Brown headed Nuthatch was trying to make a nest on the 2" ledge above the door.  Mom and I love Bird TV but there are many reasons we cannot have a bird nest over our front door.

1.Mom and Dad come in and out of that door a gazillion times a day 2.Mom said what if an itty bitty birdie egg falls on my head 
3.Even worse what if it poops on my head.

She swept the debris off the ledge 3 times.
She nearly used up all the ram on her hard drive trying to 
think of a way to convince Tweety Pie that this real estate
is off limits

You know they say Necessity is the Mother of Invention
You'll never believe the Invention my Mother came up with
Sunday afternoon Mom hung several curly ribbons on the ledge.  She said when the wind blows the motion of the ribbon would keep the birds away. 
The picture below was taken Monday morning. 
Now the birdbrain is trying to make a nest in both corners.

Mom came up with another solution covering the entire
transom window and ledge with a plastic bag.
We will let you know if this works. 
In the meantime Mom says visitors are going
to get a chuckle out of this.

In order to be close to the action, I've been sitting in the foyer.
I can hear you all saying 
ANSWER:  I like the box there.

Today June 14, 2024
I don't remember exactly the outcome of the Bird caper 10 years ago but I do know we have never had a bird try to next there since 2014.

Thank you to Ellen  came up with first two and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs  came up with last two Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  

1.Gift of Gab  is a quality of mine that I am proud of.
2. My finger nails are a quality of mine I would like to change,they break easily.
3. Though I am not easily boredcooking really interests me.
4. Believe it or not, I deal with a neighbor's dog barking at me for no reason even when he is inside his house.  He barks when I just pass the house, on a regular basis. I recently discovered several of the other dogs on the cul-de-sac don't like to be around him because he is loud and in their face. 


  1. Dearest Cecilia,
    Birds can be persistent and sure, they have to be able to build their nest somewhere.
    We have had the Eastern Phoebe build a nest on the ledge under the ginger bread in the front porch corner.
    Madi sure did hear and see the action and looked UP.
    Mariette + Kitties

    PS I'm up because of pain in my stent–graft area and impossible to lay in bed or sleep...

  2. Hari Om
    What a sweet memory of Madi...and a bit of madness! YAM xx

  3. We understand a bird's persistence to build a nest in a spot that won't work. Mom keeps removing twigs from a sparrow that wants to take up residence. Doesn't she know that a bird dog lives here now?! Mom loves to cook too and one day, I'll be even more happy about it!

  4. I had to laugh about your bird nest. My girlfriend has a robin that every year wants to build above her back door. She finally took a couple of large Pebbles and just put them clear across the ledge so there was no place for the nesting material. Your angel you know what was going on before the eggs got laid, which is a great thing.

  5. A nest over the door would be quite a mess. We didn't even like the duck nest near the door as it was messy last year but we could not move it and they didn't come back this year thankfully. Mom has always loved cooking and now she is learning to cook with her new self prescribed diet which is challenging but it is coming along and she is having more fun creating food again.

  6. Angel Madi, your mom's solution to prevent any further nest building cracked me up. Full marks for both creativity and results! 😆

  7. I would wager a guess that the barking dog is asking for attention from dogs or people because he doesn't get it from his people. seen that happen before. if he is barking and throwing himself against the fence/door/window that would be aggression..
    I loved reading the Madi and the box in the hall and the bird nest. what ever works and it did work. great job.
    tomato/tomoto is your gift of gab and my mad bloviating. ha ha

  8. I had one determined to make one under the parking shed right where I park my car. After using the blower to blow the nest away 3 or 4 times within a couple of hours, I put up bird scare tape and that solved the problem. It's a reflective tape that flaps like crazy.

  9. madi it bee one thing havin a burd ina tree…itz nother matter when they try N mooove IN…like if
    mom had opened de door N de burd flew in… YEOW….nite mare on hedgemoor street 🙀🙀🙀🙀‼️💖🐟

  10. Awww Angel Madi knew the silly birds were moving in! Those were good answers too. We have 2 neighbor dogs that bark non-stop at the wind.

  11. Good thing Angel Madi alerted you to the nest building activity so you could thwart the activity. We love reading all your fill-ins. It's always fun to learn more about our friends.

  12. That yet to be identified kinda bug looks like it is on a white baseboard!!!! Baseboards on my mind!
    I am beyond impressed with the determination of Mrs. Nuthatch to raise her brood within your transom window. BUT, more impressed by your determination and "mother of invention" tactics to thwart her efforts. It was good that Madi gave you a heads up! She knew there was a trespasser!
    I am always tickled when you do Fill-Ins!!!
    I am so thankful for your Gift of Gab! It makes me laugh, it's been comforting and often speaks of things that make me feel like I am not alone.

  13. I love to see Angel Madi. Birds can be a pain when they set their mind on a spot. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I have the same problem with my nails. XO

  14. I believe that might be a may fly bug...but I'm not certain...I do know for certain that it is adorable how MAdi alerted you to the nesting nuthatch!
    Happy Weekend!
    Beth and the girls

  15. Wiw, Madi *knew* there was unwanted activity by *her* doorway!

    Birds sure can be persistent!! Not had any similar problem here, thankfully! They stick to the trees and shrubs!

  16. Awww ~ the poor bird trying to make a home ~ sigh,

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. The bug looks like a crane fly. We get a bigger version too which we call Daddy Longlegs. That was smart of Angel Madi to alert you to the nest building.

  18. Mom remembers one time the birds made a nest there, and you are so right. It really makes a mess. The next year they did it again and she had some sort of long strip with tacks or nails on it that stuck on the ledge. It did the trick although it was a bit cruel:(

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. My Mom and I had a bit of a giggle with the "over the door nest prevention" technique.......birds are persistent aren't they! We have a wreath on our front door and Mom regularly has to remove nesting material from it - eventually birds give up and that's that. As for you dear Angel Madi - alerting her to the problem in the first place - VERY SMART. We can't say "something is building a nest" so we well doesn't it (humans are a little slow to figure that out though!).

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. We have a similar problem every spring. But instead of over the door, the birds would build nests inside the wreath I would hang on the door. I eventually stopped hanging wreathes and the nests stopped. This year I decided to hang one, and, sure enough, a bird started building a nest in it. Jeff suggested I put styrofoam or plastic like you use to protect something during shipping in the center, which I did, and voila! No more bird nests! After mating season was over I removed it and no more nest building (until next year).

  21. Some people call those crane flies, some call them damsel flies, and some call them mayflies. No matter what you call them, they get everywhere around here and get in the house and the kitties catch them and call them delicious.

    By the way, they are harmless and only live about 24 hours in this adult form, long enough to mate and lay eggs.

    I love the great bird nest adventure, thank you for linking it up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi