My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sky Watch Sunday

February  18, 2025 about 8:30 am

Look up at the sky light in the office/exercise/craft room

Oh Joy 
we had a double delightful Spring forward.  Literally overnight from Friday, March 7 to
Saturday morning, March 8 The Evil Yellow Dust of the Devil arrived aka TEYDD
This is the hood of our CR-V

This is the first of at least 3 different TEYDD events
This is pine pollen.  Thankfully this doesn't affect allergy suffers as much as
the next two that you canNOT see but it finds its way into your eyes and noses.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Symmetry Saturday

 Miscellaneous photos from February 2025 folder

Photos taken at RELISH one of the first restaurants we tried after Seaboard closed.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Nature and Feline Friday with Rocky

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


Thank you for hosting!

 Ruby, our Red Camellia, surprised and delighted us with her annual February blooming.  She is full of beautiful blooms and there are more buds waiting to bloom.She will bloom one more time during the year.  

Close up

Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

Dearest Auntie HiC

Ginger Kitties get a bad rap for not being the smartest kitties in the bunch! Something about all of us sharing a single brain cell! 😹

I know one thing without even having to think about it. I love my peeps for adopting me, and providing me with the love, compassion, & kindness every animal deserves. 
I don’t know much but I know I love them.

❤️ Rocky

Dear Rocky I 100% agree.  I think ‘Ginger’ means love bug in feline speak.  It certainly applies to all the gingers I know.  Oh my cats that is the most regal photo of you on your cushy  throne.  What a beautiful song and vocal.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #201

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

This week's photo challenge

Short poem
When pigs fly
up high in the sky
everyone says 
My Oh MY








Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Words of Wisdom : Episode 2 of 'Fun Facts with Rocky'


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of “Fun Facts with Rocky”. 

What anxieties or fears do you experience? 
Did you know humans are born with 2 innate fears: the fear of falling and loud noises? Humans develop all their other fears & phobias due genetics, environment, and personal experiences. 

Heck, I’m afraid of my own shadow, so I can surely sympathize. 

I found some rather interesting human phobias. 

Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards)
Decidophobia (Fear of making decisions)
Chaetophobia (Fear of hair),
Vesti phobia (Fear of clothing)
Ergophobia (Fear of work)
Eisoptrophobia (Fear of Mirrors)
Deipnophobia (Fear of dining with others)
Phobophobia (Fear of Phobias)

The last one reminded Mom of this Charlie Brown classic:

Just remember, it’s OK to be afraid of something. Fear is a natural response to perceived danger or threats, and can help us stay safe❣️
❤️ Rocky  

Mol mol Nephew Rocky my grand kitty Ginger Frisco is afraid of his own shadow too.

Auntie HiC sometimes dreams she is falling and she is fearful of fires.
I adore your photo and love how you are sitting.
OMCs I don't think I have seen the Charlie Brown Classic but one thing for sure
Lucy had a fine command of the language of phobias.

Lovingly Auntie HiC

Breaking news
We have a high wind and rain event moving in about 9 am til 1pm
Hoping it is weaker than expected but if I am MIA that is why

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Tuesday with Kat and Katie Isabella


Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC

Good Grief! What does a manly mancat, like myself, have to do to get a little privacy around here?!? πŸ™€

I only have eyes for Katie Isabella

I thought I had found a quiet, secluded spot where I could send love letters to my Sweetheart Katie Isabella.

No worries Kat I always day dream about you and your 
gorgeous green eyes.  

Cali (tattletale) discovered me first, and told Rocky! Rocky started making fun of me, calling me “Loverboy”!

Don’t worry KI, I won’t be deterred!
I’m proud to be your LOVERBOY❣️

❤️ Kat

Dearest Nephew Kat...don't give those youngsters a second thought
Not even their antics can invade your dreams of your girl.
Lovingly Auntie HiC


Rocky thanks you all for your support and yesterday during his skirmish with 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Awww Monday with Rocky vs Cali

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC
I was heading to the couch for my third mid-morning nap when Cali cornered me! 

I’m not a scaredy-cat, but I’ve observed her, too many times, “psyching” Kat into believing she can be trusted. She’s not fooling this Gingerbread Boy‼️

I stood my ground, loomed over her, glared into her eyes…

& then made a quick exit before she had time to swat me! 😹

❤️ Rocky

MOL MOL Rocky Auntie HiC is  ROFLOL (rolling on the floor laughing out loud)
"Don't touch it, don't touch it"  I love that voice.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Dr Seuss Day Flashback

Flash back March 2, 2012
Mom and I both wrote a poem in honor of this great day
 Mom's Poem




Madi's Poem 



MOL/LOL this was fun!!
Thanks for visiting us today.
Now for a true funny story.
Mom told me when my nemesis human sister
was five they packed up the car for a road trip to  Disney World.  Mom had all kinds of entertainment for my nemesis human sister BUT the only thing she wanted to do was read all the Dr. Seuss books, she especially liked Hop on Pop and  Green Eggs and Ham. In between reading books, my nemesis  my sis would ask...'where is the door to Florida'? About the happiest Mom was on that trip was when she saw the "Welcome to Florida" aka the door to Florida. Mom says it took her years to get Dr. Seuss' words out of her head.
Since hearing this story, I have a new found 
love for my human sister.  WTG  pulling a fast one on the Mom!!


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025

Final Friday Feature, Feline and Nature NC #8

click here to visit YAM's FFF

I will let these photos tell the 
Tale of two talented hands
Grandma Upchurch aka Margie, Bryan's Mother.
She was also an excellent seamstress.  She learned to sew 
before there were fancy things like zipper foots.  She could put in a zipper better by hand than I could by machine.

She wore the hand crochet collars around dresses or blouses 
that just had round necks.

I have two pillow cases with the gorgeous border...

I never saw Margie use a crochet pattern.  She had a picture of what she wanted in her head.

Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Feline Friday Madi adored Christmas for many reasons, especially for the beautiful crocheted Christmas tree Skirt that was also hand made with love by Grandma Upchurch many, many years ago.

Feline Friday

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


#8 North Carolina's State Mammal

 1969 the Gray Squirrel was designated NC's state mammal.  It's found throughout the state from our eastern swamps to our hardwood forests.
  The import of this mammal has largely displaced it red cousins in England and Wales.
Today's photos were from a past posts but still apply today.
I have 3 watering holes in the back yard
A standard bird bath 
Two mini watering holes shown below.

Of course the Squirrels aka piggies use all of them...
I have two bricks steps up to the water and yes the Chipmunks use the bricks
All of the  watering holes are under a tree and even the smaller birds are using it.   Many years ago I had a flock of cedar waxwings stop in for a sip...Very thankful I was there to snap this photo

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #200

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

This week's photo challenge

After all these years,
Through thick and thin 
and in between 
We held tight no matter the strife.
He is mine, I am his
Through all seasons of life.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wordless Wednesday


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Seen in parking lot...quite clever

Our daffodils started breaking thru the pine straw in early February 
Top two photos taken February 10 as their buds started to show color

Two photos above were taken on February 17, 2025..fully opened and just lovely
They are hearty little flowers

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Happy Tuesday with Cali and Reminder FFF

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus    

Dearest Auntie Hic

February was so cold and dreary we haven’t spent any time on the porch.

I suggested we invent a new toy to peak our interest. The boys weren’t interested, so I put on my thinking cap and came up with this ingenious idea!

It’s an empty toilet paper roll tied onto our favorite rainbow string.
Who knew adding an empty roll would be so exciting?!?😹
As soon as I can come up with a “catchy” name, I’ll  apply for a patent.
Kat said it was really cool, and you’ll even see the elusive Rocky getting frisky!

πŸ’• Cali 

OMCs Auntie HiC says this is

300% enrichment for my niece and nephews. I like the music!!!  Matches your excitement.

Lovingly Auntie HiC

Reminder Friday February 28th is FFF

Monday, February 24, 2025

AWWW MONDAY: INSULATORS and Sparks on Friends

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

David and Kit (dad and mom to my niece Cali, and nephews Kat and Rocky) know how very much I love glass objects.   David retired from AT&T.  I did not know that he collects Glass insulators.  Recently Kit emailed to tell me David would like to send me a glass insulator from his collection.   I said, YES I would love one, so quickly the email hardly had time to load in my email.   While I awaited arrival of this most treasured gift, I did a bit of research on them. They were primarily used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to insulate and protect telegraph and telephone wires. 

They were mounted on wooden or metal poles to prevent the wires from coming into contact with the poles and the ground, ensuring the efficient transmission of electrical signals.  Glass insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. In the mid 1960's a few people began collecting these antique glass insulators. Today there are over 3,000 insulator collectors. Insulator clubslocal and national shows, and good reference books are available.  In the early 1970s, glass insulators began being replaced by porcelain, which has since evolved into plastic and composition insulators made from a mixture of components.

On February 5th my package packed with lots of CARE arrived.  OMCs there were three beautiful insulators in PURRfect condition in the box.

I will be moving them around  but I especially like the blue/green one with my 
antique hurricane lamp

He also sent me tealights for each insulator.  As you can see, each insulator is a unique design and truly appreciated and treasured.


David and Kit
David is also a stargazer 

Oh and my niece, Cali and nephews, Kat and Rocky sent us an Anniversary Valentine Card too.