for this idea.....Madi thought it was so funny she was 'ROFLOL'
(rolling in the floor laughing out loud)
Recently Lorenza's Mom posted some of the odd
words she was getting on the blog word verification.
She said normally her words were Spanish but lately they were
just odd. Mom thought it would be fun to keep a log
of the word verifications she got and
Well Lorenza ours are always odd here are some of our favorites:
Gablabb or Gab. labb this is a chatty Lab...aka Jack
Redion is it pronounced Re.dion or Red.ion we like both
Logrump (Mom loves this word too bad it isn't real)
Vines (a real word)
Abladshi (is it pronounced A.bald. shi)
Shotail is it pronounced Shot.ail or Sho.tail
words she was getting on the blog word verification.
She said normally her words were Spanish but lately they were
just odd. Mom thought it would be fun to keep a log
of the word verifications she got and
Well Lorenza ours are always odd here are some of our favorites:
Gablabb or Gab. labb this is a chatty Lab...aka Jack
Redion is it pronounced Re.dion or Red.ion we like both
Logrump (Mom loves this word too bad it isn't real)
Vines (a real word)
Abladshi (is it pronounced A.bald. shi)
Shotail is it pronounced Shot.ail or Sho.tail
Be sure to drop by to see Lorenza she is one fine looking dachshund.
Madi and Mom
That is so funny because I was going to do a post or put something on the comments about how people shoudl let me know if they get any funny word verifications! I just never got around to posting it. I sometimes get strange ones although I can't think of any at the moment - some sites seem to have real words and some just random letters.
ReplyDeleteI always laugh at those word and try to think up funny meanings. Nice to see Madi is enjoying them too.
ReplyDeleteHi Madi,
ReplyDeleteJust watching you, makes us crack up! You are sooo funny and too cute! We wish we could read.
Riley and Star.
Hi Madi!
ReplyDeleteI think that last word shotail should mean sho tail, like "look at my tail, its a show tail. animals seem to be very proud of their tails. At least cats are.
WE just got the verification werd
What da heck is a cat-oc?
We get some really weird ones too...and we're always amazed when we get one that you can actually pronounce!
ReplyDeleteHaha! We just got mutersea!
That is so funny..BOL! They are a bit odd at times those silly words..
ReplyDeleteLorenza is such a great friend :)
Licks and Tail wags--
Olive :)
Madi, We are glad you are having a good time over those words. They don't do much for me and Mom. You enjoy!!!!
ReplyDeleteHugs and more, Bambi and Mom
Hi, Madi!
ReplyDeleteAs I said... normally we get words with some meaning in spanish and tonight I got a BAD WORD! I had a good laugh!
You got some interesting too!
Kisses and hugs
I don't know if I could handle it if Jack truly WAS a chatty lab! We hear too many puppies at the puppy park who don't know when to stop!
ReplyDeleteIt really is toooo funny to see some of the words that come up!! Thanks for the midweek giggle Madi and Mom!!
Dory and the Mama
At first I thought you meant English to Spanish word verification because Lorenza is in Mexico! Ghen I realized from the Comments: oh those silly made up words you have to type so you don't get spam mail. LOL
ReplyDeleteYesterday's was great: BULLA
Now that sounds southern!! LOL
No wonder Madi is ROFL!!
Raider's mom
Such a cute photo of you, Madi!
ReplyDeleteAs much as we hate having to take the extra time do the verification stuff on the sites that have it, we do sometimes get amused by the verification words too, especially when they happen to be particularly applicable!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I haven't learned to read big words yet....I don't get it....
ReplyDeleteWe can't believe we missed you guys yesterday! We'z sorry!!! Hope you picked up the award we left for effuryone today!!! We hope you have a great weekend ahead...
ReplyDeleteYour Furriends~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew