My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 2, 2009

Madi presents: Did you know.....Friday

Did you know this about North Carolina:

The Venus Fly Trap is native to Hampstead, NC
Whitewater Falls in Transylvania County is the highest waterfall in the Eastern US
Beech Mountain is Eastern American's highest town@ 5,506' above sea level
NC has 1,500 lakes of 10 acres or more in size and 37,000 miles of fresh water streams
The North Carolina state Mammal
the Gray Squirrel
Obviously no Cat or Dog in North Carolina was consulted before this decision was made
to make this bushy tailed rodent the State Mammal


  1. Wow Madi, I didn't know any of that.

    Madi, our play day link is just a way of sharing links.
    If you want to add your link, just have your mom come over to our blog,and click where it says "your next", add your name and your URL, and then you will be linked to our post.

  2. I agree with Gizzy's mom, you are very smart. Thanks for teaching me that stuff!

  3. The squirrel is your state mammal? OMD

  4. Beech Mountain is very nice, especially in the fall when all the trees change color!

  5. Hi, Madi!
    Thanks for sharing that info!
    Now I know more about NC!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. Good morning
    Thanks for all the information :)
    No I now more about your place NC !!!
    I learn alot on the internet :)
    Have a wonderful weekend....
    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :)

  7. NC's mammal is a varmint on the "Most Wanted" list in most states! lol
    They should have something more regal like you Madi!!

  8. Madi and Mom, We love N.C.!!!! We spent our honeymoon in your state, Madi, it was so much fun!!!! It is a beautiful state!!!
    Cecilia, you said on one of your comments, is my Viking hard to learn to use? Yes!! The 1st 2 weeks I spent just reading the manual!! It took a long time and I still bring out that manual at times. Love ya lots, Fern

  9. Thanks for those North Carolina facts, Madi! We learned something today!! And we think it's interesting that there's a county in NC named Transylvania!!

  10. Add Blog Links to your blog and share links with your visitors and friends.

  11. Interesting facts Madi. I can't believe some person would choose a squirrel!

    Huffle Mawson

  12. A *squirrel*?? What's up with that? *Sheesh*

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  13. Wow I didn't know any of those facts about North Carolina! Thanks for sharing - but the squirrel? Seems like a strange choice when there are kitties and doggies there too!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi