My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 11, 2010

Madi: What is this you ask?

It is one of my favorite things about Christmas curly ribbon aka kitty curly fries.
Mom hangs all our Christmas Cards on the stairs using this ribbon.
After she ties each card, she curls it with the scissors.
I love playing with these. So now that the cards are down Christmas is really over!!!
PS yes mom just took them down but her theory is if the decorations are inside you can be a bit slack....and she says my cat-i-tude needs work??!!!

Note: Madi only plays with it under my supervision.
She has been known to eat the ribbon.

PS: Tuesday, January 12, is Martha and Bailey's Mom's birthday....


  1. Hi Madi
    I'm also totaly crazy when I see ribbon
    Its always so fun to play with it !!!!
    Enjoy my sweetheart :-)
    (Thanks for telling us about the birthday from Martha & Bailey's Mommy she is also a good friend from my Mommy !!!!)

    ((HUGS)) Kareltje =^.^=

  2. Yes the wild things eat very good around here. But I just can't waist any food!! Two coons if they make it through these 15 degrees nights and nobody eats them they will be 8 years old!!
    I had never herd of coons living so long!!
    Pretty boy & Pretty girl are still looking good too!! Believe it or not they can understand me when I call or say wait come back there is more!!! Kiss for Madi, Fern

  3. I can understand why it is fun to play with. I LOVE curly ribbons, and I am not even a cat, LOL

  4. Curlly ribbons are very fun to play with! But we also understand why your mom watches you when you play - those ribbons are usually very tasty!

  5. Phew, good to hear your mom supervises, otherwise you were headed for a cat-astropy! My cat sissies love playing with ribbons too, except the other day mom missed ONE, and luckily that's the ONE we found along with a fur-ball. Your mom's taking better care of you...What's up with that? Moooooommm...

  6. Mom doesn't use kittie curlie fries in our house anymore! She used to before King and Pandora came into the picture! They EAT them! She was grossed out effurytime she had to pull them outta their BUTTS! She said it was like a ZIP tie! GROSS!!! We hope you're all enjoying your week start!

  7. I know Madi....I tried to eat some too! Yuck! I don't know what I was thinking!?!

  8. HI Madi!
    *wavin paws*
    Sorry I haven't been 'bizitin' lately. Momma's been reellly sick. She is still tryin to catch up and *gasp* she has put our bloggie on the back burner. What in all kitty heck am I gonna do? Well at least she is tryin to help us, we're gettin food and treats. Hope things will get back to normal soon.

    chilly purrs

  9. Thanks again my friend..I actually need to re-install my camera software ...ugh. Updated to WIN 7 and need to get that going new pics until maybe Tues Night.

    Have a great Monday Night and thanks so very much!!

    Licks ..

    Olive's Mom ..and Olive

  10. Hi Madi & Mom,

    I like kitty curly fries too! I like the noise it makes when mom makes the curls with the scissor things. My mom does the same as yours, I can only play with them when she is in the room.

    I really have to watch Cindi with the ribbon, she will get it wrapped all around her if I don't watch out. We're working on a date for her B'day, probably sometime in the summer.

    Hugs & purrrrrrs,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  11. Ribbons are pawesome! I love them too!
    The only Christmas thing in my house are my cards... and they will be there for some more time!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Madi, that is one thing that Happy likes to play with!! Ribbon !!! She will tear it up, ribbon, and she gets such joy out of it. She is easy to please. Loves ribbon, not string, ribbon.
    Big kiss for Madi, Happy, Bambi & Fern

  13. Those ribbons look like a lot of fun!! We don't get to play with ribbon very much....

  14. Madi, you look nice sitting on Mom's beautiful countertops!

  15. Hi Madi,
    Hehehe.. we think we know what to send to you for your birthday!! :)

  16. Well,, that is what I do from home :) But not real techie techie stuff..just applications for our clients software. Hoping to gte my camera back up tonight..even the manual upload failed.. :(

    Stephanie :)

  17. I can just see the curley ribbon springing and recoiling with the slightest touch!
    Oh look, it moves and gets your attention again!!
    So tempting for any kitty, even a Diva!
    Under the chin scratches to you, Madi!
    Hugs to Mom!

  18. Hi Madi, we love to play with ribbon and string!
    We can't see a problem with eating it.
    Our mum says thank you very much for the birthday wishes - they were much appreciated. She had the worst day at work yesterday and didn't get home until 10pm!!!
    So no blogging at all yesterday - today she is feeling tired and a year nearer retirement!!!
    Thank you for remembering.
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  19. Hello sweet friends!\
    I also love ribbon!
    It's cool to play, I'm sure you only play it not eating at all LOL
    Beautiful shot!
    Luna - We love LUna

  20. I will miss the Chrismouse curly ribbon, that really made for a nice throwing toy. Especially liked the red. I hope we don't have to wait a whole year before we get to see the c ribbon again.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi