My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Flashback

Happy Friday.....
You all know I (Madi) am a Diva and enjoy being an only cat; however,
I know if it had not been for dear sweet Milky-Way (MW) my family's first cat
I would not be the diva that I am. Mom recently found
a lot of pictures of MW (and I mean a LOT). She is trying to
gradually get all of our old photos scanned.
I asked mom to share pictures of Milky-Way with all my friends on Fridays.
If I had known MW, I know we would have been buddies.
He seemed to know the warmest places to sleep....
the best places to hide
and the best places to explore...
Although had I been involved in this
adventure ,I would have asked him WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
Was he trying to potty, get a drink, or just take a swim?

This kind of looks like me but I ASSURE you it is not. There is no way,I'd ever walk anywhere near water. His stripes don't show up in this photo.
Thank you MW for being such a good and happy kitty.
Love your Sis


  1. Well, we're glad too thats not you, what if you fell in and that was one of those auto flush toilets? OMC!

    But you're smarter then most cats that's for sure!

    Luv ya,
    Riley and Star.

  2. Milky Way was a beautiful boy!...I miss my Seal Point Siamese, Nikki everyday (1984-2004) and know I am a better Mom to my babies today because she taught me soooo much about love/loving...My girls never met their big sister, but I sure appreciate them even more for having loved and lost my Nik.

  3. Hi Madi & Mom,

    Milky Way was a very handsome kitty, I'll bet he would have been a great big brother for you Madi. Mom really misses my big sister Tasha, she was a Ragdoll kitty. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her before she went to the Rainbow Bridge but she taught me lots of good stuff.

    I don't like water either, you will never see me doing that.

    Cindi Lou

  4. Hi Madi, Milky Way was indeed a handsome cat and we are sure you would have got along very well.
    We must see if we can get a pic of Mouschi onto this computer. You would love her too and we think she looks very like you!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  5. Hi Madi,
    Yes Milky Way was a neat looking cat! But what was he thinking so close to water?! He must have been very agile!
    One thing he did for you: cleared the way for room into Mom and Dad's hearts when you came to them as a kitten!
    Chin Scratch for you, Hugs to Mom!

  6. Thanks for sharing. Milky Way looked like a great friend....very entertaining!

  7. Oh we love getting to know Milky Way. He sounds like a sweet boy!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. That is sooooo nice Madi! Milky Way looks like he was so special. As you are also sweet baby! Love to all of you!

  9. Awwwwwww, thank you, Madi, for sharing the pics of Milky Way with us....we will look forward to seeing him again and often. He was one very handsome dude. Keep warm this weekend. xxxxxxxx

  10. Madi, I don't beleive you would ever climb up on the white thing that holds water would you??? MW was a very pretty cat. Happy Friday to you and your mom. Hugs and wags, Mistaya

  11. How very romantic to get married on Valentine's Day - we are looking forward to the pics.

  12. Hi Madi!

    We love the name Milky Way!
    I may have missed it but how did Milky Way get his name?
    These were great pictures. Daddy gave Momma this tiny device where she can scan in her small pictures and she has been doing that. She's gonna take over our blog *GASP* on saturdays for walks down memory lane. At least she says she gonna let each us introduce her posts!
    Some Momma's have nerves don't they?

    Hope you are all safe and warm.
    Happy Friday!
    Purry purrs

  13. MW was such a handsome kittie! We're sure you two would have been great furriends! We can't wait to get our scanner so you can see Skeeter and Scooter(RIP) when they were mere little wee ones. Wishing you all over there a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  14. What great pictures Madi!! Thank you for sharing Milky Way with us!!!


  15. Milky Way looked like a fun kitty! We bet we woulda liked him lots!!

    Have a great weekend, Madi and Madi's mom!!

  16. Sometimes it's good to look back at our old pictures and remember the good times! Fortunately, we don't have too many pictures of the bad times! :)

  17. So was Milky Way a diva or not? I live with two divas (Primadonnas) now and it's not easy. It's sweet of you to make your momma post his photos on Fridays. You get to take a break from the paparazzi.

  18. We always need a camera handy for those times..BOL!! you know what I did today?? Mom was making a peperoni pizza..she makes 2 every Friday...well, she left a package of pepperoni open and on the counter..I reached up and grabbed it , ate half the pepperoni!! oooooooooh it was so good. Mom caught me though and was not happy. I may be grounded a few days now!! BOL!!

    Licks to you...Happy Snow Weekend to you and family!


  19. Hi Madi and C,
    Happy Valentine Day-Fortieth Wedding Anniversary!!! That is very special!!! Tom and I are heading for our 28th.
    Milky Way looks so pretty!! Each animal that excepts us as his or hers teaches us how to be better and love more!!!! That is why I LOVE mine sososo much!!
    Kiss Madi for me, Fern

  20. MW was a pretty kitty!
    Your mom has been a kitty mom for many years!
    I hear your mom and dad have a special day coming up Sunday.
    Nose taps to you,

  21. Thanks for sharing MW with us. He sure was pretty, I mean handsome! I love his stripes. Sleeping in front of the fireplace is to die for! I would love it!

  22. I'm glad you let Mom share Milky Way's pictures with us.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi