My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Madi: My Toy Basket and International Pancake Day

Today, February 16 is

International Pancake Day....Madi and I hope all of you will treat yourselves to a lovely stack of the flapjacks today.

Question: How many toys does it take to keep me happy?

Answer: Evidently a basket full and one great big mousie.



  1. Would you please come to my house and teach Jack how to put away his toys? And not eat them!

    Thank you! :)

  2. Hi Madi,

    Your basket of toys is very pretty. We kitties need lots of toys, after all we can't be expected to play with the same toy everyday.

    Cindi Lou

  3. Happy Pancake Day!!...That's a great looking basket of toys, Madi=we really like your big mouse, very cool!...Our Mom wishes we would put our toys away as neatly as you do...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. Hoe you are finishing up those flapjacks by now. YUM! Don't save ANY for that fat ol' mouse!

  5. Wow you have a lot of toys! Don't eat too many pancakes today....

  6. Oh pancakes are not on the meal plan right now. Am on the 4 letter word. DIET.

    Madi my babies would love to come and play with your toys!

  7. Happy Pancake Day, Madi and Mom!!!!!!!! Great assortment of toys. We see you have beanie toys too......Sammy has a couple of beanies he "stole" from the grandbean....he carries them around at night and yowls.....MOL. xxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Look at all those toys!! We also have a toy basket in our house...well, maybe 2 toy baskets, one for each of us!

    Off to get some pancakes!

  9. May we come play with your toys?
    Licks and sniffs,
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy

  10. Madi, a girl can never have too many toys in her basket!
    It is so important to find the right toy depending on one's mood.
    We understand you might be feeling like ripping a toy apart or alternatively just having a gentle play!
    We hope you had some pancakes yourself. Our mum forgot - but as you know we are very deprived.
    We are glad your mom thought of ours today - she is still choking at the thought of anyone even thinking about having sprouts on a sandwich!
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  11. No more math questions, Madi. My brain hurts. I do however love learning about International pancake day. Yum. (No momma, it's not international donut day, your day will come)

  12. Hi madi
    Wow!! You have many toys !!!
    I wish I could play with you :-)
    Pancakes I like it also
    its only not good for me
    my Mommy sad I am to F.. ..... LOL
    I must on a diet :(
    Huggies Kareltje =^.^=

  13. HEEHEEHEE! Our mom gave our little sisbean pancakes today! But, moom didn't have any and we didn't either! Mom says since it is Fat Tuesday, we're getting pizza, wings, and she's gonna get some beer for dinner! WE LOVES PIZZA!

  14. Madi
    Looks like alot of fun toys too. We all NEED lots of toys. I have a bunch and drag them out all over the place, Mom says I am as bad as the munchkins!! Makes me proud LOL


  15. Yay pancakes!

    And we agree - the more toys the better! A basketfull sounds just about right! We hope you have lots of fun with them (we suggest spreading them all over the place - moms love that!)

  16. Hi! Thanks for you nice comment on my Aunt Dorothy! Didn't she look great!!! It is so exciting seeing her on TV :) You can tell I'm just a country girl!!!
    Anyways, my Aunt is a riot and when ever we all go out, I try to sit next to her because she is that much fun! I loved her dress also.
    I'm going to update my blog tonight. I have been so busy at work and with Penny, it's been crazy in my home! Thanks again!

  17. HI Madi!

    Ooo I love your basket full of toys.
    Those look like a lot of fun.
    Would you like a playmate?

    purry purrs

  18. Yes Madi and C, when I got through with the toddler stage, I thought I would never have to pick up toys again. Boy was I wrong!!!!!!!!
    I have been getting out many times a day no matter the weather. Maybe that's whats wrong!!!
    A full day of sun would be nice!!!!
    Love you Madi & Mom, Happy, Bambi & Fern

  19. Hi Madi, our toy baskey looks almost the same as yours. But we naught has a big mouse. You has fun!

  20. I have a similar basket..but Mom calls it my graveyard..I am going to blog about it Wednesday..but I must warn's very scary!! Muhahaha!

    Licks from me!


  21. Hi Madi,

    Tell your mommy we don't think you have enough toys! She needs to buy you some more!

    Riley and Star.

  22. Happy Pancake Day!
    I hope you had a delicious day!
    Kisses and hugs


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi