My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mom has the floor with her shadows again

Mom has the blog today...she wants to show you some more
shadows, reflections and sun spots. The sun has moved some since our last
blog about shadows.
This is our RED room. Notice the sun's reflection in the tv screen

The picture below is what is being reflected in the tv screen above.

Mid morning sun as it moves over the house to the West

Sun coming in the kitchen window from the East. Notice the reflection of the
breakfast bar and just a tad of the granite reflecting on the fridge door.

Sun over the house coming in the back door reflecting the
small counter at the left onto the island.

In late afternoon just before the sun goes behind the trees,
it shines in the octagonal window in the family room which is
reflecting on the china cabinet in the kitchen

In the picture below, the sun has just past over the
top of the house. At this time, there is about a 10 minute
time frame of total sun coming in at an angle from the West
making this interesting shadow on the dining room east wall.

As always, Madi and I thank you for stopping by.
Mom thanks you for once again allowing her to show you the shadows, sun and reflections that she enjoys this time of year. Our house faces North and it seems this time of year the sun is at her best.
Madi and Mom


  1. Madi!
    I am like your Mom! I follow the sunny spots all around my house!
    I love the pictures!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. You have a unique eye, Madi's Mom=we enjoyed your pictures, we love sunbeams too!!...purrs...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Lovely photos.. thanks for sharing them with us!!

  4. Hi Madi & Mom,

    Wow, great shadows and reflections.The sun really creates some beautiful spots in you home. I really like the second photo with the rectangle of light on the door and wall. The photo has a very artistic look.

    Hope you are staying warm down your way. We are just having fog and more fog.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  5. Hi Madi & Mom
    Great pictures capturing the quality of the reflections with the light.
    We love seeing the sun travel around your house and we bet you follow where it goes to soak up all those warm rays.
    Of course we worry your mom is becoming a bit like ours - permanently attached to a camera!
    Have a lovely day.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  6. Those are some very interesting shadows and sunspots. We like them!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  7. Wonderful sun spots through out your house, Madi!
    Mom did a great job on the photography, especially the reflections!
    Hopefully the sun has returned for a little bit after all of the cold temps you've had!
    Chin scratch to you and Hugs to Mom!

  8. Those are very artistic! And....nice "hot spots", for Madi!

  9. Totally awesome pics...thanks Madi and Mom. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Great pics, Madi and Mom! We luv sunny spots too! :-)


  11. Great pictures Mom. Madi, my fur children love laying in those sun spots. I'm sure you do too!

  12. Wonderful shots!! I love finding the shadows and sunbeams around the house! Beauty is where you look right??

    The Mama (and Dory too!)

  13. Fortunately, I keep all the blinds shut and the drapes closes so the sun doesn't get into the house.

    Otherwise, I'd have nothing but bleached-out everything! :)

  14. This time of year M.O.M. opens the window shades as soon as she sees the sun shining. We both love to feel the sun on our bodies even when it is cold outside, as the sun comes through the windows. I like your moms pictures of the sun slipping along your home walls. Very interesting. Hugs and wags, Mistaya

  15. HI Madi
    Do you enjoy chasing those sunbeams all over the house? I know we do. In fact that is one of our must do's everyday!

    Great pictures!
    purry purrs

  16. Love the photos and mom LOVES your red room! We think sunbeams are wonderfurl!!!

  17. We like the sun and shadow posts! You are lucky to get so much sun there!

  18. Madi and Mom, I kept looking for Madi hiding somewhere in the shadows...did I miss her?? Mom, your shadows are so cool. They way they move along the walls and around the house, like little "ghosts". Love the "red room"! Meow Madi!!!! From the Pussycats! Woof from Josie! Much Love.

  19. Hi Madi and Mom,

    We missed you guys too, a whole lot!! And we love your shadow pictures. They are really cool.

    Mommy loves your red room also. She wanted to paint our living room brick red but got out voted by the whole family. Now she wishes she had.

    Luv ya Madi,
    Riley and Star.

  20. You say potato I say potahto. Our mommie's, Madi, love the shadows but we don't. We both appreciate all of the sun's beautiful warm rays. Right? Beautiful photos though.

  21. Our Mom loves your photos of sunbeams and shadows. And we love yesterday's comic strip. hehe

  22. Very cool post, HiC!!!
    My sunny spots show all the furry spots-chuckle!

  23. Love those pictures Madi!! I don't see many of those in our house..I will look for them this weekend.

    Licks from me!!

    Olive :)

  24. Excellent post and very interesting! Do you follow the sun as it moves through the house too, Madi?


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi