My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 17, 2010

I see you...can you see me Ms. K Happy Birthday!!

This is one of my favorite spots to sit in when both Mom and Dad are upstairs.
I can see what each of them are doing but....I don't think they can see me. MOL
Shhhhh don't give away my secret.
Happy Birthday to Ms. K at click on Dog Daze to visit Ms. K!!!
Ms. K is our blog mentor and a very good friend.
She kept telling Mom...yes you can create a blog and Mom kept repeating it to herself until she JUST DID IT!!!
Thanks Ms. K once a teacher always a teacher!!!


  1. That is a good hiding place! I won't tell anyone! We thinks that your laser eyes might give you away though!

    Happy Birthday to Ms. K!

  2. Great hiding place Madi....I don't think they can see you :)

  3. You're an excellent hider, Madi. I don't know Mrs. K, but I hope she has a pawsome birthday. She sounds like a furry nice human.

    wags, Lola

  4. Happy Purrthday to Mrs. K!!!

    Madi, that's a pawsome hiding spot!

  5. Great hiding place, you're not under foot, but don't your laser eyes give you away?! hee hee hee

  6. Madi,
    It is always nice to have a special hiding place, isn't it?

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  7. Sure wish I had a hiding place like that hehe! Happy Day, Mrs K

  8. Happy birthday to Ms. K!

    And that is a REALLY good hiding place, Madi! Nobuddy in a million trillion years would EVER see you there. And I promise not to breathes a word of it to your mom and dad.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  9. Where are you in the picture, Madi? I can't see you at all

    Thank goodness for Mrs. K--now we get to hear from you in your blog!

  10. I promise I won't tell ANYONE you are there. Your secret is safe with me!

  11. Its a fantastic hiding place Madi :)
    I think they cannot seen you there ....
    We are going look by Mrs.K blog !!
    Have a lovely day
    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  12. HI Madi and Mom,
    Kitties love to find hiding places!!! Happy has not done that for a while tho. She just wants to be close all the time. Friend was that way just before his heart attack. The vet says he can't find anything wrong. Tom says it is time for a new vet!!!!
    Head butts, Happy & Fern

  13. I won't tell them.

    Happy B'day Ms. K.

  14. Great hiding place Madi!!!

    Ms. K has the same birthday as Bilbo!!! We will make sure to stop by and say hi! Thanks for the heads up!

    Smileys and Snuggles,
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  15. What a nice place to hide!
    You are really a smart beautiful kitty!!
    We never tell anyone where you are hidnig,Madi!!

    We went to Mrs.K to say hi!
    Such a lovely blog!
    It is very nice to have a blog mentos.
    To us,you are our blog mentos and a very good frined,too!
    Thank You!!!

  16. heh heh

    They'll never know they're being watched. Stealth, the secret Cat Weapon.

    Do you take notes on their movements?

  17. We're just thankful we could see you, darling Madi!!!!! And we're very thankful for Mrs. K, cuz otherwise we wouldn't know you....we're off to tell her thank you. xxxxxxxxxxx

  18. I can see you but I won't tell anyone. FAZ

  19. Oh Madi and Mom...thanks for the birthday wishes and the beautiful personalized b'day card!
    I'm so glad you started your blog because I love keeping up with you both.
    Hugs and nosetaps,

  20. Hi Madi and Mom, we hope Ms K has the bestest birthday ever!
    We will stop by. In the meantime that is a great hiding place - honestly Madi they will know you are there!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  21. HI Madi!

    Your secret is safe with us!

    We don't think that they can see you. In fact you're invisible!

    Happy purrday to Mrs.K!


  22. That's a really good hiding place, Madi - we won't tell!!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  23. Oh no, Madi!! We bet they can't see you there!! Haha!!

    Happy Birthday to Mrs. K!!

  24. What a secret hiding place, it's even better if there is food dropping down from the table.
    Happy birthday Ms. K.
    And Happy Belated Mother's Day to your great Mom, lets kick my mom's behind for being so behind blogging.
    Love y'all

  25. Hi Madi,

    We kitties like our special hiding places, we are invisible when we are in them. I won't give you away.

    Happy Birthday to Mrs. K!

    Cindi Lou

  26. Thank you fur the message today, Madi. That looks like a pretty good hiding place. It's a good thing too, because you might want to hide from Boomer after calling her a boy. But since you're a cat, she'll probably let it slide..


  27. Nice spot, Madi!
    Happy Birthday to Mrs. K!
    Kisses and hugs

  28. Happy Birthday Mrs. K!...Love your lasers, Madi, you're adorable!...What a purrfect hidey spot you've got there!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  29. Oh Madi...I think you would look like a true Diva in that black Jaguar...driven by a cute Limo Driver of course!!

    Smileys and Snuggles,
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  30. We looove Ms K! Thank you for the heads up. :)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi