My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Get ready for a real treat: Street Knight

Nope this is not the foot of a knight...
Mom has her Whimsical Calendar out again....
today June 1, is National Go Barefoot Day. Well Mom says here bare feet are not picture worthy but mine are so in honor of the day here are my hairy bare feet.

Now onto the Street Knight
What is this you must be asking? Well it is AMAZING, that is what it is.
It is a knight made of discarded street signs. Enjoy the pictures and at the
end Mom will tell you all about them.

The story behind the Street Knight is long but Mom will try to condense it.
It was designed and build by and North Carolina State University student....but that is the
end of the story. A little over a year ago a major road construciton project began on Hillsborough Street which is the main street in front of NCSU. To say it created chaos for foot and motor traffic is an UNDER STATEMENT. After months of dealing with the orange and white constrution barrels, this student decided to turn several of them into 'Barrel Monster'. He did not steal them he just turned them in to ART. When completed he put them back where he got them but in the form of Barrel Monster. I'm sorry I don't have a picture but hopefully if you click on here you can see it. The construction company and NCSU thought it was fantastic use of the barrels but the city officials were not happy. He was fined by the city and told he had to perform 'X' number of community service hours which he did. The Street Knight is the last of his hours of service. This young man graduated from NCSU on May 15th. My understanding is he will leave Raleigh. I am sorry we are losing such a creative and talented young man...but to him I say
you made me smile and I truly admire your ART!!!


  1. Hi... Thanks for the story...

    * really good info for us *

  2. You have very cute barefeet Madi!...The Barrel Monster is great and humorous=it could probably curb road rage too!!...We love it!...Happy week sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Yup, I agree Madi,
    He is really talented and least he can say that he made his mark!!! LOL


  4. Hi Madi & Mom,

    What a talented young man, I really enjoyed seeing his work. The barrel monster is great, something like that might get folks to slow down in construction zones. The city didn't have much of a sense of humor.

    Hope you had a great holiday weekend. My hubby took an extra couple of days off so we had a longer holiday together.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  5. Ooooooh my mum remembers this. Seems like it was on da news or sumptin. He is a wonderfully talented hooman. Too bad da city left a bad taste in his mouth and is ditching da city.
    You haves sweet feet Madi...they is hairy like my brudder and sissy...hehehehe!

  6. Great story! And cutie feets! hehe

  7. Thanks for the interesting story behind the Street Knight. I admire his creative work, he's very talented!
    Go Barefoot Day today? I'll walk barefoot all the way to NC if you want me to, Madi!

  8. Oh, I luvs to go barefoot. And I can't figures out why humans want to wear those shoe things - although they ARE pretty fun to chew on. Um, not that I would do that or anything.

    I LUVS the Barrel Monster and the Street Night. That human is very clever. I wish he wasn't leaving Raleigh but maybe he'll come live in Collie-rado!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  9. I think barrel monster is hilarious.
    Street knight is pretty cool too.
    What imagination!

  10. Very Cool Story and a beautiful Madi :)

  11. LOL...I want to make a barrel monster now. They have had the interestate between Crystal Springs and Brookhaven torn up for over a year.

    They won't get thru with one section before tearing up another......

  12. Raleigh's Loss! He is very talented!

    Cute fuzzy paws, Madi!

  13. Hi Madi and Mom,
    I think you all have lost something special!!!!
    Too Bad!!!
    XXOO, Happy & Fern

  14. What totally beautiful fur paws you have, darlin' Madi. xxxxxxxxxx

  15. Wow what a great story about the Street Knight - and what a creative guy to think it up!

    Oh, and we love your bare feet Madi - the calendar people must have known that Tuesdays are great for Toesies!

  16. Madi--Your feet are worthy of going barefoot every day!!!

    Loved the art and the story behind it as well!

  17. Great bare feet shot Madi, we ourselves are barefoot today in honour of the day!
    What a very cool sculpture - thank you for telling us all about it.
    Martha and Bailey xx

  18. National Barefoot day! Cool :)
    Anyways, your artist is very talented. I would have never thought of that but I'm not an artist either!

  19. Wow, Madi! That Street Knight is amazing, and that Barrel Monster is FANTASTIC!! Too bad they took down the barrel monster. Mom loves public art! Thanks fur sharing, Madi's mom!


    PS. Woo have cute feets, Madi... :-)

  20. Truly artistic people can make me smile!

  21. Is there a 'Madison' street sign on there? If so, you are famous!!! hehe!! Purrs, Lautrec

  22. That is just the coolest thing! Mommy likes people that are creatively naughty.
    Kitty bare feets are great! Can you imagine shoes on your paws? We sure can't.

  23. The Barrel Monster and the Street Knight are very good.

  24. We just love your cute little toesies Madi!!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  25. HI Madi

    YOU have lovely bare furry feet(paws)!

    Now that was an interesting story about the Street Knight. Fascinating and imaginative mind at work.

    Thank you for sharing it!


  26. I love your bare kitty paws!!!!

  27. Great story about Stret Knight! Everyday is barefeet day to us! Thank you for you kind words of sympathy for our losses....

    cats of wildcat woods

  28. That Street Knight is something!!!

    And our mom loves that today is National Barefeet Day!! She's barefoot right now!!

  29. Madi, I'm sure you remember my mom has a thing about paws. Now she is gonna start liking cat paws too! That barrel monster is fabulous! I love it!

  30. Is a very good story Madi. Tells your mom she makes us smile. That barrel monster was awesome! He scairted me a little.

  31. Very interesting story Madi. Love the barefoot day too :) I am so sorry I have not been around...School is out now!! BUT-- Mom and Dad now have been putting a new floor down in the kitchen.. really turning my world upside down!

    Licks to you :)


  32. Happy Barefoot Day, Madi!
    Thanks for sharing the story. He is very talented and I am so sorry he was fined!
    Kisses and hugs


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi