My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Flashback with Milky-Way & friend

This quote says it all....
"Animals are such agreeable friends---they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."
~~George Eliot from "Who's Kitten Who" by C. Baxter.
Well as they say all good things come to an's picture of Milky-Way will be the last one ...unless Mom finds another stash of old pictures hidden somewhere.
Thanks Milky-Way for this long stroll down Memory Lane.
As of Friday, July 23, we'll be presenting 'Pot Luck Fridays'....
Like any pot luck gathering, you don't know what you get. We hope you get your fill or at least it makes you think, smile or just enjoy.


  1. Milky-Way is sweet visiting with his friend! Mom used to go to lots of potlucks! She hasn't been going to many recently. Though this last week they had a BBQ at her job with the kids! It was a group BBQ involving three classes!

  2. It's been fun learning about Milky-Way. I'm sure Pot Luck will be most interesting, too, no matter what it turns out to be.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  3. See ya Milky Way.......It's been sweet! Pot Luck????? Sounds yummy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Madi,
    Mom still can't get over how much MW looked like her kitteh Tigger. Thanks for letting us get to know him. I am looking forward to Pot Luck Friday starting!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. Oh dis kinda be sad it's da last piktukre of Mily Way. He hlds such a special place in your hearts.
    Now bout dis Pot Luck...I hopes it ain't gonna be roasted weinies...bwhahahaha


  7. I really enjoyed all the pictures and stories about Milky Way. Adorable!!

  8. Oh, it's been so very much wonderful getting to know all abouts Milky Way. His sweet face always makes me smiley!

    I can't waits to see what Potluck Friday is all about. Will there be noms?

    Wiggles & Wags,

    PeeS. My mom says she thinks it would be better if she could take drama queen lessons from Madi!

  9. I love pot lucks!

    Tell Mom to have a great day off from work today, Madi. Oh, I guess that gives her more time to attend to your needs, doesn't it?

    Love the header!


  10. We've enjoyed learning about Milky Way!!!

    We look forward to your Potluck Fridays.

    We love you, gorgeous Madi.....xxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Oh No! We just didn't take enough photos back then did we? Thank goodnes for digital!
    Thanks for all the great MW memories!
    Happy long weekend,

  12. Great stories MW.
    Wish more people were like that quote.

  13. TTFN, Milky Way...maybe your Mom will find some more photos of you and post them for potluck! We enjoyed all the MW posts.

  14. Cute pic! I don't care what you decide to do....I love anything you come up with, my friend! You are so creative! Have a fun filled weekend! Maybe go and use that new GPS.

  15. HI Madi
    We feel furry sad that there aren't more pictures of Milky Way! WE have grown to love your FlashBack posts on Friday with MW. Although I am sure potluck Fridays will be very enjoyable!

    Happy Friday

  16. Cute picture, maybe Mom will find more.

  17. We have enjoyed your Milky Way memories and photos=he was a gorgeous baby...Cute photo of him posing with his stuffed animal!...You always come up with different, interesting posts; ours are ALL cats all the time!...Happy weekend beautiful Madi and Mom, stay cool...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. Hi Madi,
    We will miss M W !! What ever you do Cecilia will be good!! You are very good at blogging!!
    XXOO, Happy & Fern

  19. Milky Way you really could be related to Barney - even your nose spots are similar! We hope your mom finds another stash of pictures because it is fun to see pictures of you!

  20. We have enjoyed seeing all the photos of Milky Way.Have an enjoyable weekend.

  21. Love the picture Madi.. and we love Pot Lucks!! You are the best!!

    Licks from me!!


  22. I loved seeing all those pictures of Milky-Way!
    I hope your mom finds some more!
    Kisses and hugs

  23. We sure have enjoyed seeing pictures of Milky Way and learning more about him!!

  24. Hi Madi & Mom,

    We have really enjoyed seeing photos of MW, he was so sweet. Maybe some more pics will turn up. The Potluck sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi and Judy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi