My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Theme Song: Four Seasons

It's Thursday so you know what that means....
we thank Hootin Anni for sponsoring

Today's song is Candy Girl by the one and only  The Four Seasons
featuring Frankie Valli singing very high notes.
When this song was popular, Mom says she was in her heyday....(no clue what it means but she was smiling so it must be all good) .
So without further ado/fuss (it is my new word for the week) here we go

I've been a-searchin' all this wide world 
Now I've found my 
Candy Girl, Candy Girl

I-yi-yi-yi found me a girl Candy Girl
She-ee-ee-ee-ee- sets my heart a-whirl (Candy Girl)
Please click on this video to enjoy the song while you scroll through the remainder of our pictures.

With huggin'
 and kissin' and Lovin'
(She's mine) mi-ine (mine) mi-ine
Whoa-oa-oa-oh-oh (Candy Girl)
 We get along so well
I know just why I fell (Candy Girl)
She's thrillin' oh chillin'
Yes she is so divine/superior softness
(She's mine) mi-ine, mi-ine
 When we're out together
Everyone knows the way we feel
We both seem to glow with the glow of love
And its plain to see
Our love is real

I-yi-yi-yi I'm happy as can be
She-ee-ee-ee vows eternally 
To hold me and love me until the end of time.

Mom says I look like I'm wearing a crown of  candied apples in this picture...MOL

As always we think you for stopping by on TTS
Mom seems to enjoy it; therefore, so do I
Hugs Madi


  1. We look forward to seein your TTS efurry week! This is a purrfect one fur you pretty Madi! xoxo - Prancer

    We passed you an award. If you don't do awards we unnerstand. But we think you haf a great blog!

  2. You look as sweet as candy Madi and HOW did she get those apples to stay on your head? bol

    Jazzi and Addy

  3. Speaking of heydays, the Beach Boys are starting their 50th anniversary tour here in a few weeks!

  4. Great pictures and music today, Madi. What a super post. Have a nice day and enjoy that sun puddle in that last picture.

    pawhugs, Max

  5. These photos fit this great song puuuuurrrrfectly! I love Frankie Valli too!

  6. Did the Candy Girl bring you some candy Madi? BOL
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. It DOES LOOK like a crown. What better way to end a beautiful song [I loved the four seasons --back in my 'hey day' times too]. "Big Girls Don't Cry" :::sigh::: Oh the 60s. What an era.

    Love your poses for Candy Girl Madi!!! You rock our world.

  8. Madi, just seeing the lyrics I can hear Frankie hitting those HIGH NOTES! :)
    Mom got a great pic of you on the dining room chair sun puddle, as well as a
    silhouette of herself taking the picture! Very clever!
    Yes, a Diva deserves a crown. Mom and her "trick photography"! LOL

  9. Yet another blast from the past! Thank you for the memories!


  10. Have you seen Jersey Boys? It is the musical about the Four Seasons and is just fantastic!!!

  11. The Four Seasons, love those high notes. Though I was just a babe in the sixties, I do enjoy alot of the music from that era.

    Madi seems quite content soaking up a little sun wearing that crown!

    Great Post, as always!!

  12. Ha, you don't look to happy with that crown/band on your head!

  13. Madi, I really enjoyed these pictures of you! Mama loves that song and the Four Seasons! I had a laugh at the superior softness shot and love the one of you on the table all stretched out and happy and in the chair in the sunlight and the crown of apples and well all of them!

  14. Candy, candy??? Where is it? We all love sweet stuff as long as it isn't chocolate. Great song, Madi, and don't you look extra cute today!

    Mom says that she knows of one other blogger who got an email from Google asking her for her phone number. She just ignored it because she wasn't sure if it really came from Google and then her blog disappeared. We think you now have to have a phone number registered on your Google account. We sure hope Remington gets things straightened out - we all LOVE Remington.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Lightning

  15. So now Mom has realized that you are the queen of the house! BK

  16. Oh little Queen, how special and beautiful you are. Your crown becomes you.

  17. Madi, OMD my Remington, I am in a panic. Where has my handsome man gone?? I am going to try his cell. Please keep me informed.

    loveys Sasha

    p.s. Mommy loves that song

  18. That song seems to have been made fur you Madi!

    woos, Tessa

  19. That is a great song for you Madi. Our Mom remembers that one too. But we love the post below this one, about the Bird's GPS sending him to the wrong window. Never did like those darn GPS's. Anyway, we had fun singing along with you Madi. Love it.

  20. That is an EXCELLENT song. Your crown of apples is beautiful.



    PS. No delay on the DIY b/c the tile guys are coming Monday!!

  21. You are so sweet and yes, that does look like a crown! very good song choice today too! Thank you and your mommy SO much for all the help you gave me today with my blog disappearing! SCARY! Hope you have a fun evening!

  22. Mom didn't get your message till 4pm when she got out of work! So glad Remington's bog was found! Did you do the deetctive work Madi?
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  23. I am loving your "crown" Before I read what you wrote I was like HOW did Momma get you to keep that on and then I looked closer ( time for glasses here hehe ) Happy Thursday!!! : )

  24. Oh Madi you are our Candy Girl!!!


  25. Haha! We thought you were wearing a crown too, Madi!

  26. You look very cute in your crown Candy err Madi.

  27. Wonderful, Madi. I think your Mom's heyday might have been about the same time as mine. Love Frankie's voice.
    (and a friendly woof from Lindy)

  28. Madi, I just stopped by again to thank you for being such a good pal to me and keeping me up to date with Remington. I feel so much better now that things are up and running again. Sheeeesh what a day and poor Rem, I hope he can relax now.

    loveys from your pal Sasha

  29. Hi Madi.

    Lovely crown, how long did you wear it?


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi