My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

There is a rumor...

...going around that the first family diva my human sister and favorite only brother-in-law (bil) are coming for Easter.
Last weekend Mom was changing the linens on their bed.  When she finished tidying up the room, Mom asked Dad how long he thought it would be before I decided it needed to be christened. Mom said she has not seen me on this bed for several months. Under the green sheet, there is comforter to match the shams but we rarely see it.
By the time she turned around I was making myself at home.
 I only like to put my royal tush on very clean sheets.

Mom always covers the comforter to keep my furs off the comforter.  

I'm pretty sure my sis and bil will appreciate the welcome home furs I left for them!! Dollars to donuts (no clue what that means but it makes me hungry) there will be more  before they arrive.

I think this looks like a headless bug but Mom assures me it is my furs


  1. Dearest Madi, these are the best kind of rumors! They're will be foods and extra scritches. We haf faith that there will be LOTS more welcome home furs by this weekend. If nothing else, be consistent! Headbumps from your BFFF - Prancer Pie.

  2. Hahameow. Our Mommy can't stand it when people use their, there, and they're wrong. She did it! There will be foods and extra scritches. This makes our Mommy mumble sumthin bout being anal. What's that?

  3. Madi, I hope you are excited for your visitors. It is so nice of you to help fix up their room and make the covers extra warm with your extra fur. The picture at the bottom kind of looks like something my Dad puts on his fishing pole to catch fish.

    Loveys Sasha

  4. That is nice of you to break it in fur them Madi!! They should Thank you!!


  5. Oh absolutely, not bed is ever fully made until a beautiful kitty is added as the final touches. They will both be over the moon with this wonderful bedroom :)xx

  6. It's just wrong that there is a sheet to cover the comforter if you ask me. It's downright insulting! Is there a human alive who doesn't want to inhale a ball of cat fur at 3.00am? No! Deccy x

  7. Woof! Woof! Oh for the past weeks I was allowed to be on the bed ... oh it was comfy so I can totally understand why you like it. ENJOY! Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  8. PURRsonally, I Like dollars AND donuts. Got milk?

    I love how you christened it all Madi. You rock!!

  9. It is fun to get company! I hope you will have fun! LOVE the bed! It has such a cool headboard!

  10. sure make any room look like the place to be! :)

  11. Madi..your furs on everything just makes your house more of a home! :o)

  12. we knew you would be on it in a flash and you were and i must say look quite good on the sheets. here i cover the bedroom chairs with sheets for the same reason your mom covers the bed. but ours are dog hairs and a lot shorter than yours and not as photogenic as your hairs are.

  13. There's a bed in my house that Mom doesn't like me lying on either. What's up with that? Good for you to take the time out of your busy schedule to christen the bed for your sissy!

  14. Diva's deserve the best!Our puppy does not yet shed.BK

  15. Madi, we beet you will have a wonderful Easter when that rumor comes true. We don't ever get to leave our furs on the humans'beds, but we do enjoy furring up the sofas:)

    Woos, the OP Pack

  16. I hope you all have a fun weekend! Company is so much fun! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog! I appreciate it! I know I won’t be doing this daily but will be fun to share some of the things going on in my life!

  17. Hi Stranger & Mom,
    I have never known a cat that didn't love clean surfaces!!! Happy and all the others have done the very same thing you just did Madi!!! And left the same thing too!!! lol

  18. That sure sounds like a fun week end for all. Glad you got your furs on that nice clean bed. We think the donuts sound good too. And the dollars too. I bet you do have red clay around there where you live. Have a great day.

  19. Hahahah! You´re so funny Madi!

  20. Just tell Momma consider that fur a mint on the pillow. Could be worse.. you could leave them a harf gifty. :) Too cute!

  21. All good kitties know when company is coming.

    Will be in a class tomorrow.

  22. we are all alike aren't we Madi? I do that too.

  23. You have very good taste. Clean sheets are the best!



  24. I think you're gonna have a fun Easter weekend.
    Do you like eggs, Madi?

  25. Oh Madi! I must say that when you said you christened the bed, I thought you peed on it. That's what Gracie does when she christens something.. LOL. What a great EAster you will have with your company!! Have fun.

  26. Madi, you are going to have your work cut out to get it furred to purrfection by the time they arrive.

  27. Madi & Mom,
    thank you so much for stopping by our blog to offer purrs and condolences for our beloved Scooby. So many people & kitties we didn't know came by and that shows what a truly amazing place our cat blogosphere is! So happy to meet you.

  28. I think you are doing such the right thing, Madi! You're making sure the bed is 'just right' for them. Humans oughta appreciate our furs--we accent EVERYTHING!

  29. We're sure they will appreciate you furring up the bed for them, Madi. You are quite the hostess.

  30. Good supervising job, Madi!
    Kisses and hugs

  31. My Kramer does the same thing Madi! Gotta let 'em know who the diva is!

  32. What's a little fur going to matter, they're family! :)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi