My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Easy Sunday and Plates

Happy Easy Plate Sunday from the freshly painted and decorated bedroom of my SIS and BIL.
I am sitting on top of the sheet that mom uses so my lovely furs do not get on the new bedspread and shams.... 
Also I should probably tell you if mom leaves a sheet cover on too long and there are 
too many lush lovely furs of Madi...I boycott the sheet.  Divas don't like sitting 
in old dead skin cells furs!!
 The walls are painted Honeydew (kinda greenish) this is what is under the sheet!!
 My blog office  used to be the only green room in our house.  Now we have four green rooms.
Mom and Dad's room is Dewy, their bath room WaterScape and the blog office is a pale green
Our painter made the comment many times that we liked color. MOL
FYI we have a RED ROOM too.  It is where my favorite sunpuddle  lives in the winter.


First up from our guest plate spotter Terri in Kansas

1. MOZJEEP, Moe's Jeep
2. 2L8B8S, Too late Bates
3. MIKENME Mike and Me
4. MENMINE, Me and mine
5. MMBACON, Mmmmmm Bacon 
6. KATMNDO, Katmandu, Terri says to think about 
Bob Seger)
7. N2CAKES, Into Cakes
8. MIMIPOO, Miniature poodle
9. BULZA8, Bull's eye this is quite clever
10. NEELIX, German Singer's recording name
11. PUGLUVR, Pug Lover
I know lots of Pugs who'd like this plate
12. R8R N8N, Raider Nation (football)

Second guest spotter Frankie and Ernie
14. ICEMDN, Ice Maiden
15. BEVZBUG, Bev's bug
16. CATV587
17. BARN MRS, Maybe a farmer's wife

Now from my lists...and FYI she has many many stored up
18. MI3SONZ, My 3 sons
19. LSU BELLE, Louisana State U lady fan
20.4GOODAIR, For good air
21.PUGWORLD, Ohhhh pug friend are every where
22. A!R, Air
This one was on a Scuba Diver plate. Organizations and clubs  in 
NC can have their own plates designed if they have X number of 
members to request one.
23. MKTGMAN, Marketing man
24.FROGTOES, Frog toes...ummm sounds tasty
26. TREBLCLEF, Treble Clef a music lover
27. RON'S Z4
29. WHTVOLVO, On a white Volvo
31. DGIT, Dig it or digit
36. CHRI$TIE, Christie 
37. YNG4LIFE, Young for life
38. ALBOUTME , All about me
39. CGULL, Sea Gull
40. CRZYRUNNR, Crazy Runner
um Mayorz Murp and Stan's peeps need this plate

to be continued


  1. We luv soft green walls. The quilt is beautifur. I say sleep on it as long as it's comfy!
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  2. We think that whatever color makes you happy is a good color. Hmm...that bed looks comfy.

  3. Madi, it's good to hear that you're keeping Mom up to the mark regarding appropriate bed linen hygiene for feline Divas.
    Toodle pip!

  4. it's so great that you gave the green-family achance, I love green in all variations it's my favorite color :o) must laugh at the plates, the mama should pick #7 and #32 together... her cheecakes deserved it LOL

  5. Green is such a relaxing color. The rooms look beautiful!

  6. I want number 38 plate for my car because it IS all about ME.. I love the headboard, the quilt, the LAMP and the table it is on. the wall color is perfect with that quilt. beautiful room for sis. sorry they did not get to come. Jake is the same way, he has sheets on the two chairs in the bedroom which is where he sleeps at night. he sniffs before he gets up, and when he starts changing chairs during the night it means MOMMA wash MY sheets

  7. That room looks so great and Madi, you make it look perfect. Those plates are terrific too. You all have a great Labor day week end.

  8. Hari OM
    Very peaceful sleeping space Madi!!!

    Now I gotta tell ya gal - german singers are not the first thing which springs to mind when the name NEELIX is mentioned...
    #13 - memecmm is an inernet 'in' joke thing, which is not as clever as it thinks it is.
    #16 - suspect that is just Catherine "V"someone who's b'day is 5/87
    #27 - as a Z4 is a BMW, if the plate wasn't on one, then Ron is dreaming...
    #28 - speaks for itself really! As do #s 30 and 32
    #33 - Lokeans are followers of the Norse demi-god Loki
    #34 - EABnet portal based in Raleigh NC
    #35... not even close, we've been in winter mode since September began over here!!!
    Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Those are a lot of interesting plates! Last week my mom, Robin, saw a license plate at Home Depot that said "VIZSLA" which is a very cool dog breed!

  10. You look terrific in the green room pretty Madi!

  11. Smart thinking Mom to keep your pretty gray furs off the new guest bed, Madi!
    Lots of fun plates today.
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  12. We bet your walls look fresh, cool and breezy! OMD, if we bought a plate for our pawrents it would be OLD RUNNERS! BOL! Dad was naughty yesterday. He forgot to open our doggie door in the morning!! And it wasn't discovered by them until 4pm!! Mom said she could tell we tried as long as we could . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  13. We bet your walls look fresh, cool and breezy! OMD, if we bought a plate for our pawrents it would be OLD RUNNERS! BOL! Dad was naughty yesterday. He forgot to open our doggie door in the morning!! And it wasn't discovered by them until 4pm!! Mom said she could tell we tried as long as we could . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  14. OMD..We have 3 light green rooms in our house too!!! But no red rooms...Mama said something about green being a "happy color"....and it's always a good idea to keep Mama happy!!

    Great plates this week!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss...Love your header!!

  15. Don't you just love paint color names? My assistant always thought it would be fun to have that job where you get to come up with names for paint colors. We like color in our house, too. My sissy's room in lavender and the parent's room is kind of a mauve.

  16. Oh, that quilt is so pretty and looks soooooooooo comfy!
    We only have white walls in our house. Except for a grey one where Mom was feeling bold. Ha roo woo roo. Mom's color blind. No, really she is. White makes it easier for her to decorate.

  17. The room looks lovely. Sammy would like #5 plate.

  18. The guest room looks lovely. You know hour our Lady feels about red, we will never get a cool red room.

  19. Of course, we ladycats always demand the highest standards from our housekeepers.

  20. We don't like those 'sposed-to-keep-the-furniture-clean and hairless' thingys! YUCK!

  21. I have a green room too and much cat furred furniture.

  22. I wonder if that bacon plate belongs to Sammy K? I am not surprised about the red :)

  23. Madi, maybe you could crawl underneath that sheet so you can lay on that pretty bedspread. :)

  24. We love those funny license plates.

  25. Mes furs things up too! Makes Mommy a little Ticked Off!
    And the plates made us laughs! Thanks yous!

  26. Oh gurl, didn't you tell your Moms that cat furs are just LOVE that they take with them everywheres???? BOL/MOL!! I loves those plates!!! And the walls....MARGARITAS!!!! Yes SIREE!!!! Loves them!!!
    Ruby ♥♥
    your bestie in crime....

  27. I love the new look! Be glad when we get thru with our remodel. The hubby was asking if I was ever gonna quit finding things to do........


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi