My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday Photo Hunt

We love Saturday Photo Hunt click
here for a list of words
Today's word is....
Final  adj: last
Today is the final day of post mountain 

First it is my blog. Just so you don't forget
here is a photo of me basking in the sunpuddle
near my powder room
If you missed that tour, click powder room above.

As you can see September 15 was a gorgeous day in the NC Mountains
they clouds were really putting on a show too.

If you use your imagination and squint really hard you can see a
raptor (tiny black speck in the middle) in the photo

Pilot Mountain is to your right
the mountain range off in the distance is
The Sauratown Mountains, which are sometimes called "the mountains away from the mountains", they are an isolated mountain range located within Stokes and Surry counties North Carolina

Cheese factory in West Jefferson look at those moo cows

Retail Cheese Shop right across the street from the factory


  1. What beautiful mountains and valleys!!

    Of course they don't hold a candle to your sunpuddle picture, Madi ;-)!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Cheese factory? I rruff cheese!
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  3. What beautiful pictures! Cheese? Did somebuddy say cheese?!

  4. Those are some terrific pictures of the mountains and surroundings. You are looking good too Madi.

  5. wow what a sight you have from the top of your mountains... and I would love to try the cheese... is it a special one with magic ingredients?

  6. Hari OM
    Oh yeah, you got our attention with the mention of cheese!!! I saw the birdy... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Those photos sure are nice but you're the real beauty sweet Madi!

  8. forget the gorgeous mountain views and bring on the CHEESE and also I need a rock to toss over that pinnacle... wow what a beautiful place.. EYE see you Madi.,

  9. Looks like your peeps had gorgeous days for all of the views up on Pilot Mountain, Madi!
    Funny that they have to put a sign up to warn people not to throw objects below!
    Did they bring you back some cheese?!
    I love cheese nibbles when Dad tosses them to me! BOL
    Hugs, Molly and Kathy

  10. Wow. Those looked like HUGE moo cows!
    Enjoy your sun puddle!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. Great photos. It looks like your Mom and Dad had a really nice time.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. OOPS>.....Mom messed up again! It SHOULD say....

      Hugs, YOUR GUY RAZ and The Florida Furkids

  12. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful pictures from the mountains. What a great trip that must have been!

  13. More gorgeous mountain photos! Our favorite was you in that sunpuddle, Madi :)

  14. That is a very nice sunpuddle shot of you, Madi. But we have to say we have really enjoyed all the beautiful photos from the NC mountains. We didn't mind at all and since you managed to squeeze some Madi shots in too, it was all the better.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  15. Those were great NC photos! We so enjoyed seein them Madi but of course we love seeing YOU just as much!! Well maybe just a tad more...teehee... after all we love kitty photos!

  16. Great photos Madi! We would love to visit a cheese factory.

  17. Another lovely set of mountain pictures.

  18. CHEESE???????!!!!!! YES PLEASE!!! Huh? Oh. Yes, those mountain pics are most FABulous!!! And the clouds are beautifuls too! butts...CHEESE!!!! Oh, tells me all abouts it! Did you gets lots?? what kinds??? did your Moms share with you???
    Ruby ♥

  19. Beautiful pictures! Hmmmm, cheese! Add wine... :)

  20. cheese and cheesecake.....2 foods high on my like very much list
    beautiful scenery
    beautiful Madi


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi