My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Easy Sunday Selfie and Plates

We are glad to see the sun today.  Yesterday was horrible!!
Power is back on and we have no damage lots of clean up though, that I will snoopervise
Mom's shirt says Must love Cats. Since you can't see the word cats...she changed it.
I am leaning against mom's arm ...I do that a lot and she says it is almost as good a being in her lap.
? indicates we are clueless as to the meaning

#1 is from my friend Mad Snapper
1. PMS666, Well we all know what PMS stands for and 666 is the sign of the devil
2. ISLNDGRI, Island Girl
3. Gypsy
4. NCSUSUSU, N C State University, Guess they added susu to be different
5. WOF-PACK, another version of NCSU fan vanity plates.  We have a gazillion versions here since
NCSU is in Raleigh.
6. CHEMFEM,  a gal who likes chemistry
7. DAUGHTR+, Daughter Plus
8. SHUFLIN, Shuffling 
9. 10ANY1, Tennis anyone
8 and 9 from Frankie and Ernie
11. BAD71ELK?
12. DEBSCAR, Deb's car
13. GR8Bite, Great Bite. Maybe a dentist
14. 2MOODE4U To moody for you
15. KAMLY MOM, Maybe Family Mom?
18. EKMG?
20. CMRAGIRL, Camera Girl
21. NCAGAIN, Maybe moved back to NC
22. IIIIILS, Maybe Roman numerials.
23. LATE
25. LV2NRORO, Love 2??????
26. COLERVEN, Cool rving?
30. BABYHUEY, on a blue truck
31. NOWURYZ, No worries
32. VACO?
33.GOTMUZIC, Got music
34. PACKVAN, another NC State Fan
35. CNMAGIK, Cinema geek?
36. RZRBKFAN, Razorback Fan (Arkansas)
37. THX2HP, Thanks to Hewlett Packard?
38. GODZILLA on a Nissan sports car
39. FEEONA, Fiona?
40. LANDLOCK,  Land lock not near any body of water
41. ZIPTDUDA, Zippty doo dah, from movie Song of the South
42. HUGNU?



  1. We love plates! Some of those were very hard for our Mom's brain. MOL!
    It's very special that you like to lean against your Mom's arm, Madi. Prudie likes to prop her chin on our Mom's hand. It makes our Mommy feel very special.
    Have an easy Sunday.
    XOXO from your besties in Oklahoma.

    Pee Ess - we hope the human sis, husband, and kittehz are ok.

  2. We think the shirt should be permanently corrected!

  3. We ALL luffs Madi so I finks the t shirt is just pawfect
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. That is the perfect t-shirt for your mom and it's red too!

  5. Hari OM
    LOVE mum's shirt Madi - and your very own version of snuggling!
    #10 - to rip dirt is to go off road; so probably on a 4x4 vee-hickle?
    #11 - "Bad Elk" was a law case used for precedence of right to use violence in resistance against 'unlawful arrest'... leaves this one open for all sorts of story possibilities!!!
    #15 - Kamly is a name (PUnjabi or Mid-Eastern)... or an aviation waypoint in Missouri...
    #18 - East Kingdom Metalsmith's Guild... yes, it exists!
    #19 - Yangram is a family name found in the South East Asian grouping - or it can be referring to a symbol of Eastern religion.
    #22 - This may relate to a pattern card for Knitmaster machine; or to solar modules...
    #24 - the new way of saying 'cool man'... (tsk)
    #25 - ............nope, can't help here!
    #26 - could be a Colonel Erven maybe?
    #28 - has to pay a lot for calls?
    #32 - VACO is a large recruitment services company (have offices in Charlotte)
    #37 - could be reference to the push for legalisation of medical marijuana... or to a set of Logitech speakers. I'm thinking more likely the first
    #39 - owner of fees?
    #42... HUGGIN' YOU!!!

    Plus some whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I know the perfect truck for the LATE plate. our lifeguard at the YMCA is always late for any or everything. Looks like Yamini is good at this.

  7. That's a great shirt. We're glad to see y 'all made it through, too.

  8. That is such a great shirt. Hope you made it through the storm all right. It looked like you got tons of rain etc. We just got a little wind but no rain. Enjoy your Sunday.

  9. Those plates crack me up! Really like your fall header photo too Madi! Keep snuggling your mama she will need encouragement for the cleanup. I'm so glad you have power! They say we'll see the sun in a few hours.

  10. That's a darn cool shirt pretty Madi! Thanks for the plate giggles too!

  11. Glad you are okay... good Madi is there to snoopervise and get it all cleaned up.
    Happy you have power!

  12. I haven't seen too many personalized plates here in WA, but down in AZ it seemed every other car had them. It made the drive in to work so much more fun!

    Glad you guys are doing okay.

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  13. Very clever plates! We'll have to keep an eye out for some around here. We'll let you know if we find any.

  14. You are so sweet and pretty Madi. Lots of good plates, IU always look when I am out, but never see any.

  15. We think your Mama did a wonderful job fixing her shirt!

    What a great group of plates this week!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey and Bilbo

  16. We are glad there is no damage and the sun is out! We have seen 2 plates lately but mom was driving and could not snap a photo and of course now she cannot remember! Besides they were hard ones. She and dad finally decided that one guy must have just put on random letters to make people crazy lol! If you don't hear from me and Stanley for awhile it is because we are training with a local SWAT team. They met us and wanted our help. The one very muscular SWAT man wanted to keep Stanley cuz he said he was the pawfect dog. I was pawfect too but he liked that Stanley was taller. Sheesh!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Aw! We love that you're snuggling into your mom! And that the SUN is out! Hope you don't have too much clean up.

  18. We're glad to hear you are all okay after Matthew passed by. You are so sweet to snuggle your mom like that Madi.

  19. We're glad everyone's safe :) Your selfie is gorgeous - we bet your snuggles fix everything.

  20. Sometimes, you can never figure out what those plates mean! Glad the hurricane left without any damage!

  21. We're glad to hear you made it through Matthew without too much problems. We think your mom's shirt is correct now.

  22. I am sooooooo glads you guys are okays!!!! I wouldn't want your virgin paws to have to gets wet and touch the *gasp* GROUND!!!!!!! I sure am glads you guys are safe, cause I was watchin' the news on the TeeVees and it said that NC gots some of the worst of that bastard Matthew! Paws crossed everyone stays safe
    Sendin' emergency margaritas your way.....
    Ruby ♥

  23. I am glad you stayed safe through the hurricane. I like your mum's T shirt.

  24. I was so glad to hear that you made it through Matthew okay.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi