My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 2, 2017

Mayoral Inauguration

Ohhhhhhhhh was I pleased as punch when Mayor Elect Arty invited me to say a few
words today.  One thing about Southern gals you all may (or may not) know is we are never, ever, no never at a loss for words.  It has been said we could talk the ears off a corn stalk!!

Mayor Arty asked me to speak about being Mayor and a citizen of Blogville.
Mayor Arty you are following in the pawprints 3 fine men mayors Frankie, Murphy and Stanley
and moi, Madi, the first feline and first female mayor.  Congratulations on being elected mayor of this fine community we lovingly call Blogville.  If I was only allowed one word to describe  being a citizen of Blogville, it would be "ACCEPTED"!! 
That is what my little Feline Heart felt when I took office.
Speaking of females Mayor Arty you have one fine one by your side in
Mabel and I hear she is a huggy puggy too!!
I was a feline walking in K9 pawprints and everyone accepted me.
Even though I shop on the dark side of Petsmart.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  thankfully I can use more words.
In closing, I would like to use each letter of Mayor to describe the office.

Many hats
Awesome job
You will cherish every moment
Outreach to community creating fun and gaiety


Mayor Arty, good luck, have fun, and holler if you need me to help.  I'm here fur you good buddy.
Hugs Madi(son) D. Cat, 
Feline Female Mayor Emeritus,
Director of F.L.U.F.F  and Dispatcher 2017 Mayoral Cabinet.


  1. Great speech, Madi. Those ears are flying off the corn stalks!

  2. Yep, we are Southern here too, so we know all about this. And that was a fine speech.

  3. That is just the perfect speech, Madi!

  4. That speech sure was a good one Madi. That is a good looking bunch of dogs.

  5. Purrrfect speech handing over the keys of blogville... now we have canines following in cat foot prints and they will have to try hard to as good a job as you did.

  6. Hari OM
    Hoorrraahhh and well done Madi - a great welcome for the incomer!!! I'm away from tomorrow, and even if I manage to get to read some bloggies, I will not be able to comment for a while. Love you heaps, hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. BRAVO Mayoress Emeritus MADIson... your Speech was PURRRRRRrrrrfect. Arty and Mabel are in fur a WILD and Wonderful Ride.
    NOW we would be amiss if we didn't say this to you...
    THANK YOU fur YOUR service to Blogville and its Citizens. You were an excellent Mayoress.

  8. That was a good speech! And that's exactly how we felt when we first came to Blogville: Accepted.

    Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

  9. Excellent speech Miss Madi! We know Arty will have his paws full but there is always someone in Blogville that will help if he needs it.

  10. Hear, hear! A lot more acceptance is what's needed in this world!

  11. "APPAWS" APPAWS", what a wonderful and heartfelt speech!! Thanks so much for being such a wonderful example of what I should aspire to be Madi!!

    Mayor Arty

  12. Well done Madi . . . talk the ears off a cornstalk BOL! Mom cracked up over that one!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz Emeritus

  13. We are giving you a standing ovation! Great speech ♥

  14. Great speech, Madi! You do us females and cats proud :)

  15. Madi - I am feeling just a bit emotional today. Thanks so much for setting such a wonderful example of what a Mayor should be and most of all thank you for being such a wonderful friend
    Vice Mayor Mabel

  16. That was great MAdi!! Good job


  17. Great speech, Madi! Eloquent and to the point!

  18. Great words spoken, Madi. And Congrats to Mayor Arty - we just know that he is going to be an outstanding Mayor with a great staff to support him.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. Great speech Madi and of course everyone would accept you :)

  20. Madi, you were a wonderful mayoress! Arty will be a great leader too. Happy new year!

  21. ConCatulations to Mayor Arty! Great speech!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  22. Crikey Madi ..... how could we NOT accept you?? You are the BFFF and I for one love you. I'm not even scared of you and you feline's can be pretty scary, aye?? What a great speech. You were one the first to make me feel welcome in Blogville. Thanks for being there for all of us. Great speech Madi, my BFFF.

  23. What a great speech, Madi! Congratulations to Mayor Arty!

  24. A most excellent speech, Madi!

  25. That is actually a new one on me. Talk the ears off a corn stalk. I really cannot remember hearing that one.

    Congrats to you Mayor Arty.

  26. Pawsome speech Madi and congratulations to Blogville's new Mayor - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  27. Great speech, Madi. We remember you did as good a job as Mayor as all the guys have done.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi