My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and a Cat Tale

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sammy

This will be a poem to tell you how we came to blog
Today's post is brought to you by the letter

by Madi(son) D. Cat

I am a cat that is a fact.
I started my blog because of Dogs
MOL MOL I hear you cool cats yeowling
Madi take a pill for sure you are ill.
It is true one day on a whim 
I took a swim
Into the deep dark waters of the internets I dove.
Lo and behold as I lurked about
I saw D O G S living, loving and thriving here.
To myself I thought could this be 
another world here for me?
I stuck my nose into a few places that K9's graced. 
 There I found two friends (Daily Dose of Jack and Dog Daze)
They were ready and willing to lend me their pawz.
Come June 2017 it will be year  EIGHT (8)!!
It is all because I found 
DOGS and they were GREAT
Soon I learned CATS lived here too and 
my oh my it was time to 

Now for a little video

Everybuddy who knows me knows all about my love of anything with catnip; 
however, my favorite non nip toy is the clear plastic ring that is often
found around the neck of vitamins or mouthwash bottles.
Also these clear rings are the only things I regularly tote!!
You know divas don't tote they have toting staff!!
If you turn up your volume, you can here it as it crinkles
We call this video
"Clearly Madi's favorite toy"


  1. How fun to see you play with your favorite toy!

  2. Great poem Madi.
    Gail will be celebrating 9 years of blogging in July this year (first with Hamish, then with me).
    Toodle pip!

  3. that's a super poem... and a poem to honor the canine world is a fabulous thing... specially when a very talented cat diva wrote it with her own paws :o)

  4. At least, you can get those toys more easily than Nip!

  5. I luffs the poem!
    And Madi, what a GREAT toy, what funs to play wiv
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. That is a terrific poem, Madi. Glad the dogs kind of led your way. Dogs are great animals too. You all have a great day.

  7. thanks for the story of how you started your blog, I have not heard it before. so dogs are the reason you are here.. oh my... MOL BOL LOL..
    ok.., here goes ... danger will Robinson, Danger. that plastic can break off and go down your throat and choke you... not a good toy... my friends 4 year old was playing with a balloon, it popped and a piece of the plastic went down her throat and she died. balloons and all plastic are dangerous for you my dear Madi...

  8. Madi it is so fun to see you in action for reals! You worked up an appetite!!! Your D poem is cool and it is so much fun to read the blogs of pet bloggers. They make my days happy! Even though we are without CAT right now... :)

  9. Lucky's favorite thing is plastic too. He loves to lick the laundry basket.

  10. I love to play with hair scrunchies and will steal them whenever I see one. I even tried to take one from Mara's hair one day, but she wasn't having any of it. Spoilsport!

    But bottle tops are good too. I think I will just ask Mara about one now...

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  11. haaaaaaaaa, so funny. My kitties play with plastic ORANGE spider rings that the dentist hygienist sends home with me on cleaning day. She knows i love ORANGE and she knows my kitty loves those rings. they last for a while unless Shebaroosome (large Lab/Rhodesian mix) finds them.

  12. OH MADI... you "CLEARLY" put that toy into the PLAY "RING". OMC Play is so Thirst and Hungry making, isn't it?
    Now about you being a CAT... I am STILL laughing at MYSELF... when I think back to when WE FURST MET... I must have known you fur like 87 weeks... before I realized that YOU are a CAT not a Dog... BaaaaaWaaaah.

  13. Grreat poem! My kitty sister appreciates you being such a brave feline pioneer. It inspires her to come out occasionally when I'm blogging.

  14. That's right Madi dogs rock too
    Lily & Edward

  15. We love seeing your fun pretty Madi and we enjoyed your poem too!

  16. Oh Madi I used to love those plastic rings too! Then Mom introduced me to plastic straws and THEY became my fave non-nip toy.....give one a try!

    Love, Angel Sam
    p.s. DY-NO-MITE power for THursday Poetry Day

  17. Wonderful poem and two very wonderful reasons to blog. We really miss Dog Daze - they are very nice friends. We really need to pay a visit to Daily Dose of Jack and the new pup on board.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  18. Cool poem! You should do poetry readings in coffee shops like those beatnik dudes used to do. That would be cool!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: Sorry we got behind reading again. Mom's been swamped. I have no idea what that has to do with us!

  19. madi...yur blog haz gone two de dawgs !!!!! awesum videe oh N we pree tended ta heer what everee one else could that we cant thanx knot two this POS pea sea ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  20. What a great poem, Madi! We had no idea that you started your blog because of dogs!

  21. Madi, enjoyed the poem and I always knew you were a dog lover (you say you're my BFF, after all). I have one cat friend IRL named Chester but you're my BFF too. I always thought cats played with stuffed mice and laser pointers but what do I know? Maybe you're on to something! Your pal, Toby

  22. Cute video and an excellent poem. I am glad you started blogging.

  23. Maddie cat loves those kind of things too! Those and q-tips! Oh, and that was a great poem.

    Thank you so much for all your kind comments on our doggie blog. We really appreciate them, and we're glad you enjoy reading The Daily Bone. We love reading your kitty blog too! Your doggie friend, Chester

  24. OMD...You are channeling our Angel Sissy Addie!! Mama could buy her nip, feather toys and she would play with them a little but give her the ring that Mama used to find on the half gallon milk containers and she would play with it until she lost it!! Mama used to find them under everything!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  25. Super poem and we heard you crinkle that toy!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids .

  26. Madi, I like to play with those plastic crinkly timings too. Though the mom never lets me. Phooey. ~Ernie

  27. Madi you are so graceful as you move across the room! Now are you sure that crinkle was your toy and not your mom's bones? Just saying it could be ya know BOL! Wonderful poetry!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi