My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday Tale of Trash and trees

Dad and TOGM started a new tradition this year!!  
I hear it is catching on like wildfire around the 'hood.  
It is called a lazy rednecks Christmas Chair...yes Chair not Tree

Yep this is where our tree should have been, but Dad and TOGM never got the
tree out of the box, Dad was a tad under the weather in early December by the time
he was chipper again it was 7 days before Christmas.  So mom
put the Christmas blankie over the chair and then all the packages in the chair.
After all the pressies were unwrapped, TOGM grabbed the blankie off the Christmas Chair
folded it up.  Quickest ever getting the 'tree' down!!

That is how a lazy redneck decorates!!


  1. MOL! My human wishes she could have done something like that - it's going to be a chore (she says) getting the tree down and the ornaments put away.

  2. Funny! We did not have a tree or a chair

  3. I like this idea....and the mama said next year she will join the lazy chair crew... am I a chairman then when I sit on that chair?

  4. Our mom is liking this tradition but the chair MUST have lights!

  5. That is a good idea. So much easier. You all have a great day.

  6. I think the Christmas Chair is a brilliant idea. We got the pre-lit tree up but never put any decorations on it!!!!! Well, it had pine cones on it and that was enough for me!

  7. the chair is a great idea, so easy to put out and take down.. you are the best with a box... we all know that. ha ha on the wait for the recycle to leave before ditching the box

  8. I love the idea of the Redneck Christmas Chair. Looks great to me.
    Yes, you kitties love to drive us batty.

  9. That box looked interesting but a bit small for laying down in so we see why you weren't really interested. We love the Christmas chair. BOL!

  10. BOL! Whatever works for your tree, I guess. Momma loves the Christmas lights, so I know she'd never go for that.

  11. Oh my dawg Madi what perfect instructions. Waiting for the recycler than ignore the box!! Bahhh!
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward

  12. That is a great idea, I may try it next year. Good idea about the boxes too. :)

  13. Oh yea I agree, the chair needs lights!

  14. Lightning just doesn't get kitty fascination with boxes - he thinks they are evil.

    Mom says she likes that idea of decorating a tree - sure makes for a lot less work:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  15. She's not using MY chair!!!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  16. Wow, we can see this trend with the chair catching on! BUTT maybe you need to throw some lights on the chair. Good work with driving your mom nuts with the box. She can always put it on the Christmas chair until next week BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Madi, you are quite the box professional! With the bonus of driving your humans crazy! Double paws up!

  18. Good idea with the chair! We only decorated the top of the living room TV cabinet this year. And now it's all put away until next year in hopes that ghostwriter gets some time off for a change.

  19. glad your dad is better. :) I've been under the weather for a few days now. like your Christmas chair...very creative. happy new year to you and yours!

  20. Well I would be quite happy with a Christmas chair, as it would not obstruct the view out of our bay window, which is a problem I have when Gail puts up the tree here in Aberdeen. But Gail always insists on having a real live tree, claiming it is about the only Christmassy thing she genuinely enjoys. So I guess I'm stuck with it!
    Toodle pip!

  21. Mom thinks that the Christmas chair is a great idea. Our prelit tree was up for a few days before it got any decorations on it.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  22. Mama says next year it will most likely be a redneck chair and a few Christmas windows instead of a tree :-). Great boxing today too, Madi!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  23. Bwahaahaa! We think that just might catch on here!

  24. madi....we loves thiz eye dea oh a tree !~!~!~!~ whitefish waves frum uz and copee & paste…. anda happee new yeer two ewe all ♥♥♥ ; sneekin round blog land two day iz gettin tuffer bye de minit… de food gurlz place oh employ iz ta blame… we wanted ta say hope de new yeer bringz everee one lotz oh happee nezz & health & perch samichez ~~ !!! ♥♥♥ ☺☺☺

  25. We LOVE the BOX thingy you pulled on your mom... hehehehe Madi you are SOOOOO ornery... and WE Adore you fur it.
    Now about this CHRISTMAS CHAIR thingy... WE want you to REPOST this the 2nd Week in NOVEMBER... OMD If we could get our mom to Buy Into the Christmas CHAIR thingy... we MIGHT have a FREAK FREE Holiday... BUTT WAIT... we think that might be the Triumph of HOPE over Experience..... SHE would just use Snow Freak Sheets and a Snow Freak Throw.. in the chair... SIGH...{{{SIGH}}} BUTT PLEASE... re post this one in NOVEMBER... it may help SOME of Blogville...

  26. OMG omg....the Redneck Chair is one for the books!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!

    And of course, you, Madi. I adore anything you do. Especially when you play one on your mom. Too funny.
    Happy New Year to you all.

  27. BOL The Christmas loves it! Sounds like it for sure made the un-decorating easy!

  28. Haha - oh my gosh, I cannot show my husband this!

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  29. Don't give the mom any ideas! Next year she'll be doing this chair instead of a tree.

  30. Mom likes that idea, WE don't harumpf! We know all about the way to be "box fickle" MOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi