My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Today's post is brought to you by the letter


by Madison D Cat

Dad has one
Mom has none
As for me, I'm happy alone.
Human sis is an only and that is no baloney!
She has never been lonely.
She has always been friendly and rarely alone
Once she spent the night with Michelle
Oh me, oh my she came home with woeful tales
Michelle and her bro 
A bathroom did share
Sis said his lack of care with water, soap and toothpaste 
gave her a scare.
Sis was glad to return home and quite glad to be an only.

Below are our first photos downloaded to the
new 'puter.  I was 'snoopervising' Geek Agent Vanessa.
You'll love this Agent Vanessa gave us her card and guess what
she is a DOUBLE Agent.....
That means she can set up 'puters like ours or
she could build us a computer.  

We are so very thankful for all our blogging friends.  All of you are always so
willing to help in anyway.  You are the best.
We Join.......

MS we thank you for telling us about jpg.  We were using Picmonkey
which supposedly saves photos to jpg.  But ours came up blank.
So we edited them in Pizap and Pizap..saved with jpg at the end and
yippee skippy


  1. hahaha I understand your sis, I felt the same after a pj-pawty at my bff. her sister was such a meanie that time and I was glad to have my room and my parents for myself :o)

  2. We three each have two, and SHE is one of SIX! Related to Northern VA...BOL!

  3. Hari OM
    I's the first of four and I am glad they are there - physical distance doesn't separate us! (Actually only last night I had a googly-vid chat with my two sisters - brother being elsewhere - and it was so comforting, given I'sa facing some challenging times!!!)

    Woo hooo for the new technistuffss. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. PicMonkey saves in jpeg, there is a place that sometimes get auto changed to png for some reason. if you want me to show you where to look let me know. have done this several times myself. so glad you have the compuer and a geek card to call if you have a need. I wish I could build a computer

  5. We have a hallway here at work that looks like that. Full of snakes and wires Madi.

  6. Yup, lots of snakes around the computer. Watch out Madi. Glad you are all fixed up. Have a great day.

  7. I was an only, too. And I loved it! Great poem about siblings, Madi! Glad to see things are progressing with the computer and the pictures look great! I save my pictures to Picture Project or Nikon Transfer on my laptop. Any pictures done in an editing program... Pixlr, Pizap, BeFunky, Snapseed, etc, when I save at one of those, Picture Project and Nikon Transfer have a pop up that always asks how I want to save the picture. jpg, png. I usually save all my pictures to jpg. On my Nikon my shots are set to JPEG basic or JPEG fine unless I click in RAW which is almost NEVER. I would love to have someone close that knew all the little tricks about puters and iPhones!!! We have a bunch of those snakes behind our TV... kinda hidden!

  8. Great "S" poem dear Madi! Being an only was OK for me and seems OK so far for Teddy......My Dad was a twin and my Mom had a sister and brother so they don't know about onlies. Glad you figured out to save your Pizap stuff with .jpg. We learned that the hard way too!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  9. That's a great poem. We're so glad you are there to properly supervise the computer stuff.

  10. I've always had siblings and don't know anything else. I'd miss them if they were gone, but it's all what you're used to!

  11. It's always great when you've got a knowledgeable person at your beck and call, Madi!

  12. Sounds like you are getting the new puter figured out!
    Mom has 5 siblings and so does Dad
    Mr BAiley Hazel & Mabel

  13. Very nice poem, Madi. My assistant doesn't have any siblings either - though my human sissy doesn't have any human siblings, but she has me and Rosie! We count,right?

  14. What a wonderful poem and WAHOOVIES for playing with pictures on the new computer!!

  15. I love your sib poem, Madi! It's a winner!

  16. Super poem! We're glad you warned your Mom about those snakes....they look pretty skeery to us!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  17. Good poem friend. Non sibling! You have a sissy human
    Lily & Edward

  18. The snake must be after the computer mouse pretty Madi! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  19. Ghostwriter always consults her techno kids, of which there are four, when it comes to computer stuff, and Dad as a last resort (because he's kind of old-school.)

    Oh, and she also remembers the bathroom wars that went on when the four siblings were teenagers. Yikes!

  20. Great poem, Madi!! I love being part of a pack - so does Maggie. It's in our nature!

  21. hi Madi, I'm an one & only as was so so. my son is an only child as well, that wasn't really how I wanted it but life happens and I'm blessed to have him :) there are benefits to being an only child. :)
    your one liners made me laugh! thank you!

  22. total lee awesum S poem two day madi; N how kewl de Snakez arrived just in time two.... N yea, we gotta agreez RUN !!!!!!!!! thoz thingz give uz de heeebeez ☺☺♥♥

  23. Super poem, Madi - Mom needs to put on her reading glasses - she thought it said Michelle and her bra - BOLOLOL!!!

    Mom had to deal with printer issues today for Dad - what a pain!!! We are still trying to get back on schedule.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  24. I've had trouble too maybe a new computer soon mine is getting old now and plays up a lot.

  25. Madi, your S poem was Surely Somethingy Super.
    OMD you are all Set up and Rolling with your New Computer... WHEW... CONGRATULATIONS.

  26. Great poem, I am all for only children. I have a sister 8 yrs. my senior so I felt like an only and loved it. Good job snoopervising.

  27. OMD, those snakes are creepy Madi! I had those the other week when Ma's tivo died! she had the whole teevee set up torn apart and was cleanin' and dusting and it was scary gurl!
    I hopes your Moms figures out the puter can be mind boggling fursure!
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi