My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, April 17, 2017

Very impawtant Mews and Tape Test

On 4/21/17 Dory's friends will pay tribute to a life lived full of love and 
flowers.  We thank the Idaho Pugs, and Kinley  for hosting the event.

Put your paws to work finding some Posies to post on Friday 4/21/17


Thursday April 13,  rec'd the below email from my friends DownUnder Bella, Dui and Roxy

Madi walked around the tape all day....often stopping to look at it
 Madi is food driven...the only time she got in it was when I 
put her food dish in it.

Madi is correct she is not like OTHER cats...she marches to a beat in her head that
no one else can hear.  

BIG, I mean really BIG BREAKING News
Look what was Mom's Easter Present! MOL


  1. I think my human tried that once with us with the tape... and it didn't work here either.

  2. Thanks! We thought it might not be true....even if it was on Facebook...MOL!

  3. Miss Madi, Your human is cheating !

  4. hahaha ;o) maybe your mom can try it again with placing a tape-stry on the floor or a tape-nade... in case you like olives :o)

  5. Finally breakin in the office floor, huh?

  6. Like your new header. Good to see the two cousins. Madi, I don't think we would have thought that was a box either, it doesn't have any sides. You all have a great day.

  7. Love the header here of your kissin' kousins! Wait...niece and nephew....sorry. My error.

    You do go by your own style dear Madi...but just remember you're the Diva...and you CAN do what you want. Anytime, any place.

  8. so now mom knows you will not sit in a tape box and the way to get you on The Floor in That Room is sunbeams... you are to funny Madi Girl

  9. MOL now Mom wants to try that tape thing!!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  10. Madi, you keep Mom on her toes and keep her wondering. :)

  11. Cool header, Madi! Haha, finally sitting on the office floor... you made your Mom a happy Cat Mom! It is good to march to your own beat, Madi! Enjoy your Monday!

  12. Hari OM
    Hah! Theory tested.

    When images don't display it can be the Goog-bots having detected it is from an 'unsafe' source, i.e. not an https:// domain and therefore potential for backdoor nasties. Another possibility is that the owner of the image actually had a copy-guard on it. Either way, it didn't spoil your expawriment! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Good work on both counts, Madi - you definitely are not like any other cat - you are MADI!!!

    And your dear Mom must have been so happy about your sleeping in that sunpuddle on that floor you have such a hard time with. Way to go, Madi. Maybe Mom needs to get that sunpuddle in there all the time.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  14. I would probably try to eat the tape pretty Madi!

  15. I didn't think you'd fall for sitting in the tape box, Madi. No way!

  16. BOL, we could've told your momma you were going to be stubborn!

  17. nothing wrong with being a leader, Madi. :)

  18. Madi, you are such an individualist! No one puts a round peg in a square...taped box...oh for goodness sakes! Guess you've decided that the 'new' floor isn't going to eat you!

  19. We'll have to try that tape box on the floor thing, says our Mom. Bravo to you, Madi, for your individuality AND for finding a sunpuddle on your very pretty floor!

  20. I never…who knew cats had to put up with such insults? Who would sit in a "box" taped on the floor? I will share some flowers for Dory on April 21, thank you for the reminder.

  21. That thing could be like the Devils Triangle
    Lily & Edward

  22. I'll have to see if my kitty cousins Maddie and Tibie will sit in a box like that.

  23. You wouldn't sit in the taped box but you did finally lay in the office. Great job Madi.

  24. Bravo for sitting in the office Madi and making your mom happy
    Mr Bailey,Hazel & Mabel

  25. I can tell you our Mom would have no luck with getting us inside four corners!

  26. Maybe you just don't want to be taken for granted! Way to be your own cat, Madi!!!

  27. Someone very special has gone forever from this world and I feel an immense pain, however your wonderful words have made my heart rejoice. I am so very grateful to you for your special message. It has helped me find some peace and tranquility.
    Thank YOU dear friends!
    Love Barb

  28. So she tricked you into the fake box, huh? Does this mean the floor is OK now? We're looking for flowers for Dory!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. How fun, I must test this theory too.

  30. WAY TO GO MADI... on BOTH Thingys... OBVIOUSLY a FLAT Box is not a REAL BOX. We love the RED LETTER Day.... since RED is your mom's Favorite Color... she must REALLY be proud that you have Graced the "OFFICE" with your presence.

  31. We don't think that theory is true; cats would not sit in a box taped to the floor.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi