My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Our new computer is all set up; however, mom has not tried to download new photos or prepare a new blogpost.  Photos are stored differently so THANK GOODNESS she has about a week or more of blog post already prepared.  Our Geek Agent Vanessa was very very efficient and helpful
so we feel confident all will be okey dokey.  Good thing mom is retired she has plenty of time
Hugs Madi


  1. Good luck perfecting your photo-finding. Our computer tends to change the photo format sometimes...usually displaying the one you don't want at that!

  2. Madi, that is very dangerous, going so close to not just one but four bicycles. Don't be deceived by the cute name plates. Steer well clear…
    Toodle pip!

  3. we cross all paws that the photos are still there and efurrything works like eggs-pected :o) new compawters are like getting a new furmily member... we have to find a way to become furmily and a team...

  4. Bet she'll get it all figgered out!

  5. Hari OM
    Learning curves are always challenging - I have not doubt TOGM is up to it!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Getting used to a new puter does take a lot of time and a LOT of patience!
    Which bike did you choose for today's ride, Madi?

  7. Our mom isn't crazy about learning new tech stuff either. So many options.

  8. Glad the computer is all set up. We feel sure you will figure it all out without a whole bunch of trouble. Great picture Madi of you and all the bikes. Have a great day.

  9. I have all the confidence in the world Mom will get thru it with flying colors.

  10. love the bike pic and I do hope the girls are not named those names.. and that it is decorative only. glad you are up on the new puter

  11. Hi Madi! Totally cool that you have a new 'puter and that big box looked rather interesting too! I'm sure your Mom will have everything figured out ASAP. My Mom decided NOT to upgrade to Windows 10 because she loves 8 and is being STUBBORN. Hope everything works out just FINE!

    Love, Teddy

  12. Very cute picture... love your hat, Madi! Your Mom will be posting in no time from the new puter!

  13. We hope all is going well with learning about your new computer. Good luck.

  14. Someone's a Simon&Garfunkel fan! Good luck with the computer!

  15. BOL, we love your pic, Madi! Did you know that Momma's Renny-sauce faire is called Scarborough Faire??

  16. What a cool photo! Good luck with the new computer!

  17. Ut oh. You better help her before she deletes everything
    Lily & Edward

  18. We have faith in your mom to sort it out!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Have lots of fun with new computer!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  20. You sure add some sugar to all those spicy herbs, Madi.

    Glad the computer setup went so well.

    Woos - Lightning and MIsty

  21. paws crossed that Mom is figuring out the new puter!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  22. I clicked on the square to see your photo! I LOVE those bikes ♥

  23. looks like your at the beach :)

  24. Maybe now that his work is over fur a year... your mom could ask the Easter Bunny to come help her FIND the HIDDEN PICTURES... he is good at HIDING thingys... so he MUST be good at FINDING them.

  25. When my mum got her new computer last year it came with Windows 10. There are a lot of things she still doesn't like about it and she is very glad she never upgraded her laptop. She doesn't like the way photos are stored either but is still slowly sorting them to the way she wants. The biggest problem she had was documents. Her old computer was Vista and a lot of them were saved in a different format to 10, and the new computer couldn't read them.

  26. My sister's name is Vanessa, but she isn't a computer geek :)

  27. Glad you are getting up and going again! Love the bicycles Miss Madi!

  28. Learning a new computer is time consuming!

  29. Oh gurl, I am so glads everythings went smoothly! Ma has windows 10, butts no touch screen, so she just uses Desktop mode, and it is pretty much the same as windows 8. I think they have got a lot of the bugs worked out by nows, so paws crossed there shouldn't be any problems!
    (yeah, nows that I said that.....)
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I wanted to lets you know that my ears are doin' okays. I lets (okays, 'let' might be generous) Ma put my medicine in my ears and clean them, as long as I gets my freeze dried chicken! ☺ thanks for inquiring my BFF!

  30. Make sure your Mama takes breaks during her learning to give you dinner and snacks Madi!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi