My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy has suggested one of these  K words:

When Mom lost her key, 
I said don't look at me.
She looked high, she looked low.
She looked in the box of things that are cold.
I suggested maybe the king 
of our domain was to blame.
She said Madi you are insane!
She grabbed the handle on the  bag
carrying her kindle* threw me a kiss.
She was not one bit remiss 
No worries said she.
 Look at this
I have another one 
Just like the other one.

*cre8tive license used here mom doesn't have a kindle

Thankful Thursday hosted by

 I'm thankful to Brian and his sibs for hosting thankful Thursday.  We all need
to stop every so often and remember what blessings we have.
I Madi and very Thankful it is not 2 weeks ago because I was feeling very poorly and not eating.  Mom and Dad are purrty sure I have gained at least a 1 or a 1 1/2 pounds.
We three are thankful for each day we have together too!!

I'm also thankful for receiving the very coveted 

For Me for being WRONG on Teaser of August 23, 2017 From Angel Sammy and Teddy
WHY?! Because I earned it, if you earn something you should be thankful
I was not first commenter and I didn't have a clue where the photo wast taken.


  1. I'm so glad to hear you are doing much better, Madi!

  2. Great news on the weight gain Madi! (For once I am pretty certain that this is not an insulting thing to say to a Diva).
    Toodle pip!

  3. Glad you're feeling better and have gained some weight.

  4. yay for the good news... we are so happy that you are on the way to 1187% Madi ;o)
    keys always like to hide...and specially when you are in a hurry... the truth is that to blame it on the king is mostly the right decision... at least in my crib... ;o)

  5. Don't talk about keys: I once lost a complete set and had to get a colleague out of bed to be able to lock up the garage and then I had to get my neighbour out of bed to let me in my own front door! Then, three months later, I found the keys again. They were in the bottom of my bag! I never told my colleague or my neighbour though...

    Mara from Norway

    PS: very happy that you are doing so great. Long may it continue!

  6. K for Kindle,,,, gotta love me some Kindle!!!! All sorts of free books to be had,,, I fear my yard has suffered, Much easier than handling large books , although A trip to the Library is way past due for a few books that I refuse to pay for. I wish they opened the doors earlier since I am an early bird, but alas, they now open an HOUR LATER!!!!

    thanx for the update on kitty, and the tips about the sardines, I may have to get mine a can or two, although the smell is TURRABILLIOUS. I should know, I make my boss eat his well away from the office. OUTDOORS if possible.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I LOVE that "very coveted" awardie you have told us about just now and posted. That tickled my mom though *I* can't understand why. She also said she could paper the house's walls with those badges after all her misses. I'm like,"what"??

  8. And Madi, I have some new Fancy Feast that you might like if you want to come on over for the weekend. I sure do like it best of any. We will add to our glorious figures in concert. Wanna?

  9. hahaha, love the poem. The ugly badge is funny too.
    Speaking of keys, the Redneck lost his over the weekend. My neighbor actually found them in the parking lot of where they were working. He didn't think to ask hubby if they were his. He turned them over to the superintendent of the job. Anyway, he got them back on Monday.

  10. Awww, we are thankful too that you are feeling better... ♥ Haha about the award from Angel Sammy and Teddy... Congratulations! I think that poem is pretty cre8tive, I really enjoyed this one. It was like a little story. So nice to see you on the counter looking all perky! Good Morning Madi and Mom!

  11. Glad the key was found. Great poem. We are so glad that Madi is feeling so much better. You all have a fine day.

  12. Madi! You crafted a perfect "K" poem today and used ALL the prompt words too! YAY! That's fantabulous dear friend and what's even MORE fantabulous is that you are feeling frisky and perky and gaining weight like your Mom wants you to. Keep up the good work.....I'm THANKFUL that you're feeling yourself again.

    Love and Hugs, Teddy

  13. That was a great poem with perfect use of those "K" words. We're so happy to hear you are feeling better.

  14. Ghostwriter couldn't find her phone the other day. One of the siblings called her number so that maybe we could find it by listening for the ring. We heard the ring and it was muffled, but we still couldn't find the phone! Turns out she had put her phone down on a chair and Dad was sitting on it. Next time she'd better put the phone on vibrate!

  15. That was a good poem pretty Madi and we are so glad you are feeling better. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. Great poem Madi using all four words. We're glad you're feeling better too.

  17. Every once in awhile, I forget where I've placed my set of keys, and The Hubby always goes bonkers on me, warning me how dangerous it is to lose them! I always find them in my bedroom or at the bottom on my tote, so he can just RELAX already! Nice poetry, Madi & Mom!

  18. Yay for gaining poundage, Madi! We love your poem☺

  19. Pawsome poem. Mom says losing the keys is just the worst...! Thankfully we kittehs never have to worry about such things.

  20. madi....fezz did dad reel lee have de key afturr all !! N if ya gained sum poundage... that iz sum thin ta bee veree thanx full for ~ ♥♥♥

  21. We are so thankful you're feeling good these days!!!

  22. We are just so happy you are feeling better and gaining weight??
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. SHE spends many mornings playing where are those *&#% keys now??!!

  24. Great work - hope Mom eventually did find that key. AND we hope your vet appt. went well.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  25. Great poem Madi, you are so an overachiever always using all the words. Phoebe did today too :) I am happy that you are doing so much better too. XO

  26. Dear Ms Madi,
    I am so glad your Mommy is kre8tive! The K poem was fun. And even better Ms. Madi, kudos for getting better and making your Mommy happy.

  27. Oh gurl, that is one FABulous poem!!!! I thinks you are the bestest Poet evers!!! I totally missed your postie yesterday, so I am goin' there nows to read all abouts your foodables...☺
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi