My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday Tale of Royal Mail

Oh my Cats ***Not Earl, our mailman, (who by the way is the bestest ever)
delivered it to me post haste!!

In case you don't know the story of Not it is.   
****Our mail man story:  Not Earl has been our mailman for nearly 30 years. Until about 10 years ago, my peeps thought our his name was Earl.
One week Not Earl was gone for some time. Dad finally asked the substitute mailman if Earl was sick?  He said, do you mean Tony?  Dad said, Oh, His name is "Not Earl"?
The substitute said no it is Not Earl, it is Tony.
From that day forward the peeps still call him (not to his face) "Not Earl"!
My peeps don't think he looks like a Tony.
Every time mom tells this story I ask her what a Tony looks like.
I never get an answer.

BTW while we are reacquainting all with Not Earl we also wanted to tell you
he is retiring at the end of August.  He has been our mailman for 30+years.
Our neighborhood is planning a surprise for him on Friday, August 31, 2018.
Everyone will be decorating their mailboxes with good luck wishes and thank yous.
Of course we will tell you all about it


  1. oh what a mighty fine card from a real princess ;O) that is a wonderful idea to surprise Not Earl that way... it's always a little bittersweet when things change... let#s hope that the next Not Earl or maybe Actually Earl is a super good mailman too ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    Her Highness was most generous in her postings - I got one with architeture on it - thoughfulness personified!

    We don't get the same mailman here in the UK - neither did we in the Great Down Under Parts. that changed about 20 years ago after there was a spate of thefts of cheques which had been posted - it was discovered that more than one 'postie' in the world was inclined to know the pattern of mail deliveries from their regular routes and thus seemed to know when birthday (or other) money was being sent. They get swapped around every three months or so... Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. How fun that the neighbors are giving Tony, i.e., Not Earl, a retirement party! We had a mail carrier for the longest time, who actually delivered to two different houses my human lived at, but he just sort of disappeared... probably got transferred somewhere else.

  4. What a brilliant idea and such a sweet one for Not Earl!

  5. What an incredibly sweet thing to do for Not Earl!

  6. That is so great that all the neighbors are doing that for 'Not Earl'. We know he will like that. You all have a fantastic day.

  7. I am sooo glad Not Earl got to deliver my Royal Mail.
    And now he's gonna retire!?!? Well, i hopes he do haf a FUNS retirement butt I shall miss the Not Earl stories
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. Not Earl is going to be so surprised. I know you are going to miss him.
    That's a wonderful card. Very sweet of them to send it to you.

  9. What a great surprise for Not Earl!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  10. I love the story of "Not Earl"! Decorating your mailboxes is an amazing thing to do. He'll be so surprised and happy! You are very lucky to have a good postal carrier. Ours is terrible, tossing packages into the road at times! It is a rural road but things still get run over. Anyway, I think it's great to tell "Not Earl" how much you appreciate him!

  11. We sure hope "Not Earl" does his usual route on his last day so he can see what all of you have done for him. We finally have a new person doing our route (for about 6 months or so) and we are loving it. Our previous mail carrier was too lazy to drive his truck up the driveway (even in perfectly good weather) and if he had to (for a large box or something like that) he would just throw it out of the truck toward our garage. The new person is very nice and we get our mail delivered before noon most days. Previously, for years, it would be delivered after 5 pm which makes it after dark in the winter. When you have a long driveway it is nice to have your mail delivered during the day light hours. We hope your new mail person will be as good as "Not Earl".

  12. So kind of Princess Leah -- and kind of your neighborhood to plan something special for Not Earl!

  13. What a great card from the Princess.
    We are wondering if your future mailman will be called 'Not Not Earl'?

  14. What a wonderful idea for Tony. I hope too that he is there on his last day! That will be something I will look forward to a blog about. xxx

  15. Princess Leah is so nice to send those post cards to all her friends. Yours is quite lovely and she does a nice job of selecting very appropriate cards for her friends.

    We are sorry you will be losing Not Earl, and we hope the new one is responsible and nice. We are never happy with our delivery people. Seems like it is a different one every week.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Tony-Not-Earl is going to be knocked out of his shoes with surprise! We rarely have the same postperson, but then again, I'm at work all day, so what do I know...LOL!

  17. Tony not Earl will be totally stoked! It is nice that you guys have had the same guy for so long and he knows everyone! Reminds Mom of small town living (which she misses a whole lot).
    PS LOVE the card from Princess Leah! Mom's Grampa was a violin maker in Liverpool.

  18. how cool will that be !! I know not earl will really appreciate this :) ♥♥♥☺☺☺ will you tell him the not earl story then !! ??

  19. Madi, you are gorgeous. It's hard to pay attention to anything else when there you are ... nose freckles and all!

  20. That is so sweet to do for Not Earl :)

  21. How cool you got Roya mail sweet Madi and I’ll bet Not Earl will be touched!

  22. What a nice thing to do for “Not Earl.” It should be a fun party!

  23. That is a wonderful thing to do for Not Earl! It is nice to let someone know how much they have been appreciated.
    Hazel & Mabel

  24. It is wonderful to get mail, especially from a princess. You are one lucky cat.

  25. OMD, Royal Mail??!!! FABulous!!!! That PL sure is one thoughtful puppers!!! and such beautiful pawscript too!
    Tells 'not Earl' CONGRATS on the Retirement!!!! And gives him a slobbery kiss from me! BOL!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  26. How pawsome to get Royal Mail from Princess Leah!

    We can't wait to hear how Not Earl's going away pawty and mailbox decoration goes!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  27. Madi I think it's wonderful that the neighborhood is having a special day for Not Earl when he retires. That's a VERY LONG TIME to have the same mail guy - what fun he'll have seeing all the decorated mailboxes. What a PAWSOME gift!

    Love, Teddy

  28. Mailmen (and ladies) are special people. Be sure your peeps write "Tony" on the card, not Not Ear, LOL.

  29. Dearest Princess Leah is so thoughtful! I got a beautiful post card from her too.

    We liked the story of Not Earl. Ghostwriter's dad worked for the Post Office for a long time too. He worked at sorting the mail, and later at the front desk selling stamps and helping people send their packages.

  30. I love your Back to School header! Mr."Not Earl" the mailman is going to be so excited for his retirement celebration. That is so very sweet.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi