My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WooderFUL News on Kat and Pup

It is with glee and jubilation I share the latest email and photos from 

Dearest Aunty HiC,
I’m so happy all the bloggie peeps like my furr-ocious video on Monday. 
I’ve decided Pup is really a cool doggie, and we’re getting along just fine, as long as he remembers I’m the BOSS! 

He now has his own bed in master bedroom, but we like to hang out together on guest bed. He even licks my furs! Yep, I’m training him well.

Love you!
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 


  1. What great news!! It's so nice seeing Pup settling into his new family, and becoming such good friends with Kat!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  2. Reading this news is just a grrrreat way to start the day!

  3. that's a super sweet post and it fits so purrfect to national sibling day ;O)

  4. We are so happy for Kat and Pup!

  5. Elated for you and your family, Kat! Nice that you are keeping your Aunty HiC up to date!

  6. That is such good news that you two have become best friends. Cats and dogs can be really good friends. Have a super day.

  7. Hooray you two, you are wonderful friends and it shows!

  8. Awesome!!! Besties make all the difference in the world. And clearly he's a smart fellow, since he got your message very quickly.

  9. OMC OMD that photo of PUP and KAT just melted my heart into a puddle... so happy for all of this family..... and I am so glad you are sharing the Adventures of KAT with us

  10. That is great news. Both of you are handsome guys.

  11. You both are adorable and I'm glad you get along so well. I do know that Kat is in charge. Cats are always in charge.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, you two. My best to your peeps. ♥

  12. Awww! I'm so happy to see that Pup has his very own kitty sibling to love. There's nothing like it!

  13. That's some good news, indeed! When Maddie cat (aka Medusa aka The Kitten Overlord) lived at our house, she would punch me in the nose!

  14. Kat, that IS great news. Pup seems like a really nice fella. Will you and Mom give him a new name or is he going to be Pup?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Such good news - that's wonderful! You've just doubled the love and cuteness at your place!

  16. thiz izza storee witha total lee grate happee endin ~~~ { way ta go kat ;) !!! ♥♥☺☺

  17. Pup looks like he has settled in pawfectly.

  18. That is good news that they are becoming good friends.

  19. What wonderful news. We love that he has his own master bedroom. But we know that you trained him right. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  20. We are happy to meet the new pup and are glad to know Kat thinks he is ok!

  21. Glad those two are becoming fast friends. :)

  22. That makes me so incredibly happy! My German Shepherd and my cat were inseparable best friends. Kat and Pup make a perfect pair.

  23. OMC this is the most PAWESOME news ever and you BOTH look like you are smiling! I LOVE THIS!!!!!! Good job Kat!! xoxo Love, Cody

  24. Who could ask for anything more. Pup has sealed his place in the family.


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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi