My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 7, 2019

Feline and Nature Friday

Hosted by Comedy Plus

Dearest Aunty HiC,
  I’ve discovered a new hobby, watching hummingbirds. One of the feeders is next to screened porch, so I watch them zooming around all day. Mom says their wings make the humming sound, but I’m not convinced, ha! 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Mom took this photo of my Hummingbird  through the screens...

Our hostas are flourishing and the petunia's fragrance is so sweet 
and enticing to my little hummers.  They are too quick for me 
to get a photo of them sipping.


  1. oooh we love hummingbirds! and we like petunias... they look a little like ice cream LOL

  2. Hari OM
    Lucky Kat... and petunias always make me think of the moulin rouge for some reason... YAM xx

  3. Kat has very good Bird TV. The flowers are pretty.

  4. What a fun hobby for you, Kat! We love petunias!

  5. I haven't seen a hummingbird in years. Then again, we don't have any flowers in our yard ... maybe we should try a feeder?

  6. It is great fun to have the hummingbirds around. Those flowers are really pretty. You all have a super day and hope you don't get too much rain.

  7. Hummingbirds are the coolest of all birds. They are so cute and different with their behavior.

  8. beautiful petunias. Kat those hummers are pretty birds. happy weekend.

  9. I always love your yard and flower pictures. It looks beautiful there. Petunias are stars of the flowers. Our squirrels back on the Tiny Ten used to play in the petunia pots and destroy them... little stinkers. Nice that Kat has hummers to entertain him!

  10. a few weeks ago i saw a humming bird for the first time in my life, one second he was there and gone... Kat has her on hummingbird channel on Cat TV.....

  11. We feed them too and their wings do make those sounds. They are so small and they move so fast.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your auntie. ♥

  12. We never see hummers here, you're very lucky Kat! Pretty, pretty flowers!

  13. We love watching our hummingbirds too. They are loving the azalea and weigela flowers right now.

  14. We don't see hummers in our yard...yet! Some of the new plants in our garden are designed to bring in butterflies, bees...and birds! Fingers crossed.

  15. We've seen the occasional hummingbird around here too. They're amazing! The last time we tried to keep a hummingbird feeder in our yard, the Evil Squirrel Cartel totally destroyed it. Crummy rotten tree rats!

  16. Oh my..Kat sure has some beautimous hummers to look at! Such pretty flowers this week and our hostas are out of control this year too...must be all the rain we had!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  17. Oh how we would love to have hummingbirds in Scotland!

  18. We love your petunias with the two colors!!! So pretty. We rarely see humingbirds here
    Mabel & Hida

  19. Watching Hummingbirds would be so much fun! Good photo. They're hard to photograph usually.

  20. Mom and I love our Hummingbirds. She takes the very best of care for them. Cooking for them and changing their nectar on the third day.

  21. Beautiful flowers. My kitties like hummingbird watching too. XO

  22. We don’t have any place to hang our hummer feeder here at our new house. The mom better get crackin’ and gat a hook or something. We wanna watch the hummers!

  23. I think we missed feeding the hummingbirds this year. I had some that visited our old house for years. One scout would come buzz my face to let me know to fill up our feeder each spring. It was so funny.

  24. Kat, we can only imagine what you are dreaming about, while watching that tiny birdie. xox Lucy and Xena


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi