My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is our photo challenge

H. E. L. P.

Sis you are breaking my hand!
Yikes why did I let you talk me into ridin'?
Close my eyes, 
you gotta be kiddin'
I'm not sure they will ever close again!
Close my mouth, 
can't do that either
My lips are frozen and there are bugs in my teeth!
I hear screamin' from the rear
If this thing ever stops, you're gonna need a crowbar for my
arm, my feets and my derriere. 


  1. ooh you know the feelings we have when we ride a rollervcoaster... amazing that we all grin when it starts... and later... well ya know LOL

  2. I can feel the fear!
    I think I was wearing just that expression when one of my father's more boisterous friends, 'Uncle' Keith, took six year old me on a roller coaster in the seaside town of Skegness. I was so terrified and refused for years after to go on any fairground ride other than a very gentle carousel.
    Cheers! Gail.

  3. Hari OM
    LOL... oh you captured the terror perfectly HiC!!! YAM xx

  4. Your poem is just perfect, Miss Cecilia! Oh to be younger and ride the rollercoaster once again!

  5. HA! Now that's a perfect poem for this photo....I think that little boy will be thinking twice about trusting his sister on an amusement park ride!! We loved this photo when we saw it - next week's is just plain CUTE!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. hahaha, funny pic. good job on the poem.

  7. That is hysterical. Gave the Mom a good laugh. We really like the poem too.Have a terrific day.

  8. Hahahaha! Great poem! That kid is a cutie! Love the title!!!

  9. Nailed it! My ghostwriter says she used to love rides like that. Now there's no way she'd get on one!

  10. That poem is perfect for that picture. Our blood pressure went up just looking at it.

  11. Oh boy, the look on my face would be the exact same as that little fella!

  12. great job on this weeks poem C !!! :) ☺☺♥♥

  13. Ha Ha - you really captured the spirit of the photo. Mom LOVED to ride the roller coaster rides, all kinds, before she had to worry about her bones.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. The Sibes (above). SHE says she'd be just like that little fellow!!

    Oh HiC...this was a fantabulous poem!!
    Thanks for the much needed belly laugh :-)

  16. BOL!!! Loves the poem! Ma always loved the RC!! as long as they didn't go backwards (what kind of devil engineer thought that up anyhu??!)
    Ruby ♥

  17. I absolutely hate roller coasters. It is hard for me to enjoy what I see as impending death. LOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi