My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

First Date
True Story

When I was eight, a boy asked if I like
milkshakes. Yes I replied, he said well its a date!
A What...I said.
No worries he said I have a plan in my head.
I'll have my mom call your mom
What....I said
A plan was made, a time was set.
When we were leaving the house, Daddy asked
where are you going?
I said, I have a date
A What...he said
I replied he is buying  me a 'shake.
Gotta go Daddy
I can't be late.
The Mom's were gonna have coffee at a booth
while we ordered shakes at the fountain.
When you are eight,
you are too short to straddle the stool.
So we sat in the booth while the mom's straddled the stools.
He ordered our shakes, we giggled and slurped trying to make
crazy sounds.
'Cause when you are eight that makes for a fun date.
I only went to this school for one more year.
 I lost track of this boy; however, I'm pretty darn sure he 
continued to charm the girls with offers of dates to get shakes.
Ashworth's soda fountain and pharmacy is still in business too.
Founded in 1957.

hosted by Brian and Family

I am thankful today for all the wonderful people I met
during my 25 years of working with undergrad students, grad students and
 post docs. I still hear from many at Christmas.

What a lovely time I had at lunch on Thursday July 18th.
The wife and 3 daughters of one of my favorite Physics PhD
candidates, in the late 1996-2002, came thru Raleigh last week.
Their oldest daughter was born here. The last time I saw them
Emily was 4 she is now 17 1/2 and has two younger sisters.
I am thankful for parents who have raised these
beautiful young ladies and that their parents are
teaching them the importance of family, friends
and staying in touch.

Below Rose(front) who will be 10 next year and has the biggest dimples and a contagious giggle.
Back Emily (17 1/2) what a amazing young lady. Very quiet and thoughtful like her Daddy.
Midget me,  Nora only 12.  She is already taller than her mom and Emily who are both about 5'6".  Gorgeous red hair and funny.

Their Mom Sandra and me


  1. that's great that such things are with us forwver and ever, even when we were 8 and we lost each other... do you think the boy remembers too? I bet he does...

  2. How lovely that you've kept in touch with your 'work family', and that you got to spend time with the girls.

  3. Hari OM
    Firstly - loved your memory poem today. That fellow was certainly setting a pattern for himself!
    Scondly - how wonderful! To maintan this sort of contact in the modern era of multi-distraction is a thing to be treasured. YAM xx

  4. Love your date story! There is a drug store on Nantucket that has a soda fountain area that looks exactly like that picture. Isn't is so much fun to catch up with friends and you wore your beautiful handmade blouse!

  5. What a sweet were an "early dater" ! So many of us have fond memories of soda fountains and the one and only one in my town closed years ago. I miss it - I was always overwhelmed with memories when I walked in the door. Love the photos with one of your favorite PhD students and her family - AND you have that gorgeous blouse you made on too!

    Hugs, Pam

  6. We have a soda fountain in Jackson that I love that has been in business for years like yours.

    Sweet picture of all of you. It's nice to have friends that keep in touch.

  7. We appreciate your kind comments on our blog post for Rosa.

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  8. That was such a cute poem, even better as a true story! That looks like quite the fun meet up too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. What a pawsome poem!! That little boy knew how to impress, didn't he?

    The Florida Furkids

  10. I absolutely LOVE your poem. A date, at eight? Slurping shakes sounds like the best date ever :) Thanks for making me smile in a rough time (Dad is not doing well).

  11. We enjoyed your poem and story of your first date. How fun to catch up with one of your former students and their family.

  12. Oh my, I can almost see you on your first Shake Date!!

    It must have been wonderful to reconnect with old friends, great pictures of all of you!

  13. C; enjoyed today's poem ; I wonder if your date wonders about YOU !!! and how nice to meet up with friends....did everyone go to the sofa fountain....couldn't tell if that was the same area/building !! :) ♥♥

  14. That picture took me back. I remember the soda fountain at the local drug store--when walking to the little town--yes walking the mile or so--we always stopped in for a cherry coke.

  15. How lovely to reconnect with the student's family.

  16. Happy Thankful Thursday. We love the poem you shared. What a lovely story of meeting up with a past student. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  17. Very sweet poem. I love the photos, how cool that you are still friends. XO

  18. What happy memories ! Thanks for sharing !

  19. Mom remembers well the soda fountain shoppe near her home when she was a young girl. She doesn't think she ever had a date there, but she had lots of shakes and root beer floats:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. That was such a lovely poem about your first date.

  21. you have the most entertaining memories!
    It is wonderful you keep in touch
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. What a fun furst date! I do loves me a good milkyshake! We used to go to a Woolworth's in our local mall for foodables like that ~ they had the bestest fries (Ma said), butts they are long gone, and replaced by a food court with more fancy foods. Ma misses the Woolworth's. Anyhu, your meet-up sounded FABulous!!!! What lovely gurls! And their Moms is awfully purty!
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi