My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 23, 2019

Feline and Nature Friday and reminder FFF

Dear Aunty HiC,
When Mom and I checked the bloggie. Mom was happy she’s not the only one who had never noticed the tabby M! 😹 Dad said the M means Mischief, but I’ve decided my M stands for Mr. Magnificent! Mom says I’m getting a little carried away with my handsome self. Teeheehee 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Dearest Nephew
Your Dad is too funny.  I think he is just trying to keep you grounded
so your head doesn't swell.  You wouldn't want to float up to the ceiling.
AND might I add..if anyone ever asks you what color your eyes are...
say Fern Green!!
Loving your Aunty HiC


at LLB

Weather in NC is full of surprises:
As we like to say, if you don't like our weather wait 5 minutes it will change.
Today, for your viewing pleasure, I am showing you what
 humidity looks like.
This is NOT rain it is
96% humidity
Photo taken Saturday August 17, 2019.
The temperature last Saturday was 91 with feels like 101.

Featured also are my two house plants (that are miraculously still living).
Sammy the Snake Plant and Jada the Jade Plant.
Recently both were re-potted in to larger quarters.
Which is a good thing.  They get morning sun on the kitchen counters
and a sliver of afternoon sun here.

Ode to Mother Nature

The heat makes me feel beat
It makes me sweat from dawn til dusk.
Sometimes I smell like a musk (ox).

Sincerely Cecilia

Friday August 30th is!!!


  1. it seems we have the same surprising weather ;O))) and we look what letter we have on our head... it's invisible but it must be an ma too.. and that stands really for mischief LOL

  2. What a lovely picture of Kat and his fern green eyes.
    I would be flat out and incapable of physical activity if I had to endure your heat and humidity for any length of time. Not to mention sweating like an ox!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Well, I though the M (which I also have) stood for Marvelous!

  4. The fern brings out the color of your green eyes beautifully, Kat! We have had more than enough of the dreaded heat and humidity too and are anxiously awaiting cooler temps this weekend.

  5. Okay. THAT'S humidity. What's a handsome self for if not to get a little carried away?

  6. Kat, you are one handsome boy. Guess all tabbys have that M on their forehead. You do have such pretty green eyes. You all have a wonderful day.

  7. Mr. Magnificent works for me Kat. That is a lot of humidity.

    Happy weekend.

  8. What a wonderful fern=y shot of Mr. M(aka Kat)!

    and UGH to heat and humidity.

    I am about done with the Texas heat(19 days of triple digits temps)...and will be starting my drive home TOMORROW!!

  9. when the post opened on the photo, I thought has anyone ever told you your eyes are fern green, then read your sentence.. I love those eyes. ditto for me on your poem at the end. the thing is, your humidty, temp and feels like is ours to and has been since the first week of april… never have we had these temps this long... and the rain only helps when it is raining. the sun comes out and the heat ramps up

  10. What a sweet photo of Kat! We've got the super hot weather here in Florida.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. I like Mr. Magnificent. Beautiful picture.

  12. Kat does have beautiful fern green eyes. We are getting a little relief from the heat and humidity for the next few days and are looking forward to spending more time outside.

  13. Magnificent photo, magnificent kitty and magnificent eyes ~ and am sure some mischief too ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I always smile when your Auntie posts about you. You're a magnificent cat indeed.

    Yikes on the humidity. Just yikes.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your peeps and your Auntie. ♥

  15. Kat, I try very hard to snap photos of The PO'M, who has similar stripes like you, and lovely green eyes too! This photo of you will be my touchstone.

  16. You "M" a sweet one Kat! It's sure has been hot here but we've missed the storms so far.

  17. Wow, Kat, your eyes do match that fern pawfectly!

  18. Nice poem......and beautiful eyes on Kat! I alwyas think when our windows look like that from the humidity that it feels like we're in a greenhouse (you even have plants in your greenhouse!).

    Hugs, Pam

  19. Fern green is the perfect description! We think the M may be for mischief....although we know many non-tabby cats full of mischief, so it's probably a cat thing.

    You can keep the humidity.

  20. Kat has lovely green eyes.
    We don't usually have such high temperatures like we did in the last heatwave, although it is forecast to get to 85 tomorrow. We do regularly have high humidity though of 95% and more.

  21. Oh those green eyes!!!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. Ooohh KAT!
    Our windows looked like that, too ... and OMC, temps went from 90+ to 67 the next day, actually such a big change so fast it almost felt cold! Crazee ...

  23. On days like that we just stay inside! Yipes!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi