My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, September 16, 2019

Awww Monday with Kat

Dearest Aunty HiC

Can you hear Mom laughing?!? 😹
We just saw the funniest commercial.


Just when Mom thought I couldn’t get any cuter, I hit her with this adorable pose.  She’s easy to please. 💕
Yes, I am accepting nose boops! 😻

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

I apologize if you cannot see my precious Nephew's picture.  It shows up on my end; however,
I removed it and re-posted

Dearest Nephew....that is hilarious.  I've seen some of that guys commercials but not this one.  Oh my stars for sure whomever wrote the script is owned by a cat.  I love it.
Angel Madi had a cat tree with several peepy holes and then 2 levels (it was about 5' tall) she loved hiding in the peep holes.

A gazillion nose boops and kisses and hugs my sweet nephew!!
Lovingly your Aunty HiC


I'm having oral surgery tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11:30 am. It is a new procedure done with a
laser.   Laser Assisted new attachment procedure aka LANAP.
Supposedly less pain, less bleeding, no stitches and quicker healing. I may or may not be MIA in the afternoon.
BUT the kicker is
I can only eat food from a blender for 3 days, then on days 4-11 only soft food: pastas, baked potatoes etc.
nothing AT all that requires chewing.
Depending on how things look at my post op I might be able to start chewing things after day 11.
But recovery in total is a month.
Thank goodness my blog is not done via audio. LOL
I'll give you an update on Wednesday


  1. We saw that commershul too - MOL!

    Hope da surgery goes ok.

  2. All paws and fingers are crossed for your appointment and we wish you all the best and the best of the best for the 3 days after...

  3. All the best for the surgery tomorrow - and the subsequent diet of slush...

  4. Hari OM
    No piccie to be see this side...

    No matter. The important part of this post is tucked at the bottom - sending fast-healing-vibes your way and maybe I oughtta go on the sluch diet too. In sympathy. Not because I need to loose a ton of weight... YAM xx

  5. Ice cream - lots of ice cream! Paws and fingers are crossed here for you, Miss Cecilia.

  6. Cecilia, holy smokes! Take care... hope the gum heals quickly. I had no idea about the post op requirements. Be looking for your update. Hope you eat all the things you love today! I can't see the picture but if it is Kat I know it is cute.

  7. Yipes! Not familiar with that procedure but it sounds like you have your "work" cutout for you. If anyone can do it though it's YOU!!! Spend today eating EVERYTHING you love. LOL

    Hugs, Pam

  8. That commercial depicts cats to a T.
    Can't see the image of Kat for some reason.

    Hope all is smooth sailing for your oral torture.

  9. I watched the commercial and was waiting for it to get over to see a cat. prayers for your surgery tomorrow and a quick and pain free recovery. phooey on the blender. can you have ice cream? milk shakes?

  10. That's a cute commercial and a darn cute Kat! Good luck on the surgery, the laser is amazing so the pain should be less.

  11. We've been seeing that TV ad for about a week now. Hilarious! Hope your surgery goes well.

  12. That is a grreat pose, Kat! Bravo! And best of luck with your procedure.

  13. Kat is too cute in that pose. We saw that commercial and were laughing like crazy at all the antics. Definitely written by someone who has cats. Our paws are crossed for your surgery.

  14. Kat is adorable.
    That commercial is hilarious....we MOL when he blew the feathers out of his mouth.

    Hope the surgery goes well.

    The Florida Furkids

  15. I love his commercials. I spent a long time watching a bunch of his videos the other day, but this one wasn't in the mix. Too funny.

    I hope the surgery goes well. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  16. The Hubby told me there was a new Mayhem commercial with a cat, but I didn't see it all weekend! Thanks for the link!
    Here's hoping your surgery goes exactly as planned!

  17. Kat you sure know you cutness and how to show it

  18. Such a cutie- do you take snorgles? I will be praying your surgery goes well. XO

  19. What a wonderful Aaaaawww post Kat has today!!

    Sending hugs and POTP your surgery goes well!!

  20. Could be worse, you could be wearing a collar and stuck in a crate for a week or so...MOL! Hope it goes well.

  21. Oh my goodness, we hope all goes well and things will heal very quickly!
    Kat you are just too cute in that pose
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. Purrayers and POTP for you for your oral surgery.

    Kat is imminently boopable !

  23. That is a cute pose from Kat. The commercial is very funny!
    Good luck with your dental procedure and I hope the healing is fast and pain free.

  24. Kat is too adorable! Best of luck with your dental tomorrow...I have never heard of that procedure either and would love to learn more about it. Sending tons of POTP!! xoxo

  25. Kat, don’t tie yourself into a knot! We hope all goes well with the dental surgery...and you heal quickly.

  26. Oh Kat, you are just too adorables!!! I would gives you a nose bop! hehehee
    I hopes your surgicals go well! I will keep my paws crossed, and send you tons of POTP!
    Ma hates oral surgicals. butts she won't tells you now, later after you're all healed ☺
    Ruby ♥

  27. OMC! I hope that you are feeling okay after your surgery. I'm running behind because of a stomach bug. I hope you feel better and can find something tasty to blend.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi