My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday

Raleigh's nickname is City of Oaks; however, we have so many gorgeous varieties.
I guess I took our trees for granted. So many new residents started commenting on them.  When you fly into RDU International, they are awestruck by all our trees.  RDU is very close to William B. Umstead State Park. Which has ~ 5,000 acres of trees.
I am very Thankful for them.  

We were in the car so I could not get a good photo of the grayish bark on this
Giant Sycamore.

 I love trees 12 months of the year.
Below two hardwoods (probably oak or maple, I can only ID them by leaves)
Whatever they are they are about 99% identical.

 Mammoth Magnolia, which has lovely aromatic white flowers in the summer.
Image result for Magnolia bloom
 Look at the size of the bottom limb on the right and that trunk
The stately tree is also native to eastern North Carolina. A common magnolia in North Carolina's Piedmont is umbrella tree, or M. tripetala, which grows in rich, organic soils in full sun or part shade. It prefers ravines. Evidently this beauty loves her location.

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration.

Tis the Season
Technicolor bags galore from every store.
full of surprises surely to make
your chin hit the floor.
Pace yourself when you shop
otherwise you might drop.

Madi loved paper bags and boxes almost better than Stinky Goodness
Here is flashback post.

she loved sitting with them, tasting them
looking at them wondering what/who might be inside

She would stalk them before deciding 
 to see what exciting things she might find.

Winnie the Pooh's quote below


  1. Gail and I love trees (for different reasons!) and our world needs more of them. We also love Winnie-the-Pooh. (Human Grandad was raised on the edge of his forest, in Sussex).
    Toodle pip!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh, I second the Tree-love and WtP!!! Your wee ditty hits the spot too. Thank goodness I don't have to face any shops again for a while. YAM xx

  3. we love it too to see the trees during the seasons ... so lovely to see the photos of Diva Madison... the cat and the bag... always GREAT!

  4. We love the trees too and the sycamore is one of our favorites. It has the coolest bark! We call it the camouflage tree.

  5. We love seeing trees and those are gorgeous. Angel Madi, we so enjoy seeing you. Have a wonderful day.

  6. I love trees too! That's part of the reason it upsets me so much that the beavers in the creek are destroying them.

    Good to see Madi today.

  7. Beautiful trees and, of course, beautiful Angel Madi.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. This blog post has three of my most favorite things... MADI!, trees and Pooh! I of course loved your poem. I don't shop anymore until I drop. I remember when my Mom and I shopped for Christmas, she could outlast me by hours. Good Morning!

  9. Madi was a bag lady - Sammy loved them too - I am "wary" of what's in there! Your poem is fabulous - everyone has thoughts this time of year about shopping and how/when to do it. Now Mom does her shopping with her fingers. HAHA

    Love, Teddy

  10. We have planted trees in all the places we have lived. It is so much fun to visit them years later and see the magnificence they have become.

  11. We love all the trees around us too. That poem is perfect for that picture. Kitties sure do enjoy playing with and in bags. They are too small for us pups though.

  12. We enjoyed seeing your local trees. In our area we have a lot of dead trees from the emerald ash borer invasion. It's pretty sad.

    It's funny how cats are so fascinated by things like paper bags and boxes and such. Chester used to like playing in boxes when he was a pup.

  13. Trees are so awesome.

    Aw, Madi was a jewel. It's good to see a flashback of your precious little lady.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  14. WE have those too here in East TN. Those are called Grandiflora Magnolias here. Huge salad plate or bigger blooms when they open all the way. The fragrance is a presence all in itself. :-) They are magnificent.

  15. Lovely photos of the trees, and sweet photos of Madi.

  16. We love the tree photos. And so nice to see Madi...we love bags too.

  17. Those trees really are pretty, all of them. We have a great big Magnolia tree in our front yard, her name is Maggie. That was a cute poem and it's so sweet to see Angel Madi enjoying those bags. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  18. Nice poem and very nice to see photos of Angel Madi. I remember her love of bags. XO

  19. Trees: Xena is allergic to oak, and that seems to be mostly what we have around our neighborhood! I just love magnolias, never seeing them as a child growing up in the North. I wish I could have watched Madi play with the bags!

  20. Mom always wonders about cats and their love of bags. Poor Lightning has always been terrified of bags - and a whole lot of other things.

    You sure did show us some lovely trees from NC. The Giant Sycamore has such a beautiful shape.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. I love trees year round too. They are beautiful decked out in their greenery and just as lovely when they are all limbs and silhouettes.

  22. WE love areas that have lots of trees!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  23. Dad really likes the seasons on our trees and all the different leaves (he does not rake MOL.) Thanks so much for letting us see dear Madi playing and enjoying herself. We miss our dear friend


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi