My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #4

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

Splish splashin' 

I can tell you in a flash
on a small boat with waves  crashing 
I won't go 
Especially out in the middle of the sea.
I have been on a cruise ship in Alaska
never one moment did the seas 
rise up to greet me with their mist
and I was pleased.


  1. I would be glad too to get no greeting by the sea LOL

  2. When Gail was younger there was nothing she enjoyed more that being out in rough seas on her uncle's yacht, water crashing all around. These days, somehow the appeal has weakened!

  3. I wonder if any fish would splash up . . .

  4. Hari OM
    LOL - yeah, that's a bit fierce. I have actually been in something of that sort of situation. The one and only time I thought I was at the end of my life... YAM xx

  5. When we first started cruising in the 90s we mostly went to the Caribbean and sometimes caught the edge of a hurricane. Back then they took a lot more chances that would never be allowed now.
    One cruise we were headed for St.Kitts but couldn't get near there so rerouted to St.Barts.
    The tender must have looked much like the one in the photo crashing up and down through the waves. When we got to the pier the swell was around 10 feet. As the boat got up to the right height, two crew literally threw us onto the dock and two standing there caught us. We were the last tender allowed ashore and we had to wait for conditions to calm before they could take us back later in the day.
    We thought it was a great adventure then, but certainly wouldn't want to repeat it now.

  6. Mom doesn't do boats or ships. NOPE!

  7. The seas can be a beautiful and relaxing place but during a storm it is powerfully frightening in ANY size boat. We hope the crew of this ship got back to dock safely but this photo sure captures the moment doesn't it? EEEK! Thanks for the super poem - we just love it and appreciate that you join us on Thursdays for poetic fun!! The photo of Kat's Dad having a dune buggy ride looks like he's having a lot of fun.

    Hugs, Teddy and his Mom

  8. I think I told you about our cruise from hell and just NO to that kind float your boat in the picture! I'm with you on your poem!

  9. I've been in a Bass Boat and a Ski Boat during bad weather. NO FUN AT ALL.

  10. MY momma said she could not stand that happening to her. She has a fear of deep water and waves would just be the worst for her. She's a weenie!

  11. That sure looks like a scary ride. We agree with you that we would never take a trip on a boat under those conditions.

  12. The Dad has been on some about that size in great big waves but not that bad. Your poem made a splash with all of us!

  13. Well done. Hubby and I have been out in some bad water and it took us about three hours to get to the marina. We were so very happy. Small craft advisories are something to heed.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  14. Ugh, I get seasick just thinking about being on such a boat! If I don't stare at the horizon, I'm a goner...

  15. Wow! GW says there's NO WAY she's getting on a boat with waves like that! Nope nope nope! She really doesn't want to go on any boat. Dad thinks she's crazy!

  16. we iz knot sure even de cap'n oh thiz vezzel waz havin a "good day" !! whoa ~~~~~ ♥♥

  17. Oh my! We have been out in not perfect conditions in a boat...but thank goodness, never in seas that rough! Great poem today HiC!

  18. Oh nooooo. I'm not drawn to cruising at all.

  19. I just wonder how this picture was taken.

  20. We agree. We always want to see the short. No oceans for us.

  21. We took the Alaska cruise and loved it but if there had been waves like this photo, I might have flown home. LOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi