My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

In Purrsuit of Flavors: Light Dinners

I thank Da Phenny and Chef Shoko for 

At first I thought due to my Gum Surgery on 
July 28th, I would not be able to pawticipate.
I cannot really eat too much until August 11th when my stitches come out
but Novocaine brain remembered...YES you can
You are drinking lots of light cool Smoothies.

I mentioned to my Gal Pal, Janice aka roving Photo journalist, that I could not eat/drink anything with seeds in it so I was in a quandary about just bananas in my Smoothies.  She told me that
she and her husband like peanut butter and bananas in their smoothies.
Bingo.  I came up with my very own delish creation.
1 banana
1 small container of vanilla yogurt
2/3 cup of Almond Breeze 
1 Big Dollop of smooth Peanut Butter
1 ice cube
 (didn't want to chance any ice cubes I might be tempted to crunch)
Add all to the blender

At the push of a few buttons you have a delicious
Banana, peanut butter, vanilla yogurt and Almond Breeze 
Smoothie for a Light...or in my case Liquid dinner


  1. Hari OM
    snap - I do pnut n nanar smoothies for my dad - or honey when the pnut is not there and maybe add some summer berries too - raspberries in particular work well. And Miss C, if you need a little more food value, you can soak the really big rolled oats overnight and whizz them in with your smoothie... it would be like the slimming shakes but better!!! YAM xx

  2. I used to buy a banana peanut butter smoothie in the mall they had a smoothie shop in the mall across the street from where I work and for my lunch sometimes I would walk over there and buy a great big one. I don't think it had yogurt in it though. This is a nice healthy and smooth for your teeth meal plus it looks like monkeys like it too

  3. That sounds tasty. I don't like peanut butter, but think almond butter would be good, or honey as Yam suggested.

  4. I like fresh strawberries, milk, sweetener, Hershey Lite Chocolate syrup and ice cube(s) in the blender. Cuppa strawberries, cuppa milk, 2 Tablespoons. chocolate cubes and hit the go on the blender. No cubes to worry about munching. I like nanners and Boost too. Whirled with ice cubes. Smooth as Katie's pads.

  5. It looks and sounds very good! Why don't we do those? I get tired of sandwiches for lunch. We aren't too inventive about different things for lunch. Good Morning!

  6. That sounds delish! What a great way to have a drinkable snack.

  7. C;

    I've never been one for smoothies, but this sounds GREAT !!!! hope everyone's remaining storm safe ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  8. I remember that surgery. Those stitches were pretty loose after the swelling went down. Smoothies works for sure. I know it's hard and you want to eat things but you can't. Soon.

    Have a fabulous day, honey. Big hug. ♥

  9. That sure is a refreshing and yummy smoothie!

  10. Anything with banana and peanut butter gets our vote!

  11. Ooooo, that does sound delicious!! I am a big fan of PB & B sandwiches!

    Have you ever tries a Pumpkin smoothie?? Canned Pumpkin, vanilla yogurt and your pumpkin pie spice of choice!

  12. LOVE SMOOTHIES and this one is a WINNER!!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  13. If there is pb involved, we know we would LOVE a lick or two.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Sounds yummy. And with the almond milk, almond butter might be a good sub for the peanut butter.

  15. The mom loves smoothies. This one sounds good.

  16. You are dedicated to come up with a recipe after getting your teeth done Huzzah.

  17. Smoothies are the best! And I bet that the peanut butter makes them filling enough to last you for a while. That's great!

    Aug 11? I hope that the time flies. That seems like a long time to be on a liquid diet.

  18. OMD, that is just DELISH!!!!! Ma loves that Almond Milk too! It is really creamy! She loves strawberries and banana and pineapple! (the pineapple might have been a little too acidic for your tender gums though) I hopes Aug. 11 comes real soon! there are always Frosties! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  19. That sounds really yummy! Due to no power this past Wednesday, we will post our "In Purrsuit" this coming Tuesday.


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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi