My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 23, 2020

Nature and Feline Friday with Rocky


Thanks LLB Gang for Hosting Nature Friday
Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Dearest Auntie HiC
We’re loving the fall weather here in the North Georgia mountains.

The days are cool and the leaves are a kaleidoscope of color.  I just 
love looking at them I like the way leaves crunch under my little paws.

Look at me I'm a Georgia Mountain Lion

Here is a short video of my climb.
Sound on please: 

Happy Fall Y’all!

❤️ Rocky Your Ginger Nephew

Dearest Ginger Nephew Rocky.
OMCs your world is 100% a kaleidoscope of color.
WOW Uncle and I loved your still photo and your gorgeous eyes.
We both giggled at they pink panther music for climbing.
You are quicker than greased lightning.  

With love and noggin rubs
Auntie HiC

ON Thursday Earl from Pickles continued his Cowboy Poetry efforts
if you missed the others click HERE
Pickles Comic Strip for October 21, 2020

Pickles Comic Strip for October 22, 2020


  1. oooh what a climbing technique... we would like to get some lessons... do you have time Rocky?

  2. Nice climbing Rocky! My Mom says when Angel Sammy was just a little guy he got chased by a BIG dog that was visiting our neighbors....Sammy went way high up a BIG oak tree in our backyard and had no idea how to get down. Dad got a big ladder and climbed up, pulled Sammy off the tree where he was BARELY hanging on and tucked him inside his leather jacket and came down the ladder. Sammy never went climbing again and the neighbor apologized for letting the dog "get away from him" !!!!! EEEEEEK! Love the cowboy poetry.........

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too

  3. Hari OM
    HAH, that could be the cartoon made especially for my father!!! And Rocky is soooo handsome... YAM xx

  4. You have some scaries in your neighborhood! Love that cat in the tree, so funny, and your joke too. Happy weekend!

  5. Rocky! You are very athletic. Most beautiful. And a wonderful joy to your hooman parents.

    Earl, give up. Ya ain't got it.

  6. Rocky is so adorable and a great climber!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. The cowboy is making me want to write a rhyming poem. Maybe it will come back to me this was a good start maybe it will Prime my pump! I love love love love love the still photo of Rocket Man climbing that tree. And the video is hilarious and tell your nephew and his mama that I loved seeing a cat that has the best of both worlds he lives stays inside and when he goes out he's on a leash but he can still do things that cats like to do but not be in danger of getting run over or getting lost

  8. Your fur colors look so beautiful with the autumn colors, Rocky. You are a very good climber!

  9. Rocket Man!... I like that. Our Z Cat didn't have any trouble getting up the tree, it was the getting herself down part that was touch-and-go. You did the down part just fine, Rocky! Earl is pretty cute with his poetry :)

  10. Rocky is most talented and I loved the video and the music.

    I love that cartoon. That's kind of me and hubby.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, honey. ♥

  11. Rocky, as I posted yesterday, there are some cats who can go up, but don't know how to come down a tree! So glad that you've got it figured out, even though I know that your humans would never let you get stuck anyhow.

  12. Rocky sure looked like he was having fun climbing that tree. Those Pickles cartoons crack us up.

  13. Yo dude, are you Rocky the Flying Squirrel? Nah, but you might find him up there. That was a good funny today!

  14. dood....yur moovee iz awesum !!! total lee grate lion feerce climbin skillz !!!


    the comics are too funny ☺☺♥♥

  15. You are a good climber, Rocky. It is harder to come down than go up. Eric never did get the hang of it.

  16. APPAWS! APPAWS!! Great job climbing down Rocky and we do think you look a bit like a Mountain Lion!

  17. Rocky - you are just so handsome. And look at you climb - you are just like a real mountain lion.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. You be careful with tree climbing, Rocky. You don't want to get stuck up in one! Oh, and we've been following Pickles this week too: LOL BOL!

  19. You look like a koala- so cute. XO

  20. We love the video of Rocky the Mountain Lion, and Gail starts laughing just on hearing the Pink Panther music!

  21. Good climbing, Rocky! Looks like Earl is getting the hang of this cowboy poetry with his short limericks.

  22. I swear, what a treat to see Rocky and I am about to see him climb on his video and I LOVED Pickles. One of my most favorites.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi