My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 26, 2021

FFF Fairy and Nature Friday and 5 Sibes Blog Hop

 This is my Final Fiction Friday 

Click here to visit YAM-s FFF

You might remember my post HERE

I heard there were several other Fairy Doors around the City.  After some research, I found four other locations. MD, my driver aka DM, Dad of Madi, and I started our hunt for Fairies we only found one of the four mentioned BUT OMCs was a treasure of a find!!
There was a Fairy Forest at the Wilkerson Nature Preserve Park
On Wednesday, March 10 we drove 11 miles from home to visit 

Dr. Annie Louise Wilkerson's Nature Preserve.  She was affectionately nicknamed, Dr. Annie by her patients. Dr. Annie first female OB/GYN in Raleigh.  The OB/BYN practice was with her brothers.  All were Dr. Wilkerson so she went by Dr. Annie.  She donated 157 acres of her Family farm to Raleigh for a Nature preserve.  We just scratched the surface on the trails.  We'll be going back a lot.  The hardwood trees will keep it very cool in the spring and summer. 

The Fairy Forest trail is just off from the parking a lot.  The path is very well marked as you will see from these two collages.

What a delightful time we had following seeing all the creativity some in plain sight others hiding.

Millie and Walters mom commented below about the collage below:

Did you see the secret red door? In the 4th collage (outlined in red) of your post (not counting the FFF badge), in the picture in the upper right quadrant there is a teeny tiny red door with some stone steps leading up to it at the top of the picture. We made the picture as big as possible to see it.  Biggify the collage to find it.

Imagination is encouraged.  We saw seashells
twigs arranged in teepee style and
elaborately painted houses with whirlygigs on them

Hosted by LLB Gang

The 157 acres have educational buildings on it and a huge pond.  As we approached the pond, we saw a great blue heron take off from the pond.   There are several beaver dams.

Random photo collage of just a few trails and sights we'll be going back

Can you imagine a meadow of Magnificent Monarch Butterflies

We were trying to figure out why the building was named Awl(small drill) Education building preserve.  Today a light bulb went off in my head.   I noticed on the sign above lower left hand corner, it is written AWL.. which is the way one puts initials on things with last name in the middle.  So alas it might not be named after a small drill after all but her initials AnnieWilkersonLouise 
Sometimes my light bulb is slow to shine.  LOL

If you would like to read more about Dr. Annie and the Nature preserve, click  here


Special blog hop today over at 5 Sibes  to raise awareness to 

K9 epilepsy.  Click below to join the conversation


  1. that is the sweetest idea ever... and we say thank you to dr. annie... such people are the angels without wings...

  2. What a fine place to visit, and Dr Annie sounds like a most impressive and wonderful lady. Of course you will be going back there some time, and maybe spot a beaver?

  3. The Fairyland is so cute! I love this preserve!

  4. Lots of great pictures today. Ya'll did some exploring.

  5. You have found a treasure at the Dr. Annie's Nature Preserve. You are going to truly enjoy exploring there and I assume we will get to see more pictures! Good Morning!

  6. what a great idea for this preserve, we have Robinison Preserve 7 miles from us and it is amazing but no art. just trails and water and birds every where.. would like to visit this park

  7. Wow, those are all amazing!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Hari OM
    My goodness, I found myself welling up a wee tad at the Love of the capital kind that goes into providing spaces like these!!! a perfect offering for FFF and NF days!!! YAM xx

  9. What a wonderful place to visit! We can't wait to see more pictures from future trips.

    Did you see the secret red door? In the 4th collage (outlined in red) of your post (not counting the FFF badge), in the picture in the upper right quadrant there is a teeny tiny red door with some stone steps leading up to it at the top of the picture. We made the picture as big as possible to see it.

  10. Such fun fairie tales today and what a cool story about Dr Annie!

  11. What a fun post today and Annie was a jewel.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, honey. Big hugs. ♥

  12. Oh my! What beautiful little faerie villages...and what a beautiful park!!!!

  13. What a great place! Thanks for showing us! This summer we might think about building a fairy house somewhere in our yard.

  14. Girlfriend, I will tell you I am about to let go of my love and fascination for Charlotte and concentrate on Raleigh. You and your hubby are the best Ambassadors your City could ever have. I would genuinely love to be there.

  15. The Fairy Forest trail is lovely and full of hidden surprises.

  16. That place looks amazing. How kind of the Dr. to donate the land. XO

  17. What a great find. We always talk about doing a fairy garden.

  18. What a WONDERFUL idea to create a fairy garden and invite others to add to the "community" ! When my brother and I were little (many MANY years ago) we would spend hours in the woods by our house making tiny fairy villages with twigs, stones, moss for fun. It's quite magical - I love the whole idea. Fabulous fun.

    Hugs, Pam

  19. What a treasure you found! If we were closer to you, we would be going there A LOT! Enjoy your adventures through this wonderful nature preserve.

  20. What a wonderful fun park may you have many relaxing days exploring this summer

  21. Wowwzers! What a wonderful place! I would LOVE to go walking there. Now I have another reason to go to North Carolina

  22. This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sending me the link. I have thoroughly enjoyed these photos. Sending hugs!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi