My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Symmetry Saturday: Photos take while out and about

Construction Barriers 


Church Playground

There was a major tree removal project going on just up the street to the left of the hook and ladder firetruck

I guess he was there JUST IN CASE...


  1. Firemen and/or police are often somewhere "just in case" - they are pawsome to be on the alert for all of us!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too

  2. You have such a creative eye for finding the symmetry in the everyday world around you ...
    I think you are truly the "stop and smell the flowers" kind of woman. Life is NOT passing you by!

  3. You really nailed the symmetry finds, Miss Cecilia! Happy Saturday!

  4. Happy Saturday before Easter Sunday and great symmetry finds. we all need to stop and think how much we need the Fireman and Policeman, they are part of our daily safety in many things.

  5. We like the interesting collection of pictures you have today.

  6. Our fire trucks accompany police cars often, but I'm just wondering if these guys weren't there just to watch! Cutting down huge trees is really an artform.

  7. Hari OM
    My word, I swear your photographic skillz are growing fast with all this looking out for symmetry!!! isn't it fun? I love the orange line of the barriers... YAM xx

  8. Those were terrific photos. We've got tons of orange barrels out on our main road and they're not as neat as those barriers.

  9. Those barriers have been put up very neatly. Here they would be higgledy piggledy.

  10. Good pics! Better safe than sorry for sure.

  11. I am certainly learning about symmetry or at least to look for it. We have had a lot of tree removal here and replanting, too! I am just beginning to feel like myself... it has been funky.

  12. I LOVE your photos today! Such wonderful juxtapositions! Thanks for visiting us and we hope you are having a marvellously Happy Easter weekend!

  13. Very nice Symmetry today. Great to see your photos


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi