My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thoroughly Thankful Poetic Thursday #13

Today I'm joining the 

Thankful Thursday hosted by


Monday, I mentioned an unexpected dental visit due to a crown popping loose.  I'm thankful my dentist has an 8:30 am appt for emergency.  Thankful that I didn't swallow the crown, thankful the Xrays indicated main issue with the crown was age, thankful that he was able to temporarily put it back in place (because that sucker was SENSITIVE to everything). I have an appt April 6, 2021, to start the process for a new crown to be made.

  Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS  

Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our inspiration

Oh boy I'd do that in a heart beat MAYBE several times..!!!

This is a BIG APRIL FOOL's 

First let me just say this photo made this ditzy gal dizzy.  Since I can say with 100% certainty, I would never do this, these words made from heights express what my mind's eye sees:

Elevated blood pressure
Incredibly scary
Great googly gook I can't look
Sorry no can do

Below is a picture  (about 6 years ago) of my brave hubby just before he started across. In my younger days, I did go across the bridge but not any more.
Note the young girl trying to steady herself.
I'm told the bridge is actually a suspension husband said he didn't feel any can read about the bridge here



  1. hahaha yes... but my furst part would be sorry no can do hahahahaha

  2. That top picture 'inspired' similar thoughts here of the breakfast cereal...

  3. Neither one would be for me - nope!

  4. That is a bit freaky indeed.......I sometimes have a problem with heights but not always.....a moving bridge might be "a bit much" for me though! Well done on the HEIGHTS "translation" for the Poetry Photo challenge.....!!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. I did not see that about your crown on Monday... it's always something. Just NO on the suspension bridge... NO! And I don't even have to say what I think about the kayaking peeps!

  6. Glad all went well at the dentist

  7. NOPE to any of those.

    Glad you got an appointment with the dentist.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. We think your poem is perfect for that picture. That looks too scary to believe and so does that bridge.

  9. Well, Madi's Queen Mum deserves a new Crown! None of us are fond of heights either and our Mom is afraid of bridges, yet she drove across the Golden Gate Bridge 5 times by herself. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Glad your dentist was able to get you a temporary fix until you can get it repaired. Great poem. I would never go on the bridge. XO

  11. Yes that's a big April Fools joke for sure. A good one though.

    I'll wait with you at that mile high bridge. Not going there and my hubby would never step on it either.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  12. eeeeek I am afraid of heights also! Have a lovely April Fools Day!

  13. I'm right there with you on your comments about how you feel about that picture! *shiver and shudder and feelings of panic*

  14. Well now, I'll just say 'nope!' and move along!

  15. That bridge is amazing, I don't know if I'd walk across or chicken out - probably get a few steps on it and then chicken out - MOL!

  16. Mom is with you - no way, never, no how would she do that. Heck, she couldn't even look down, never mind ride down:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. OOh I am ot a huge fan of heights and bridges like this. Your hubby was sure brave. AGood to see everyone here today.

  18. You are lucky that your dentist is giving appointments. Our dentist has been closed since last March unless it is a dire emergency like your head is going to fall off. I had a bridge attached to a crown on either side which came out last May! I rang them and they said to come and get some wax to put over the sharp spikes that were left in my gum. Of course as soon as I closed my mouth the spikes cut right through the wax. At least no-one can see my gappy smile through my mask!

  19. Funny, I'm very scared of heights now. But as a child growing up in Niagara Falls NY, I had no problem standing at the edge of the Falls, or walking across the Rainbow Bridge to the Canadian side. (Yes, there is a real Rainbow bridge!) My biggest excitement then was riding the cable car across the Whirlpool. Today? That would be a big NOPE!

    Hope your dental work goes well.

  20. Great thankful and love that take on Height! Love the photos and that bridge! Wow! I would try, if I was 30 years younger

  21. I LOVE your HEIGHT! I totally agree! And I actually thought that photo was a photoshop. When I found out it was real, I just about fainted! And suspension bridges, there is a terrific one in Vancouver that I could not walk across either! Thanks for your great post and I hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  22. So glad that your crown will be fixed and the tooth is taken care of for now! I don't do heights either. I keep trying but I get so scared that I am paralyzed and can't take another step. Crazy! What a gorgeous photo of the bridge!

  23. I went through dental hell last year. I hope you are done soon. It will allbe worth it.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi