My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Selfies of many species

 from Shelley Lake on a recent trek.

We were at the top of the trail to the bridge when we saw this little pup and her mom in the middle of the bridge.  To our surprise Mom asked: May she come over to say hi?  OF COURSE I said.
Her name is Kimiko, a 6 month old Poodle.  Her mom said she is socializing her by letting her meet people.  Kimiko had the most adorable prance.  
In hindsight (no pun intended) I wish I had thought to ask for a photo of Kimiko's sweet face.

It is rare to see  three species coexisting quietly.
Normally there is quacking, honking and territorial wing flapping.

All three were enjoying this secluded cove just under the bridge in above photo

It was very shallow the duck and the Mallard are actually walking

 Selfie of the sweet deer we saw a week or so ago at Shelley Lake
Space Art from Lunapic

Water color Lunapic


  1. Hari Om
    Ooh, I like that last one... Nice shot of the three waterbirds - and maybe you'll meet Kimiko again! YAM xx

  2. Great photos and Lunapic work too! That little poodle pup is SOOO tiny!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  3. Gail says she loves the way poodles prance so prettily.
    I want you to know I too have an adorable, light-pawed trot.
    Toodle pip!

  4. You can see the prancing in the photo already.

    I recently saw a dog that refused to go with its owner (it was on a leash) until it had greeted me. Once I had let it smell me, given it a few strokes and spoken to it, it was happy to leave. So funny.

  5. adorable puppy. good idea for the mom to socialize. i have asked people who appear to like Beau if he can visit them. i can tell by the way they look at him if they like big dogs. he adores to meet new people. Isn't it odd how a photo that you can hardly see the deer Lunapic brings them out.. the details I mean

  6. Such a nice bunch of critters and pretty art too!

  7. Kimiko's mom is nice to let other people get to know her. Cool thing about there being 3 different kinds of ducks hanging out together.

    I like your deer art.

  8. Kimiko looks so cute prancing next to her mom. How fun to see those three water fowl hanging out together.

  9. Great shots and I love your art. XO

  10. The Watercolour effect really brings out the detail in the photo. It is nice that the poodle' mom is getting her used to other people.

  11. Fun photos and artwork!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Mother Nature's Zoo Walk ... how delightful! Choosing the sparkle of space for your deer photo was an inspiration, it's just so right.

  13. Nice to see the different effects on the photo of the deer. I like the Space Art and Water Color is always a favorite. It is pretty interesting to see the goose and ducks floating or walking contentedly together! I guess, thinking about it, I have seen them on lakes being sociable together. Good Afternoon!

  14. We loved the Sunday selfies and Kimiko is such a little girl!

  15. It's a lot of work to properly raise a pup, but so important. I'm glad her mom is doing so well with it. Happy Sunday!

  16. Kimiko and ducks is a great way to spend a Sunday.

  17. Great shots! We love them all, except maybe the deer...they are being pests, especially on the morning walk, they are a little aggressive when they see Cinnamon! Even I, Marv, run and hide when I see them coming!

  18. Oh, what a FABulous walkie! Findin' new furiends is always funs! I would loves to socialize with her! BOL!!!! And DUCKIES!!! I loves duckies! they fly overs all the time! What? oh. Ma said those were Geese not duckies. Wells, they makes lots of noise....
    You pics are BEAUTIFULS!!! I likes the space art one!
    Have a most FABulous Sunday my furiend!
    Hopefully our intermutts will be working nows....🙄
    Ruby ♥

  19. I ask people if they want to pet Lucy because that really makes her day! They usually say yes, but I get an occasional no with a look of fear. So sad.
    Love, love, love the deer pics. Either could be used at Christmas, but especially the first one.

  20. What a nice collection of creatures great and small

  21. I love each and every one of these!!!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi