My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 16, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday from my nephews

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus
Dearest Auntie HiC
First of all we are settled back into our routine at home.  It took us all a while to get used to alllllllllllll the space we have here.

We had a visitor on our deck  Monday (July 12)  morning...Dad sent it on its way
before we could get too upset, butt he left his pawgraph for us

  Here is a short video 

Lovingly your nephews,
Pup, Kat and Rocky

Tuesday morning a young bear was spotted in a tree on the campus of Rex Hospital which is about a mile from the NC Museum of Art trail where we often take our walks... This hospital is smack in the middle of the city.  I suspect the bear might live in the woods near the Art museum.  Police and wild life biologist planned to remain on site hoping he will come down on his own. 

here is his photo

  GOL (growl out loud).  He who growls last wins the prize.
  Rex (I named him that since he was spotted on the hospital campus) the black bear, was lured down around midnight, July 13, with donuts and sardines. Wildlife officers left a trail of goodies on a path toward a wooded area. 
After getting donuts and sardines, I predict Rex might come back for seconds.  However, I hope he learned his lesson. 

Feline Friday:

My feline nephews sent me this adorable cartoon.
If you have been or are owned by a cat, you are smiling!


  1. oooh my a real bear... we love this guy and we wish we had such visitors too! ...and we agree for da negotiation... it's great when things are short, but clearly and precise ;O)

  2. I think you are right. Rex may become a regular visitor if he thinks he will be rewarded with donuts and sardines.
    Glad the nephews have all settled back in at home.

  3. That is one big handsome bear! My daughter sees bears in her neighborhood all the time and they try to lure him with donuts.

  4. I love bears! Though they probably should be enjoyed from a distance :)

  5. Poor bear, hope he moves out of town and doesn't get hurt. The cat negotiations are perfect!

  6. I would have a fit if I saw a bear on my porch.
    Donuts and sardines...oh boy! I'd come out of a tree for donuts. They can keep the sardines.
    I love the cat cartoon.
    I hope you have a very happy weekend.

  7. Bertie thinks he would love to have such a visitor.
    He would not.

  8. I would be terrified about a bear visitor! I bet Rex will return for more goodies. The cat negotiation is so true lol! Have a great weekend. :)

  9. Hari OM
    Oh my word what a wonderfurs post today!!! Not only are the travellers home and had the reverse of the 'three bears tale' to sort out, but you have a local bloke too!!! (or maybe it is Rexina???) I do hope that all are safe and can live in harmony. YAM xx

  10. WOW, the bears are sure out n' about this year! You look quite happy Rocky and Pup!

  11. one post, 2 bears. wow.... we have them here too but about 10 to 15 miles from us, so far none in our part of town... glad all he left at the home Of Kat, Rocky and PUP was a paw print... happy to see the 3 of you pop up here today... that is one cute bear in the tree. I am thinking Rex will want more food. great post, love it

  12. OMD...What a beary wonderful post today Auntie C!! Seems there have been bears everywhere!! Mama says there are a few bear families around us, but unfortunately(Mama says thankfully) our fence keeps them out of our backyard!

    Rosy and the Gang

  13. A bear on the deck is pretty scary... I even let out a "holy smokes" when I saw that big pawprint!!! You all look good after your vacation and I bet even though you enjoyed it, it is always good to be back home! Rex the bear needs to stay in his woods I think. The cartoon about the fine art of feline negotiation is TRUE!

  14. That is a visitor I don't want which is why we stio feedingbirds in the spring. XO

  15. We're glad we don't have any of those bears living near us. The deer around here are big but obviously no threat to us...just our plants.

  16. That logic works for Prince Isaiah!!!

    My goodness, I'm wondering why they didn't coax the bear and then relocate it to a safer area for all!! That paw print would probably make me calling a realtor!!

  17. Aw, look at all the room you have indeed. It's good to go, but it's ever so wonderful to come back home.

    Negotiate with a cat? I agree, just give them whatever they want.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  18. LOVED that cartoon and yes, I was smiling! I give in all the time to my own discomfort. We have black bears all over the place here. I would NOT like one to climb up onto my deck! I hope to goodness sakes the wildlife people do NOT euthanize the Bear. They do that too often. We ought to visit and exchange bears. XX

  19. Well of course we totally agree with the cartoon about "negotiating"......we get what we want when we want PERIOD. I hope the bear decides to stay in his woods where it's nice and cool. We've had two bear visitors in all the years Mom and Dad have lived here....I wasn't around for either but Angel Sammy was and he was NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. We love that cartoon! Sorry we've not been around much. Dad says he just doesn't have the time these days, but he knows we're all super busy. He was out front talking with a contractor the other day when one of our local bears came lumbering down the driveway towards them. Dad called for mom to come outside, and they watched as the big guy (or girl?) went into the trees nearby and stayed. We know there are tons of berries in there, so that may be why.

  21. What happened to "Do not feed the bears?" Yep, bet he/she will be back!

  22. So good to see the crew and how scary that could have been. They come for food.
    That Negotiation was a mirror to our house. Uncanny MOL


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi