My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Serene Sunday and Plates

 Shelley Lake

*means I could not decide on meaning

1. 5STARSHIP on a Tesla
2. TRPRVAN, tripper or trooper van?
5. WFPKFAN, Wolfpack Fan, NC State University's mascot is a Wolf
7.LINC2HIM*, Link to him
8.YKSHRLAS, Yorkshire Las
9. CLNAIR, Clean air
10. WSKI, water ski

 11. FINSLFT, Fins Left a line in a Jimmy Buffet song, FINS
12. FINSUP, Fins Up, another line in the same Buffet song.
click here if you are interested in hearing the song.
Many of you may not know how Jimmy Buffet but he is quite popular on the East Coast! We like him here at Manor Madi
13.  HOPELVS, Hope Loves
14. SPUMONI on a Fiat
the car had the ability to go in water.  There is a snorkel looking contraption on it.
16. SADEH2O, *
17.HLDYRHRZ, Hold your horses..I like this one!!
18. BLURUF, Blue Roof?
19. M-DUB*
20. CHMY, Chimney on a Great Smoky Mountain Plate
Chimney Rock is a big tourist attraction click here we were there in 2019.


  1. The canopy of trees at Shelley Lake makes a peaceful mood with the lighting.
    I love "hold your Horses" too!

  2. That path needs a leprechaun tripping down it the one that's running through the green grass in the trees I just love that picture and it made me think where leprechauns play

  3. Some of those are strange. Happy Sunday.

  4. How beautiful! I want to be right there in those photos. I always have a hard time figuring out the plates.

  5. Shelley Lake is such a wonderful place!

  6. The trees sure look lovely and those are sure some interestng plates!

  7. Rats! I had a license plate for you. Let me go back and look. Forgot what it was. Must be those Temptations I tried to eat! LOVE that scenery you put in for us today. I'm almost ready to move there. Maybe a house between yours and my boy 's... Yeah! Best of both worlds.

  8. Such pretty and peaceful pictures of Shelley lake. We enjoy reading all of those plates and are stumped on most of them too.

  9. We don't have a lot of personalized plates around here. But then I really don't go anywhere besides work, and grocery shopping. Then, when I see one, I can never remember it by the time I get home!

    Anyhow, those are such pretty pictures of the woods. Reminds me of going to Cook Forest every summer when I was a kid.

  10. Beautiful photo. I am always amazed at how many plates you find. I never see anywhen I go out ( which is not often). XO

  11. Could 6 be take care? Happy Sunday!

  12. I've always fantasised about having a SEAJEEP!
    Cheers, Gail.

  13. That looks a lovely peaceful place for a walk.

  14. That looks like an interesting trail - just love that lake of yours!

    Hugs, Pam


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi